My two 9999 Silver Maple Leafs bubbling away extracting my daily Nano Dose

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago

What you see there is pretty simple a Cad Maple leaf in halves connected to two wires which are in turn connected to a 12 volt battery.

A daily glass of colloidal silver is produced this way. Right now we have had lots of rain so I use it in a spray bottle on mold spores groowing in our basement and concrete humid walls. Kills and protects against future mold growth 100% naturally! IMG_4199.JPG


Wow! It's really that easy eh? I'm going to have to try this, I bet it would really help with the allergies.

Yep! It is that easy! I had an older post where I made colloidal silver (took 2 days) from a mobile phone as power source. Off course I recommend a car battery, but it works if you are ever stuck in the bush Here is the link:

I knew a guy that would always drink the stuff! I've never invested it but I think it's wonderful as an anti mold anti bacterial spray. What other uses are there?

@timitwist check out my other posts @tzcap where I will try to cover at least 150 uses for silver in this years posts

I use 2x .9999 silver rounds to make colloidal silver too

Yeah, 9999 silver rounds are the best because you are 99% sure they are the finest silver available to use. I have seen many sites on the net posting that they sell 99.99% pure colloidal silver wire but I have my doubts and believe that many of these sellers are actually selling 925 wire as pure. See 925 wire is way easier to get and way more abundant commercially. 925 wire may also be more harmful to you then beneficial depending on what its mixed with. Either way you never want to make colloidal silver with anything less than three 999's!

i've seen it too .. Also people using tape water instead of distilled water

Silver amazes me on a daily basis. Great post buddy,

It should have amazed the world so much by now that the price should be North of 100. Wait until the cancer studies with gold and silver come out publicly

I just shared your post to someone who was asking abut colloidal silver, i was searching for it but couldnt find it, then had a brainwave and remembered it was you! i want to try this out :)

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