The Steem Sister Show - Episode 08 // Spirituality and Religion - PART TWO

in #steemsistershow6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the eighth episode of the Steem Sister Show!

Your hosts are @coruscate and @maryjaney. We are two sisters using the Steem blockchain to chat about our life experiences and provide a little entertainment value to the Steemit Community.

Topic of this Episode – Religion and Spirituality – PART TWO

This week, we are going to continue our conversation on religion and spirituality that we started in Part One. This topic was just too big and rich to fit into one episode, and so we broke it out into a two-parter. In the last episode, we discussed our origin stories and what kind of spiritual views we grew up with.

Spoiler alert for those who missed part one... we shared a lot of crazy stories about the extreme, almost cult like up, upbringing we had.

In part two, we dive into what our journey's have looked like and where we are now.

Instead of spending the entire episode on questions, we spend the first half just telling stories and sharing some of our story. Then at the end, we answer a few questions from listeners.

Here is a list of audience questions covered in today’s episode:

  • Audience question from @fitrianizar – Was there a defining moment that led you to have your point of view?
  • Audience question from @oxygen02 – What do you want someone outside of your faith to know about your religion?
  • Audience question from @thinkinglbt – What is the practical benefit of seeing the world the way you see it?

What is the Steem Sister Show All About?

We aim to bring more “non-crypto” related content to the Steem Blockchain. Although there is nothing wrong with this kind of content (@corsucate even posts on crypto related material sometimes) – we want to help create a better onboarding experience for new users. We talk a lot about attracting new users to the platform – but if the trending page is filled with crypto posts and flagging wars, they are likely to lose interest quickly.

We hope that by creating content that is more similar to what they are used to seeing on other social media sites – they will feel more excited about being here and creating content of their own!

How Does It Work?

We pick a different topic every episode, and then throw totally random questions about that topic in a hat and go back and forth. We always have a mix of our own questions and some audience questions. Our rule is that we cannot tell each other our answers before filming! So you guys are getting our raw, unfiltered reactions here.

Every episode we announce the next week’s topic so people can submit questions.

Want to win some SBD??

If we chose to answer your question in the next show… we will send you 2 SBD! Now that’s some easy money.

Next Week’s Topic : Personal Finance

For anyone that has watched some of my Money Saving Hack vlog's... you know that I love talking about personal finance. It's something I've spent a lot of time researching and playing around with in my life. Mary is still sorting through a lot of these ideas, and so I think we will have a really fun dynamic on this show as we go back and forth with some different perspectives!

Feel free to ask us questions about anything regarding money or personal finance. It could be about how we spend our money, how we save it, budgeting, our thoughts on saving and investing, what stresses us the most about money... sky's the limit. If we choose your question - we will send you 2 SBD!

Our personal finance episode will air one week from today.

That’s a Wrap!

We hope you enjoyed watching Part Two of our Spirituality and Religion Episode. We certainly had a fun time filming it and sharing a bit of our journey.

Even though we spend a lot of time together, this is a topic we surprisingly don't talk about very often - and so I think we really learned a few new things about each other in this episode!

We will be airing our episode on Music next Tuesday, and our episode on personal finance next Friday.(Ps... there may be a mini ukulele performance in our music episode!) Thanks for watching and we’ll see you guys in our next show!

With Love,

The Steem Sisters

@corsucate and @maryjaney


Ps... check out the awesome drawing that @skyleap made for the Steem Sisters!

▶️ DTube

Wow ! Honest and so many go through the same thing with family. That was really good to watch. Thanks

aww @jkenny that means a lot to me. We definitely got a little raw and vulnerable in this episode and I'm glad you connected with it.

  • when did you notice that the USD Backup by thin air?
  • Do you hold more Gold and silver (mene ring included) than crypto?
  • what does your crypto Portfolio look like? Steem makes 7% of my crypto portfolio.

I feel like @goldmatters would love these questions!! Hehe

Thanks for always throwing such great questions and the mix!

I do love them! I would be happy to consult if you want any unsolicited advice regarding next Fridays topic :)..... I love this episode!!! Thanks for being so brave , both you and @maryjaney and delving into a sensitive topic in a thoughtful and gentle way. It’s lovely to hear this type of stimulating conversation and certainly makes people think. I’ll come back with a good question for personal finance week :)

What?? You’d be happy to chat about gold and money?? Hahah I can’t wait to hear your personal finance question!

Also, thanks for your encouragement on this episode! It is definitely a more sensitive subject than we usually discuss.

Ha ha!! Is someone making fun of me?? Lol

your welcome - @goldmatters - feel free to upvote my comment :D

Feel free to upvote mine!

If you make me that golden Ring with an rfid chip so i can marry on the blockchain :D

@felix.herrmann... you are savage. 😂


I try my best to get another 10 sbd for another @skyleap Cartoon! :D

That is a good goal!! @skyleap is awesome. Well maybe we'll pick one of your questions and then you can have two more SBD towards your goal. :)

My question: I will use the same question Ron Paul asked Ben bernanke. Simply:

Is gold money?

Oooh great question! I’m curious what Mary will say. This will be a fun one!

Sinners!!! Haha! Glad I got to hang out with you two in Sin City for a bit. I could go on for days about religion and my upbringing, and rebellion... Fortunately these days, I love freedom and am also a lot more accepting of religion than I used to be. These Steem Sisters shows are great, thanks for the fun and have a great weekend!


WHAT? You think I'm a sinner too?? Geez guys... hahah

Only in a good way LOL,
I've actually got some personal experience and insight into these areas, along with my world travels and friends from many different belief backgrounds.
I believe what brings, light, joy, hope and smiles to others by you being free in your soul to express your light is a positive and powerful thing. There is no sin there.
NB: side note, "Sin" from Ancient Hebrew referring to missing the mark, missing the bullseye of a target, not achieving your desired goal or attempt.... a lot less insidious than todays interpretation 😉
so we are all sinners in life as we can all strive to be better, not falter on where we missed the mark, but to try again. No Fail, go straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200 monopoly scenario there. 😁

hahaha guilty as charged!! I hear you on being more accepting. It took some work for me to get there too... but it's a great place to be now. Much more light and free. :)

Thanks for watching our show! That's super cool of you. :)

Haha! Busted!
Definitely more light and free. Religion can be very helpful to some people, it's just unfortunate when some people take it too far.
Of course! It's always fun to watch. Cheers!

wow! Thank you for using my drew portrait(^^)v

You are the best @skyleap!! :)

Seeing this for the first time
Never head of steem sister its really new to me

Welcome!! Thanks for checking out our show. We post episodes twice a week (usually Tuesday and Friday) and they are about 20 minutes long.

Okay you welcome

Where were these questions asked? I looked on the Part 1 post and I don't think any of the 3 were there...?

Great question! We we did this as a two-parter, filmed together. So the questions were from the previous post. We are going to twice a week, so that was the only weird transition episode, but now people will have a full week to send in their questions for each topic. We just had to jump ahead of ourselves a little bit on the very first time we went to twice a week.

For example, right now we are accepting questions for both our music and the personal finance episode, to make sure people have plenty of time to get them in.

Anyway, I hope that makes sense! We are now on a regular rhythm and routine with the amount of time between episodes and questions. :-) Feel free to throw in a question for either music or personal finance!

<3 SteemSisterShow @coruscate and @maryjaney thanks for answering my question in this second part of the show... I'm now addicted to your show even though my exam has been setting me back this days but thanks for the video. I really enjoy it. My question for next week is this; How Can I Improve My Financial Literacy?

Thanks for watching @oxygen02!! You've been such a big fan of the show from the beginning and we really appreciate you!

Good luck with your exam and thanks for submitting a question for next week!

Amen, are welcome.

Waw this is new and different from the shows we are used to, well let's see why youve got for a change. Welcome

Thanks for checking out our show!

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