Health benefits of beer

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

This post is inspired by @trumpman ‘s beer challenge. I couldn’t be a part of the challenge because I know I’d sure lose out hahahaha so I decided to tell you that a pint isn’t as bad as you think it is for your health. Moderate! I mean “Moderate” intake of beer could be very beneficial for our health now and in the future.

Consumption of alcoholic drinks which beer happens to be, is assumed to be affiliated with damage and destruction of our body and health. This post aims at telling us the benefits we can get or the good we can do to our body and health through moderate consumption of beer.

After reading this, I know some of us would go get a pint or glass of beer to maintain good health and in the process not feel bad over our nightly ale.

Brief History of Beer
Beer is one of the most frequently used alcoholic drinks and also the third most popular drink in the world which is next to tea and water.
Beer belongs to the group of the oldest prepared beverages and the first time beer was produced traces back to the early Neolithic period (9500 BC).
Hops was introduced into the production of beer in 822AD with usage pioneered by the Germans.

Germany which was the first country to introduce hops in the production of beer was also the first country to have implemented ingredient regulation with The Reinheitsgebot of 1516, referred to as The Purity Law. Purity law stated that water, malt, and hops should be the only ingredients used in the production of beer.

The ingredients below are consider as a standard for the production of beer and they are as follows;

Barley – This is the most important ingredient in the production of beer. Barley grains are mostly low in proteins and fat, but contain high amount of starch. Starch is made up of sugar molecules and it is the grain’s food reserve.

Hops – hops offers unique flavor to the beer because of its characteristics property of possessing essential oils. Hops is used as a spice in the production of beer.

Water – water is the most composition of beer. The flavor of beer can also be affected by the different mineral composition of water from distinctive regions. This is the main reason why beer consisting of the same formula and ingredient can taste different in different regions.

Yeast – This is the ingredient responsible for the fermentation of beer and it produces flavor compounds. The yeast metabolizes sugar as its main function, the sugar which it metabolizes are extracted from grains.

This process results in the production of alcohol and carbon dioxide which turns the liquid that is extracted during brewery to beer.


  • Beer contains hops, hops contains vitamins. A study carried out in Netherlands showed that there was a 30 percent increase in vitamin B6 in beer drinkers, which is very plausible because hops contain high amount of vitamin. This is very Beneficial because vitamin B6 helps to battle heart disease.

Alcohol which is also an antioxidant, may contribute in part to help in the decrease of heart disease.

  • A study has shown that moderate consumption of beer for example a pint a day could help in the slowing down of high-density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL is also known as good cholesterol.

Cholesterol is the most abundant steroid in the tissues of animals. It is a waxy substance that is produced mainly in the liver, although most body cells can produce it when necessary.

It is important for our health as it is being utilized in the production of hormones, vitamin D, bile acids and cell membranes. There are divided into two main type which are ; - good HDL cholesterol and bad low density lipoprotein (LDL).

The good HDL-cholesterol helps in removing LDL-cholesterol from the circulation and transports it back to the liver to be processed.

  • It can prevent type 2 diabetes

A study was carried out by dutch researchers where they analyzed thirty eight thousand (38,000) male health professionals and discovered that when the male who were not drinkers started drinking moderately for over 4 years, they were not or less likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Risk of type 2 diabetes is reduced because beer increases insulin sensitivity.
With that being said, I am not saying you should go get drunk. Only moderate consumption is good for our health

  • It can help with stress and anxiety
    Moderate consumption of beer can help in reducing stress, known contributors of heart disease and anxiety.

As dictated by Mayo Clinic, beer or alcoholic drinks could reduce the risk of dying of a heart attack and also it could reduce the risk of stroke.

  • Beer Protects us against gallstones – The moderate consumption of beer can help in reducing the risk of symptomatic gallstone disease.

  • Moderate consumption of beer improves heart health – Research has proven that people who drink beer have 42% lower risk of getting a cardiovascular disease, compared to those who don’t drink beer. Moderate consumption of beer can also lower the risk or chances of getting a heart attack.

A research carried out by a team of researchers at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania discovered that dark ales and stouts could reduce the chances of heart attacks.

Dr Joe Vinson, a professor of chemistry and lead author on a 2000 study, divulged that beer can help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis (A situation where artery walls become clogged up with fatty substances and cholesterol) by as much as half.

The Journal of Epidemiology divulged a 40 percent decrease in kidney stones among people who drink beer in moderate quantities.
This is due to the hydration from the beer since a similar finding is not noted with the consumption of other alcohol.

  • Beer facilitates recovery process – This is point is mostly important for people who carry out exercise regularly.

A study conducted by scientists where participants had to exercise until they reach a certain 104 degrees of body temperature with some using beer to re-hydrate and some using water to re-hydrate showed that those who used beer to re-hydrate recovered faster and had better hydration than those who use water.

Beer contains Niacin or vitamin B3, pantothenic acid, folic or folate acid, riboflavin or vitamin B2 and otherB vitamins.
How does these vitamins contained in beer help in improving our health ?

  • Niacin or Vitamin B3 is very crucial for a good health. Symptoms of the Deficiency of this vitamin is the existence of rash, diarrhea, and neurological deficits.

  • Riboflavin – Is also a crucial vitamin is could be referred to as Vitamin B2. The presence of symptoms like sore throat, conjunctivitis, lesions of the lips and some other skin conditions indicate the deficiency of riboflavin.

  • Pantothenic acid – Also known as Vitamin B5 is an essential vitamin for our well being and when deficient could cause headache, insomnia, intestinal disturbances, numbness of the hands and feet, tingling and fatigue.
  • Folic acid or Vitamin B9 is also an essential vitamin for good health.
  • Deficiency of vitamin B9 can be showed through symptoms like fatigue, lethargy, tender tongue, pale skin, irritability, and diarrhea.
  • Other B vitamins – Beer contains high amount of B vitamins and according to some studies, beer drinker have 30% more B vitamin in their body than those who do not.

Unique Benefits for Female beer drinkers

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition dictated that beer helps in preventing a reduction in bone density.
Beer is high in flavonoids which is gotten from the hops acts as a natural hormone replacement.

The National Osteoporosis Risk Assessment monitored more than 200,000 female beer drinker or alcohol drinkers and discovered that moderate consumption of beer or alcohol decreased the risk and chances of osteoporosis (This a medical condition in which the bones become fragile due to loss of tissue as a result of hormonal changes or deficiency in Vitamin D).

All these leads to a reduction in the rate of hip fractures in elderly or old females, which is very essential because hip fractures after the age of 65 are affiliated with a major increase in mortality or death rate.

You may be wondering
how much Beer you Should Drink Per Day? OR
How much beer is termed moderate?

Beer is very high in vitamins and is good for our health but this is only true if it’s taken in moderate quantities.
Don’t think the more beer you take the healthier you’ll be and the more your body will have high proportions of vitamins hahahaha.

When beer consumption is too high the irony of moderate consumption is the case which means high consumption of beer is bad for our health.
Moderate intake of beer is the key to improve our health in this context.

Scientists advice us to;

  • Drink moderate quantities of beer which is between 1-3 units or pints per day.

  • eat healthy meals

  • Consume consistent quantities of beer, which means if you have two pints today, you shouldn’t have 3 tomorrow

  • drink up to 21 beers per week as men while women can consume 14 pints in one week

  • stay away from drinking more than 5 pint within a short period of time.

What kind of beer should we consume and how do we store them.

  • Purchase and consume beers like craft beers or other beers that do not contain harmful ingredients.
  • Do not consume beer that are too cold to enable you taste all its components as when it is very cold it numbs our palate. Experts say we should cool off the beer a little before drinking.
  • Try not to store beer in the light – this is because light can decrease the beer’s quality which is the main reason the majority of companies have darker beer bottles. Store beer in dark and cool places.
  • Try not to drink beer on empty stomach – it can alter the way and rate at which our body processes alcohol.
  • try to drink in moderate quantities– know when to stop drinking. A few pints are more than enough to help us improve our health without damaging our health in the long run.


Do you know what beer and atomic bomb have in common?
A chain reaction

Did you know that the study of beer and beer-making has an official scientific name - zythology. It is derived from the Greek words “zythos” which means beer and “logos” which means study

Old Vikings used to believe that in their heaven which was called Valhalla, there is a giant goat whose udders produced unlimited supply of beer.

To see more beer facts click here


Beer is the most popular drink next to tea and water and is very good for our health when taken in moderate quantities.
You should try drink a pint or two per week to stay healthy hahahaha.

Ahoy! Beer drinkers
I hope someone just got excited after reading this because we won’t have to feel guilt for our nightly ale hahahaha.
Now tell me your favorite beer and how much you consume them in a week
Let’s converse
The comment section is open
Thank you for reading !


Brief History of Beer


Ref 3

Ref 4

All images used here are from pixabay and wikicommons which are liable for commercial use and licensed under Creative Commons.

I am a proud member of steemSTEM. You can join us on discord to meet STEM gigs and also follow @steemstem to read interesting STEM blogposts on #distilled.


Moderate consumption 😀 is that really possible???. Nice post well arranged guess you figured it out this time. I see you are also a good science student . Steem on!!!

HAHahah I wouldn’t have gotten it well without your help. Thanks again
Yeah moderate consumption is possible if we don’t dance to the beer’s music 😂😂

lol, you really cracked me up with your post. the topic drew my attention like a magnet. I'm a proud consumer of beer and I am so happy to add to my former knowledge that it is good for my health (quantity doesn't matter).

Lol hahahaha

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