
I somehow see why there are restrictions and some kind of regulations for buying KMnO4. It does have quite some oxidizing power. Unfortunatelly I can not find the video right now where a friend of mine and I experimented with some leftovers of this substance and got really nice results: A jet of a flame and a molten can of aluminium. - :)

Haha i guess permanganate with glycerol? (The first part of the video)

A similar effect to burning a match is a result of the much stronger oxidizing power of KMnO4 than molecular oxygen (4 O atoms vs. 2 O atoms). A substance having a high number of C-H bonds is when added to it, fire chemistry happens.
KMnO4 + Glycrine (High concentration of C-H bonds) → Fire + Ash + CO2 + H2O

humm, it would be difficult to compare in this way to me. As the oxidizing power of KMnO4 is originated from the Mn(VII) high oxidation state. Higher number of oxygen atoms does not necessarily contribute to a stronger oxidizing power.
ie: CO2 have 2 oxygen atoms but is is not strongly oxidizing, when you compare with H2O2 which you also have 2 oxygen in it.
The oxidizing power are usually described in a thermodynamic point of view, where standard reduction potential would be the standard way of doing comparison.

Yeah @mcw it was this kind of mixture :-)

And thx for your response on the oxidizing power :-) ... saved me some typing. :-P

Haha ~
You used to play chemicals as well XDDD

有聲的 XD (有點臺灣人說出來的感覺 XD)




原来我妈不是乱盖的哈哈。她当时好像是从国有企业的医务所开药开的,好像不是免费就是很便宜,不可能有85美元这么贵,不然这消毒液 真是太贵了哈哈哈哈哈


所以洗完就變黃金腳 XDD


那就~~ 讓香港腳洗一洗,殺菌後變黃金腳 XDD

不要沒結果啊xDDD 讀到最後還是沒結果讓讀者好糾結!


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