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RE: Please, disturb! A Tribute to annoyances

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

Very good post and naturally upvoted as you have tons of things to say. Re the quizz, I don't like buses that run off from under my nose. What about Controversy? That can evoke some negativity. I suppose one could say that controversy wakes people up or is supposed to, sometimes a negative and sometimes the opposite. I posted something yesterday and entitled it "When a glimpse of stocking" or somesuch and got one lovely vote from a like-minded gentleman in my feed list and whom I am following. It made my day, but had I entitled it differently, for example it should have read: "No knee patting please!" and it would have gotten lots of attention. You have to read it to get my gist but it was meant to provoke interest because I think it went a bit too far in the U.K. this week. Though I made my viewpoint clear i hope, really enjoyed reading your post thank you.


You are very right. The attention only comes through irritation. When our lazy eye slides down the headlines it only stops, when something triggers our attention by irritation, by "disturbance" - something in the headline must shake us, wake the interest, it must interrupt the habit of reading, of what we already know. If you have the line "dog bites man" it is not very catchy, but if you read "man bites dog" it will get your attention.

Everything else is just taste or time:-)

By the way: I liked your headline much more, it suits you and it has an elegant touch.

"Controversially" I understand as objecting to something. It has also its positive outcome. Topics which are discussed in that way can be very inspiring. So yes, I agree with you, it also has both sides.

What positive can come out of it when you miss the bus? I just want not to release you from the hook:)

Clever thoughtful girl you. That you make someone else think and want to discuss is half the battle.

You can take me, but you will never take my bunghole, Hm heh.... For I am the Great Cornholio Hm heh I have no bunghole, hm heh...

? don't get what you say. Please help me out.

Just ignore those sh*** bots.. Really, they are so annoying. Especially in this case they make me angry because their are destroying the flow of communication.

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