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RE: Artificial Intelligence Systems Already in Use Today

in #steemstem6 years ago

In relation to your conclusion:

Technology is still in its infancy. What many companies are calling Artificial intelligence today are not what it is. A real artificial intelligence system should be able to learn on its own from past interactions and behavior of humans.

I will propose an argument against this sentiment. Artificial intelligence has nothing to do with learning but rather it is a system that is in attempt to use information to produce the most favorable outcome. What I mean is AI should just be able to distinguish what the most favorable outcome is and then use the information to get there. Meaning something as simple as a login screen, which takes a username and password and if they are correct then it logs the user in, to be just as much AI as a back-propagation neural network. I mean they may not fit to be considered AI by science fiction standards, but there is a reason its called science fiction.

Oh, also AI is more than just advanced learning software, in the most general sense.


We are practically saying the same thing from my conclusion because talking about learning, means it could produce outcomes from previous experience for example I try to shop online and after that I use my Browser for something else, if the platform I shopped with has an advert system, the advert I will be seeing is from my last order I mean things related to my last order that means the system learnt from My previous shopping

Thanks for the comment
Learnt from you also

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