Ridicule, Dangerous, Evident | Its a revolution.

in #steemstem5 years ago (edited)

In his TedX Liege talks,

Idriss Aberkane claims that all Revolutionary processes go trough 3 stages of public perception...

1) Ridicule

A proposal that might be counter intuitive will face rejection from those who does not understand it and this will be fueled by the hatred of those who understand it, but realize it will affect their dominance and means of mass controlling people.

2) Dangerous

As enlightenment occurs, and people starts understanding it, the hatred fueled campaign by those who will loose their power will be less and less effective and only the less bright candles will be manipulated by it.

3) Evident

Once the first results are seen and it shows improvement for a majority of the population, even the worse detractors start thinking "why didn't we thought of this before?"

How to make war on war: Developping Weapons of Mass Construction.

Why this got me thinking?

Well lets look at blockchain technologies...

I myself wrinkled a 100 BTC Gift Certificate from a software vendor when BTC was a few cents and we spent weeks making jokes about how it would change the financial paradigm of the world, this was back in the earlier 2000, don't really remember, but at the time the whole thing seemed ridicule and naive.

During the 2017 surge while i was crying remembering that wrinkled paper used to play office basketball, banks and governments started to find BTC and block chain technology Dangerous and some governments like the Chinese or Venezuelan ones cracked down on BTC mining facilities claiming a war on excess electricity consumption.

More recently big companies, banks and other big actors from the financial world have been looking at implementing blockchain technologies in their operations, trying to make their centralized tokens succeed and embracing the concept like if it was theirs...

Which stage do you think the Block chain revolution is in?

I think it is currently in between the three of them, and also think that we are all holding the wrong ALTs, with a few exceptions that might get lucky.

So next time someone starts a counter intuitive measure in your viccinity, look around and ask yourself: Is this riduculous enough? Is it potentially dangerous enough? Fuck! doesn't is it evident that the train of change is about to come?

To the moon rocket logo used without permission

Then decide if you stay on the rails waiting to be hit by it, if you jump to the sidelines and let the train pass, or if you do your best to try and jump onboard before it is too late...

And remember, always cash out at least half of your holdings during the first surge!

But always keep a small amount in case it goes to the moon.

That way you will be sure to be able to spend the rest of your days snorting cocaine from a bare hooker ass and shitposting around!

Since the pictures in this post are people making faces i tough it would be appropiate to insert the link to Africa metal version as the Youtube video shows Hannah making a face while singing.

By way of deception thou shalt make war.

"Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety."
Proverbs 24:6

Join our discord server if you need help: Block Chain Private Services


I will hold a few amount of every crypto. Thanks for the advice.

@tipu curate 2

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