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RE: The Steem Sister Show - Episode 32 // Personal Branding

in #steemsistershow6 years ago (edited)

Ok! I have a question on cooking: What's a healthy meal you can make in 5-10 minutes total?

Also, I'm so so curious about your day job! Do you do branding/marketing for a living?

I think sometimes controversy can be a great thing for a brand. I know a guy who built up a HUGE HUGE following in a really crowded marketing space all because he's controversisal af.

He cusses a lot and offends a lot of people...but it doesn't matter because he has grown really hardcore true fans as a result of that and now he's set for life because of it.

Those fans will be loyal until the end of time, mainly because of how controversial he was right out the gate. Just something I was thinking about while listening.

I totally agree about putting "crappy" stuff out there. I don't know how to do do video and I don't have good equipment yet...but I've done several that were pretty bad and others that were okay.

And I agree with you guys that the main thing that matters is connecting with your audience.

Gary Vee said he put out tons of horrible videos about wine and they were sooooo bad, but it didn't matter b/c he connected with his audience and it was honestly several years before he got better at video or upgraded his equipment.

Look at him now.

You've gotta start somewhere. I'm always a fan of imperfect action vs. taking no action at all!

I've been thinking a LOT lately about if I'm providing enough value here on steemit. I hope so, because I don't want to take more than I give.


oooh I love your response! Thanks for the question for our cooking episode and for all of your thoughts on our personal branding show!

I work in sales, but have an interest in branding/marketing and so i've spent a decent amount of time studying it. My day job is also working for a company that focuses a lot on building good branding and we have some pretty world class marketers - so I've probably picked things up here and there from them. :)

Loved your comment about just getting started - there is SO much to that. I also thought your Gary Vee story was pretty awesome! haha I hadn't heard that he made a bunch of wine videos in the beginning. lol

Ps... I totally think you give more than you take! Two of the ways to give back on steemit is to 1.) make awesome content - because that helps enrich their lives. 2) Leave thoughtful comments (like this one) on other's posts. Basically - you are winning at Steemit. :)

Thanks again for stopping by and watching our show! <3

"I work in sales, but have an interest in branding/marketing and so I've spent a decent amount of time studying it." <--- yeah it shows!

It sounds like you work with actual GOOD marketers! Giving massive value upfront has become kind of like this cliche word in the marketing world, but only the best ones do it.

When you said that I was like "who's this girl talking to?" lol I think marketing is really interesting! Maybe that's nerdy but oh well!

P.S. THANKS for that! I started questioning everything and getting nervous about it haha you're obviously beyond winning btw <3 thank youuu

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