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RE: Please, disturb! A Tribute to annoyances

in #steemstem7 years ago

You are very right. The attention only comes through irritation. When our lazy eye slides down the headlines it only stops, when something triggers our attention by irritation, by "disturbance" - something in the headline must shake us, wake the interest, it must interrupt the habit of reading, of what we already know. If you have the line "dog bites man" it is not very catchy, but if you read "man bites dog" it will get your attention.

Everything else is just taste or time:-)

By the way: I liked your headline much more, it suits you and it has an elegant touch.

"Controversially" I understand as objecting to something. It has also its positive outcome. Topics which are discussed in that way can be very inspiring. So yes, I agree with you, it also has both sides.

What positive can come out of it when you miss the bus? I just want not to release you from the hook:)


Clever thoughtful girl you. That you make someone else think and want to discuss is half the battle.

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