Black Holes: What Exactly Are They?

in #steemstem7 years ago

Black holes Black Holes Black Holes.... we all have heard about them even watch some pictures in books, movies and all over the internet but what exactly are they? That question i will try to answer today and keep it as simple and non-boring as i can!

Black holes are quite strange for the everyday person and many questions may arise like What exactly are they?, what they do?, can i get stuck in there? can i survive this?, Why are they black? Black holes are racist? To begin with, when a star like our sun gets older and older and it's ready for the big kaboom with a supernova the result that would come out except of the extreme radiation part that would kill us instantly or make us into a superhero would either be a neutron star ( that as i mentioned here it can absorb matter and become a pulsar ) or a black hole if the star is too huge.

The first thing we can ''see'' is the Event Horizon an indivisible limit or boundary that everything must pass through it and can't get out if it doesn't have speed faster than light.

By that point we have answered the basic question of how it can be formed and what that the chances to survive and get out of it ( NONE)

Black holes have so much gravity that can captivate and draw everything around them even light! Because black holes are completely dark the only way to ''see'' them is by objects and light around them. The center of a black hole is called Singularity something that we don't completely know and understand but we know that reaching the center of it all the known laws of physics don't apply there. 

If for example we throw a human into a black hole ( just for the fun of it :P ) what would actually happened to let's say Mike as he was reaching closer and closer to the Event Horizon from our view he would keep slowing and slowing down till he would be completely still while in his point of view everything else would be moving so fast and after crossing the Event Horizon he would eventually die! (in both views :p)

The good news are that black holes actually ''die'' and with that i mean completely evaporate by a phenomenon called Hawking radiation and you guessed right Steven Hawking said it at 1974. What basically happens is that black holes give out a small part of their mass as radiation extremely slowly. As the time passes and the black holes become smaller and smaller the whole process becomes faster and faster and ends up with a KABOOM once again!


I believe that everyone now has an idea of what a black hole is and i hope so to answer a few other questions you may all thought about. Also i think Black holes except the fact that are interesting by themselves are studied in order to get a little better knowledge about gravity and in general how universe works and what lies ahead. The case of Earth destroyed by a Black hole is non existing.

In case you are interested in more astronomy check out my earlier posts:

Kepler Telescope

Amazing & Weird Exoplanets #4

images and sources: 1 2 3 4

Till next time


Fascinating. I'm no astronomer, but I know a bit about space, and I know that black holes aren't actually holes at all; merely matter that is so heavy and with such strong gravity that, as you said, even light can't escape - therefore giving them the appearance of a black hole.

I had no idea that they died out though! That's very fascinating. So they "die" by giving out radiation and then eventually exploding, they have a singularity in the middle where the laws of physics don't apply, and light can't escape them. It almost sounds like the Big Bang was actually a black hole.

it seems you are of the few ones that read the post!!! i am no astronomer either and after i wrote it the same question occurred about the big bang and the black hole so i had search again. It has something to do with their singularities, they are different and also we can say the big bang is more of the reverse of black hole, a white whole :P ( now we are getting into Flash's universe :P )

and keep it as simple and non-boring as i can!

I think you did it. Every scientific article should be like this one :D More racist black holes!

haha! thanks a lot for your comment, i takes more time to find out how i will keep as non boring as i can than if i just wrote it more ''scientifically''

This is more user-friendly. I wish there were lectures like that at school.

Well thanks about this post coz honestly now I have a better idea about them! The "throwing someone in for fun" part is quite tempting though... If you wish I have a list with some people just to see what really happens. I mean with evidence :P

i get it i get for scientific purposes only :P let's merge our lists together, more people more accurate results

hahah I love the way you think! :P Keep me posted :P

im headng to bed so I couldnt read whole thing but i like the gif you put in the end 😆

hahaha i am glad you liked it, i wanted to finish the post with something funny and relevant :P

What exactly are they?, what they do?, can i get stuck in there? can i survive this?, Why are they black? Black holes are racist?

Also.. Any relation to Black Sabbath?

Your very vivid + explanatory post really gets to the point of the answers, well done! I enjoyed so much reading it!

A question. Did you create the effect of the last gif?

thanks a lot i appreciate when someone either read it all or most of it!

and to answer your question no :P i found the gif as it is but i wished i could do it!

Space is fascinating. So much out there for us to realize.

and we steadily learn something new everyday

Especially here on Steemit!! :D

Wow never knew that black holes die out. Also good to know that there is no chance we would be sucked in. Earth is safe we can sleep soundly at night.

thanks a lot for your comment i appreciate that you read it!

Ρουφά και τον Τσίπρα να γλιτώσουμε ! xaxaxaxa :PPPPPP

kai olous sthn boulh :P

we learned something today too ! Thank you. The last clip is super funny..

haha thanks for your comment too!

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