in #steemstem7 years ago

Hello friends of Steemit, here I present the third part of the coefficient of optical absorption, where transmission and reflectivity will be discussed.
If you have not seen the first and the second part, I invite you to see them here:

Reflection and transmission of an incident beam.

The transmission coefficient (T) is defined as the ratio between the intensity transmitted with the incident intensity, 1.png. If the sample has a thickness x, an absorption coefficient 2.png and a reflectivity R, the radiation passing through the first interface is 3.png, the radiation reaching the second interface is 4.png, and only a fraction 5.png emerges. The internally reflected portion managed to emerge eventually, but considerably attenuated.

These multiple internal reflections are illustrated in the following figure:

Energy flow in a system that allows multiple internal reflections.

Then, the transmission is given by:

7.png eq. (1)

When the product 8...png is large, the second term in the denominator can be neglected to obtain:

9...png eq. (2)

If R is not known for a given material, the tramittance of two samples with different thicknesses, 10.png, can be measured. You can get 11.png from the following relationship:

12.png eq. (3)

Since 13.png, it is not necessary to know 14.png to use Equation (3), where 15.png can be replaced by 16.png

If R and x are known, Equation (2) can be used to obtain 11.png:

17.png eq. (4)

To use this last equation it is important to mention two experimental details:

First, the spectra must not present any type of absorption for energies less than Eg. If this apparent absorption exists, it is usually due to superficial problems of the sample, and can be eliminated by normalizing the transmission with that which the sample can have under ideal conditions, that is, when the only loss is due to the change of medium when entering and leaving, the light of the sample. This ideal transmission is 18.png. Therefore, the normalizing parameter of the transmission is:

19.png eq. (5)

Where the value of the maximum transmission is obtained for each sample of its transmission spectrum.

The second experimental detail is that of parasitic light, which is not always possible to eliminate when performing the measurement. To perform the correction, the minimum transmission (Tmin) that appears for energy values above Eg must be subtracted from the total transmission.

With these corrections Equation (4) changes to:

20.png eq.(6)


From the Fresnel equations we have that for any homogeneous, isotropic and linear medium, the amplitude of the reflection coefficients are given by:

21...png eq. (7)

For the case in which the electric field is perpendicular to the plane of incidence:

22...png eq. (8)

The following figure shows the case where the electric field is parallel to the plane of incidence; where ni and nt are the incident and transmitted refractive indices respectively, θi and θt are the incidence and transmission angles, |Er| is the amplitude of the electric field of the reflected beam and |Ei| is the magnitude of the electric field of the incident beam.

Reflection and transmission of an incident beam.

Then, when θi = 0 (and consequently θt = 0) we get:

24.png eq. (9)

Reflectance is the ratio between the reflected and incident flow:

27.png eq. (10)

since the incident waves and the reflected waves are in the same medium, that is, 28.png we have:

30.png eq. (11)

Using the form of components, we have:

31.png eq. (12)

When 32.png the plane of incidence is undefined and there is no distinction between the parallel and perpendicular components of R, so when combining equations (9), (11) and (12) we obtain:

33.png eq. (13)

In the case of the normal incidence of a beam of light on a metal surface, it is necessary to rewrite the equations because the metals have a complex refractive index 34.png if we also assume that the wave is initially in the air 35.png, we have from equation (9) that:

36.png eq. (14)

finally obtaining:

37.png eq. (15)

Where n and k are the actual refractive index and the extinction coefficient of the material, respectively. Most authors use k to denote both the wave vector and the extinction coefficient, so we must be careful not to confuse them.


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