We Have A Winner!

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Howdy Folks!

We have a winner — and it feels like it’s me!!! — but we’ll get to that in a minute...



Earlier today as i nestled into a massage chair for a pedicure, i read that i had won @silverd510’s raffle for the choong-chow (or whatever it’s called...) — that wicked swordsman on a horse with his blade coming out at ya’ all 3D like — bad ass Freddy Kruger shit! Anyway, it made me feel like a winning boss and i thought that i too would get in on the fun.

I invented the contest on the spot and you can read it here if you’re interested...


As i thought about what i might buy re: ounces, junk, whatever, and what a good guess would be,
I decided that 8 was a solid choice. Usually i try to blow only $100 (for 4oz and change back), but as you will know if you have been reading my blog, i often blow my budget 😜 so $200 for 8 ounces was a solid guess. 10oz was a good guess too, ‘cause i am partial to RCM bars... And yet, i have also been buying much junk recently, so if P had put a stash behind the counter for me, i could have very easily gone hog-wild on some tasty old coins! So then maybe 1 or 2 was a good guess also. At any rate, as i pulled into my lcs’ underground and parked, this is what i was looking at — so 20oz wasn’t out of the question.


Once i got inside (...ahhh the smell of J&M, smells like cash!) i remembered that i had asked about a 925 Mug i liked, and had been told it was 420 grams (yuk yuk) and was priced at $1.25 per gram cad. Well everyone was busy in the bullion dept. and i saw good ol’ J in the back. So i asked one of the jewellry girls to fetch the cup and walk it over to J.

fyi: 420 x 1.25 is $525 and with sales tax (for 925) would have run just shy of $600. I think 560-580.

We got to the counter and i asked J if there was any leeway if i paid with cash and no receipt (“just the bag it’s in and your blessing to walk out of the shop” is what i proposed) So he said: “sure, 420.” I kid you fucking not!!! I didn’t wait for re-calculation. I whipped out $420 and handed it to V and said thank you and left the shop quick!

Outside i realized i hadn’t bought any ounces! But rather than go back in like a chump and risk J doing some math, i zipped across the street for a Viet sub and a place to sit down. Here’s what i bought:



What a freaking beauty! I can hardly wait to see it swallow a Guinness — come to think of it i can hardly wait to swallow a Guinness! So with this raffle in mind i headed down the hill to Van Gold. It was my plan to buy just one ounce, an ASE, unless they had an Engelhard, or perhaps 2 Engelhards 😜🤣👍

(...cue maniacal laughter as thedamus succumbs to the stackitus!)

Here’s what came out:


An Eagle and the sole 1 oz bar they had, a Sunshine Mint ultra generic lol, and even though it was in a case i passed on it and walked with another platter-pus.


Here they are together under the Beer store


I did a little research and discovered the melt value:


And that it had 12 1/2 ounces of Ag in it. Sweet! What a killer Mug!


Call me a crazy drunk pirate if you must — you wouldn’t be far off!

So as it turns out, the lucky winner is s/he who guessed 1 ounce even though I went up 13 1/2 ounces. Originally this was Pit’s choice, but he re-assigned it to @raybrockman in the interim, so Ray-Ray...


...or, don’t do a damn thing! Thar be an incused Maple on the way

Congratulations! And thanks to all who participated. I will try another quick-draw soon.

Cheers Everybody! And long live #steemsilvergold





Ole silver beard strikes again!!! 🍺🍺🍺🍺👊

Y’Arrr Matey, the canon be heating up!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

It will sit nicely beside his BFF heart. Thanks for having this buddy

My heart has been incused since Ray-Ray’s been gone 😢


Awesome contest! Congrats to @raybrockman. That mug is badass! A 1931 Adie Brothers LTD Birmingham. Super sweet score @thedamus!

Awesome!!! Thanks vg! I was hoping someone would know what the hallmarks were.

hey buddy.
I was curious about your tankard there. So when I got home, I looked up the hallmarks. Unless I'm mistaken, that is made in 1931 by Adie Brothers in Birmingham. I think you got a petty good deal on it as well.

Thanks for info buddy! There was another comment made with exact same conclusion so i’m thinking you nailed it. For $150 cad over melt value on 12.5 oz i’m feeling pretty savvy 😜👍

And it is an absolute joy to drink out of — a tankard for sure 😁😁😁🤪⚡️🍆🕺🤣🍺

So close, yet so far away! Oh well, its going to a very deserving person. Congrats Ray!

I world of steemit doesn’t seem the same without Ray!! He is definitely a deserving candidate

He won fair and square! ...and the man’s stackitus is legendary! I’d bet he’ll be back 😜👍

@thedamus big bad pirate has got silver and lots of heart.
You salty pirate legend

Awww, thanks gdw!

I got late for this raffle, but I loved the way you handled it and that the prize went to @raybrockman. Talking about him, he was seen at @willsparks88's auction on discord last night. Maybe he is not as far away from us, just regaining his strenght...

Hope so! I think he just needs a break from#ssg bullshit... That man does a lot for this tag and sometimes the ba can be a little overwhelming...
See ya’ on the next one Rono 😜👍

Sweet cup, that will make you feel like a big cheese for sure! . Congrats to Ray,

Thanks fat-e! Fyi, the mug easily swallows a king-can and appears to be able to handle just under two Stellas... 🤪🤪🤪

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