SteemFest and sustainable tourism

in #steemstem6 years ago

Hi friends of Steemit

In recent times I have been struck by the realization of the SteemFest. I find it beautiful to be able to meet, not only on the Steemit platform but also from person to person. So, applause to the organizers!

With this publication I wish to make a proposal so that these festivals or meetings serve to promote a sustainable or sustainable tourism, in any place where they are carried out.

Source: Under the Wikimedia Commons license. Author Pollifer

The tourist activity is healthy for the spirit and for the body. However, it is an economic activity that generates user income expenses, in various goods and services, in the regions that are visited.

This activity must be understood as a systemic model in which all the parties involved must achieve their objectives in a harmonious way. That is, tourists must achieve satisfaction in the quality of the services offered, and the ventures or territories visited must have a positive impact, during and after the tourist trip.

There is no reason to deny that between the 70s and 80s of the last century, the negative impacts of tourism were devastating, in several of its dimensions, and therefore tourism activity had to be reoriented.

Hence, the first definitions of sustainable tourism emerge as an alternative that emphasizes respect for the environment with sustainability in the medium and long term, and that considers the carrying capacity as well as the volume of human displacement as priority concepts in the tourist activity.

Source: Pixabay

I will stop here to avoid unnecessary controversy. In the original publication, in the spanish language, the sustainable (“sostenible”) may be relatively different than the sustainable (“sustentable”) but for the post they worked as synonyms. However, they are paradigms that are supported in different schemes in the spanish language. The sustainable (“sostenible”), normally, is referred to or associated with the balance between the social, the economic and the environmental; while the sustainable (“sustentable”) refers to the fact that the same equilibrium must be sustained over time.

Therefore, sustainable tourism must protect receiving localities and must serve, as an opportunity, to manage resources and thus provide satisfaction to the economic, social, environmental and aesthetic needs of those who perform this activity.

In summary, sustainable tourism must be economically viable; it must provide satisfaction to tourists (plaintiffs) as well as benefits for the local society (bidders), and it must be a strategic tool for the rational use of natural resources.

Source: STEEMFest 3. Blog of @jeffjagoe

Now, going back to the title of this post, that is, SteemFest and sustainable tourism. It is clear that my intention is to make more SteemFest in different parts of the world and that it is possible to expand and consolidate projects on the Steemit platform. In the same way, I believe that if we do it under the premises of sustainable tourism we can have positive impacts on local societies.

The sustainable tourism of the Steetminians should be visible, in such a way that it is an example of a user society that thinks, organizes, dreams and believes in the sustainability of our ecosystem as an alternative for the future ... increasingly true and close.

To paraphrase, and to finish, the Steetminians of today we must enjoy and take advantage of the platform thought that the Steetminians of the future can do it too.

If you want to read the text in its original language (Spanish) you can go the following link Here.

Thank you for reading. Welcome, your comments.

Infinite greetings and until an upcoming post.

EquipoCardumen. We are traveling friends

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