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RE: The Steem Sister Show - Episode 60 // Feminism (Extended Episode)

I know everything you're saying here is true... but it honestly feels like a form of punishment..... 'some of you dobbed on my mates, so now we're not playing with any of you'.

I'm really torn about the regulation side of all of this... I guess the only way to get companies to do the right thing, without laws, is for some trailblazers to show the way... like Henry Ford and his 5 day work week. I think Finland has pretty strong parental leave for both genders that seems pretty fair and is working for them.


The waters are very much muddied by the public sector passtime of finding developing trends, then writing laws to take credit for them. Employers start prioritising safety, fatalities and injuries start dropping, the state writes OHS laws and publicises their results.

If they only show you the right hand side, you'll assume the law is helping
Likewise, as society shifted, making it more acceptable for women to be employed in various roles, the state started rolling out anti-discrimination legislation, etc.
Remember, there are literally millions of unproductive people who have only two goals; Taking credit for anything good that happens, and avoiding blame for anything bad.
Let the market punish bad actors. If you hire and promote based on anything but merit, then you better hope all your competitors, suppliers and customers are doing the same, or you're going to have a bad time.

Matt, this is awesome! I honestly had no idea!
I've worked in the public sector a couple of times on big IT projects, and I can tell you that your bolded comment is spot on... it's also very true of the finance sector... which is all super frustrating when you're trying to enact change.

I do think you're right about merit... as long as merit doesn't get confused with 'qualifications' or opportunities... but again, the market has numerous stories of large companies making terrible, terrible decisions because their management is completely out of touch with their customers.

This is both true, and fantastic, as long as they're not too big to fail and get bailed out.
There's also a long history of these monolithic companies strategically using regulation to keep scrappy, 'unqualified' entrepreneurs from offering their customers a new, exciting, innovative option, keeping those boys clubs from being crushed under the shifting tide of social progress.
I expanded on this in one of my first posts, two years ago.

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