Government Officials Release UFO Footage ( Do They Really Exist?)

in #steemstem7 years ago


Hey everyone Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

I was a bit skeptic creating that post but who cares i am doing it anyway. Recently i had made a similar post about the planet system that looks similar to ours Nasa found with the help of AI ( If you wanna check it out click here ) and a couple of days after the huge news came out. 

Basically the news concern one of the most critical subject that tons of movies,books,conspiracy theories,fear and excitement surround it. That matter is Whether there are aliens out there and if so how do they look like and if we had ever made contact with them. Scientists and the government a couple years ago had it fro granted that no life is out there and everyone who thinks so is crazy. Many people throughout these years said that witnessed UFO ( Unidentified Flying Object ) but probably they are indeed a bunch of crazy people or they really mislead what they saw and a recent example for that is that a few days ago a SpaceX's by Elon Musk rocket was treated either for a UFO or North Korean rocket lunch and here is the video

Now let's get back to UFO. Government officials basically admitted that the US Defense Department has been trying for years to proven this but ofc secretly. The government gave at US Defense Department about 600 million of budget and 22 of them went to the program named  

Advanced Aviation Thread Identification Program

That program started at 2007 at pentagon and it is rumored that stopped at 2012 but ofc that's not the case and it is continues till today. The person who wanted to start all of this was Harry Reid the Nevada Democrat that appointed his friend and billionaire Robert Bigelow who is right now working with NASA (hmm interesting). Robert Bigelow had said that  he is ''absolutely convince'' that aliens exist and that U.F.O.s have visited Earth. 

Bigelow about Aliens

What exactly they did there was unknown but the basics were to just look all the cases and talk with the people witnessing UFO. A former director of the program a military AI official named Luis Elizondo that resigned in October gave a classified video that ''proves'' UFO exists. Here is the video

My Thoughts 

i really have no clue either what is happening out there but as i keep saying, in a vast universe like this there is no chance that another form of life doesn't exist. I don't really know how exactly it will look, if it is a microbe or a creature like us and i don't care that much either. As for the video and pentagon, i am really not surprised by all this! Once again i don't know if the video is real and what happend after the video, what they did with that UFO or if they found out it was something else but i know for sure that the pentagon and government always hide stuff from us maybe for our own safety, maybe to just not panic everyone or maybe because they just don't want to.  For better or for worse mankind always seeks knowledge so we gonna find out sooner or later what exactly is happening

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Aliens are racist..whenever they visit Earth, they only visit US :(

haha maybe they are to close friends with them :P

Personally, I have tons of thoughts regarding this, but I don't want to hijack your comments section so I'll try to distill them. I do want the existence of other life to be true so badly. It's awfully sad if we're the only life in the vastness of space. And it's quite prideful for us to think that we're the only ones living in the whole universe.

Perhaps our sense of perception haven't evolved enough to "see" the other lives living among us. After all, we only see in three dimensions. Even though conspiracy theorists come off as crazy people, I really do think that some are really on to something. We shouldn't generalize them because the majority are just talking out of their asses.

There are tons of unexplained things in our world, and it would be irresponsible to remain close-minded. The way people shut down Ancient Alien theorists is one example I could think of. Who's to say that we're not born from so-called aliens themselves. Maybe the reason for all of the natural disasters is because of us. We don't belong in this world, and just like what happens to foreign bodies inside our own, the Earth has been trying to flush us out.

I find this topic very fascinating and it's always good to discuss these things!

haha you open a basket full of amazing theories! From what i have read about that The way people shut down Ancient Alien theorists it's really funny that the everyday person will automatically shut down these theories with arguments like ''it's stupid'' "not happening" but in fact both scientists and entrepreneurs take those theories into account and search thoroughly to find what it really means and judging by my post and the secrecy lvls every government keeps for better or for worse we don't know way too many things. As i mention in the post if you think about it it's really funny when you think that 20 years ago if you talk about life in another planet you were plain crazy and now it's the exact opposite :p thanks for the comment i really enjoy reading long ones!!

ahahaha umm I doubt it but I hope they exist!

Whatever the case is eventually we will find out. For now let's celebrate the holidays and eat!! :P

Thanks a lot for your comment!

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Of course UFO's exist. If you don't know what it is, and it is flying, it is a UFO. The question is, what is it? My guess is that "what they are hiding" is our own aircraft, or that of our enemies. Probably spy craft.

like ancient gods, if you couldn't grasp the situation then the lighting was Zeus! :p

wow, that is amazing
folback bro

just a friendly tip. When you click and on a post take some time to read it and make a useful comment or a funny one at least. Telling others to follow you back doesn't lead anywhere trust me

wow Very interesting Really beautiful work, ThankS you for sharing

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