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RE: I just can't take the hard ass approach this month!

I'm right on the borderline here...

I understand this, I mostly agree, but at least Phil is being 100% fair to everyone. Now I gotta say my piece

As I recall, I was the first Gold Delegating Member, that was when it was 1,000 SP. I have Always been a Gold Member, except when we went to the current tiers system and I was Silver for a bit, not due to my own actions or inaction, but due to the increased requirements. IN FACT, I was Gold plus another 11% or 14% in the early days, that extra % I figured helped Stax a little bit maybe. Then came the tiers we have now... Demoted to Silver that is fine, I was willing to bump it up anyway ;) oops, I see something... Silver is 1250 and I'm at 1140 wtf... oops, I read that wrong. 1000 Nope there it is 1250 in another post but the spreadsheet shows me at Silver LOL A little indecision :D Thanks to Loyalty I guess Phil made Silver 1000 for us all. I appreciate that, I rrally do. So it made me get my stuff together a bit quicker, I shuffled my Big D
[delegations, you pervs... DAMUS] :P and ponied up for 2500 SP delegation to STAX. I think Phil said there are like 4 of us or he was talking about there are actually Gold Delegation Supporters.

blah blah blah Yada-yada, so on and so forth...

Fines are BS and there is a SO MUCH SIMPLER WAY, I can and will make up the difference and it is

Just upvote the posts we all get on our posts, not all but those are the perfect make-up votes, we all have it and it's super easy...

I do not keep much SBD or steem in my wallet, it's not enuff to pay the fine right now! Normally I'd just send it over, but I can't have too many demands on my time and resources. That's all I got and

I am calling on everyone else to follow suit. If you owe Stax 3 100% upvotes, send 4 maybe... I owe one so I can send two and my VP is finally back up to nearly 100% and actually it's a better deal

Don't try and Pimp me, Stax Baby ;) I's a pimp from Way Back :D


Actually, this is a great idea man, I'm a bit of a dunce sometimes, that's why I like this extra feedback.
So if anyone prefers I guess they could also seek out some of Stax's comments and vote enough for them to make the difference.
But once again this is just an option for this month, and next month hopefully my balls have dropped and I can stick to the rules!

DOOD! You got a DEMANDING Job, A Wife, Kids, and an Iron Mistress ;)
I'm gonna try and get steemvoter working, I think my settings are still there but I can be caught back up ASAP and my VP is running HOT ;) Hoping I can just keep up it's a job doing all these steem-tasks as I have spread myself thin at this time o.O

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