Tectonic Plates, Do they represent one of the factors that makes life possible?

in #steemstem7 years ago
The earth, formed 4,600 million years ago, is the largest of the rocky planets, not gaseous and until now, the only one that is known to have organic life as we know it. This sphere, called earth, turns out to be the densest, with the most intense magnetic field and the highest surface gravity as well as an abundant amount of water. When our scientists compare the earth with other planets in the universe, they find great differences, even though what is known up to now of their formation processes are similar.

Image 1. Planet Earth.

While on other planets you can see large craters produced by the collisions that gave them their shape, like in the earth; in ours those craters are not very visible, this due to the continuous action of entities such as the hydrosphere, atmosphere and the most striking, the movement of tectonic plates that, although they are what give rise to phenomena so feared by humans, result also be the biggest responsible for our planet earth is habitable.

About Tectonic Plates

The theory of plate tectonics is that which explains the origin of the formations on the surface of the earth; this theory suggests that the outer layer of the earth is divided into different segments of rigid rock that slide over the mantle. These layers are what we know as the lithosphere, they are the most solid and are external to the nucleus; after years of studies, it was learned that the lithosphere is arranged in a kind of mosaic with many fractions that in certain places has contact with less solid material, thus generating fissures and separations in the plates.

In this sense it can be said that, tectonic plates are essentially solid plates composed of rocks, earth, minerals and other natural materials that tend to move; thus giving constant shape to the land we know. Consequently, our planet has two types of tectonic plates, which were divided taking into account the crust that forms the surface; having thus, the oceanic (they are submerged and composed by iron and magnesium) and the mixed ones (covered of partial way by continental and oceanic crust).

Image 2. Tectonic Plate Boundaries.

Operation of the Tectonic Plates

The scientific studies carried out on tectonic plates have allowed us to observe three types of movements in these, thanks to which it has been understood what these different movements can cause. So that we can also understand a little, I explain you briefly.

  1. There are three movements derived from the tectonic plates; On the one hand, it is known that the separation of two or more plates, produce what we know as faults, this brings with it the renewal of the ocean floor, as well as the elevation of mountains and volcanoes through cracks (faults). To this act, scientists have given it the name of Divergent Movement.

  2. On the other hand, when two plates collide with each other, they tend to curve, causing the formation of mountainous mountain ranges. This type of movement can also cause a process called subduction, which is when an oceanic plate, which is usually the thickest, sinks beneath the continental (thinner); which also causes mountainous systems, by raising the upper layer, On the other hand, the lower plate melts and comes to the surface through volcanic eruptions. The movements causing this are called Converging.

  3. Another type of movement is known as Sliding or Transformative, these occur when two plates move in opposite directions, these are the cause of the feared and often devastating earthquakes.

Image 3. Types of Movement.

Are Tectonic Plate Movements Really Necessary for Life?

Now that we already know a little about the tectonic plates and what they can cause, the question would be, Why do scientists think that the movements produced by these plates are indispensable for life? Well, here are the explanations that many make. to support this theory.

Image 4. Structure Volcano.
Although the beings that inhabit the earth turn out to be an important factor for the development of life, the movements generated by the tectonic plates are also a fundamental part to make the earth habitable. Processes such as subduction (when two plates overlap) cause volcanic eruptions; phenomena that not only bring destruction, they are also responsible for the amount of carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas) regulated in the atmosphere; if this process did not happen, the planet would be too cold. On the other hand, subduction is also responsible for the creation of mountains; which drive the air upwards, forming raindrops that help the extraction of carbon that is lodged in the atmosphere. The water produced by rain flows to the oceans, where carbon creates organic bodies such as the well-known sea shells (rigid coverage that certain animals possess).

Other Contributions

Image 5. Magnetosphere Rendition.
The varied studies to the tectonic plates also suggest that processes such as erosion and weathering, extract from the material rocks such as zinc, copper and phosphorus, which go to the sea, providing nutrients for organisms such as plankton. It is thought that by the tectonic movements that displaced the continents inducing the creation of varied habitats, thus promoting the evolution of life. It is also thought that the constant movements made by the plates have an important role in the Earth's magnetic field, which acts as a great shield that prevents the solar wind from destroying our protective atmosphere.

Personal Opinion

Image 6. The Earth.
Everything that our planet possesses is an important factor that contributes in some way to the evolution of the land we know; from living organisms with their different capacities to those phenomena that humans fear, have resulted in great contributions for the creation of a habitable land surface, with incredible landscapes and diversity.

Tectonic plates turn out to be such a valuable component for the earth, that even scientists think that for a planet to increase the degree of habitability it would be indispensable to have plates that make the same changes they have made on earth; however, these hypotheses are still under study, since there are scholars who believe that these are not so necessary for life on earth to have developed. The reality is that, although the movements of the tectonic plates bring catastrophes to the surface, they also bring incredible benefits that allow our permanence on the planet we call home.

Web References

References of Images

Image 1.
Image 2.
Image 3. Created by the author.
Image 4.
Image 5.
Image 6.


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