Chernobyl's Wolf Population Is increasing

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

Hello I hope you are fine!

Today i came across an interesting article and i wanna share it with you. As the title suggest it is about the increment in wolves in the area of Chernobyl. We all have heard a bit about Chernobyl but i will write a few things in order to have a bigger and better picture of what happened there.


The Chernobyl disaster happened on 25-26 April of 1986 in the No 4 light water graphite moderated reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant which was near the town of Pripyat. Nowadays it is considered as Ukrainian soil but back then it was part of Soviet Union. (wikipedia)

The whole incident started in order to test if the turbines could generate enough energy in case they had loss of power and that test wasn't a new one, they have done it again. They started the test by turning down the reactor but when it reached 1% of it's capacity they tried to bring it back by increasing the power but then it got out of hand. The hot fuel merging with the cool water creating a reaction generating a steam explosion and then when air got into a graphite fire emerged too. That particular fire burned for 10 days releasing way too much radiation in the air. The whole problem occurred because the reactor had design flaws that's why it got out of hand as well as the operator didn't followed the procedure as it should have been because he was ordered to continue.

28 people directly involved died within 4 months as a result of radiation and burns and about 7000 kids below 18 obtained thyroid cancer. Others say that the number was up to 50 as a result of radiation and 30+ as a result of the explosion. About 300.000 evacuated their houses and resettled. In general it affected everything, the people, the fauna and fauna, the water nobody ''escaped' for example some animals instantly died or couldn't reproduce or they produced mutants. The good thing was that not everything was affected the same. As a result the government issued that there will be an Exclusion zone under military control in which the radiation is in extremely high levels and people must be away.

Wolf Population & Wildlife

This brings us to today and to the main purpose of the post. In that exclusion zone still people can't go except in some areas nearby that are open for tourism ( i will talk about this in another post probably). Although as everything in that particular area paid and pays the cost of the Chernobyl disaster, wolves among other animals increased in numbers. 

The fact that nobody interfered with the wildlife all this time made that increment possible. Literally all the animals there live all these years alone without humanity threatens their food and shelter. More specifically as a result of this the wolf population is seven times more than in the surrounding areas.

Scientists thought that probably some of those wolves as the numbers are always getting up will abandon that area and move forward to other ones. It's natural with so many wolves around someone to just try and find a new route to discover. As a matter of fact they found a young wolf who went far from the exclusion zone. With a tracker they measured that the young wolf moved 300km from the exclusion zone but due to a malfunction they couldn't actually know if it came back to it's home or moved further away.

Conclusion and Concerns 

The obvious conclusion scientists made is that this whole situation helped the wildlife to grow more and that other animals may have moved beyond the exclusion zone. Also a concern of scientists and that's if i may add is a real one was whether the animals that leave the exclusion zone will bring mutations alongside and what those mutations would mean for us? That's indeed very interesting as we have no idea if those mutations will bring harm,good or have no effect. 

For example let's say a chicken, sheep or something comes out of the exclusion zone and mate with another animal, will the child be a mutant or not? will the appearance be different or not? If we eat it, will it be bad for our health, will it gonna affect us when we bare our children or nothing at all? According to the same scientists they still haven't any evidence regarding that matter!

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I think these wolves have special properties and will destroy humanity ...

This could be the plot of a book, nice idea!

and this is how x-men in real life begins :P

well, the mongolians strongly believe that wolves play an important part of the ecosystem, perhaps the wolves will make things better at that area too. of course, we really need more supportive evidence

Are we seeing the birth of werewolves or at the very least dire wolves? One could hope! Chernobyl is such an interesting test case, and even now the fascination with it still hasn't dissipated.

i think Chernobyl, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were, are and will be a massive imagination hole for most of the post apocalyptic movies-series-book

Chernobyl more so than the other two. I think the other two are often mentioned with the war, but Chernobyl has spawned countless horror and sci-fi tales

Η ραδιενέργεια λένε υπάρχει και θα υπάρχει για πολλά χρονιά ακόμα στην περιοχή αυτή!!

ναι υπαρχει κ νομιζω για καμια 300 χρονια ακομα εκει θα ειναι, αλλα υπαρχουν καποια σημεια π ειναι πολυ μικρη κ αφηνουν κοσμο να μπαινει αλλα τους μετρανε παλι οταν βγαινουν. το θεμα ειναι αν γινει η μαλακια τι κανεις :p

Very interesting post, by the way i hardly read about this disaster because it still scare me, i was young and i remember the news..By the way wolves are really stronng animals maybe there isa a reason that we still do not know for their survival status at the disaster..

i for a couple of years didn't wanna know what happened there ( and i don't have any connection with the place), call it grief, sadness for the people there, maybe i was scared too,i don't know. Among wolves it also has bears and wild horses :P From what it seems when the explosion and the radiation waves started, some animals died and some survived with some consequences. Those that survived were the ''kings'' of this new animal kingdom there!

so are we gonna have giant wolves like godzilla??? would be pretty cool actually 😨

or maybe it's the beginning of the Werewolves :P and if we eat a mutated chicken maybe the real life X-men will begin :P

haha no werewolves. wolverine! 😆

I think the wolves will eventually move on. They were a pack of migrating-animals. They wouldn't stay in one place for so long. I think.

yes i also think that is gonna happen. it's unavoidable, except the fact that it's migrating-animals that you mentioned if the population of every animal there is growing they will surely need new space

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thanks a lot for the guidance and quick response! i hope with the last edit to meet the requirements.

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