Paul Simon, Pearls, P.E., Primo Plunderin’, Presents & Partying like Pit-B with @senstless

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

This post has it all!!!

...oh gawd! Where to begin? Hmmm, well let’s set the tone first:

Here’s Charlie’s PE teacher and a dear, dear friend for 30+ years


Mr. “R” rocked “Sports-Day” and indeed, the theme for this year’s Sports-day was “Rock n Roll.” Charlie’s dad whipped out the JBL and declared we were team Van Halen and followed his group around the field playing “Hot for Teacher” and “Girl Gone Bad” and all sorts of other shee-ite! Even Mrs. D was down for some parental badassery — which truly is no surprise — ‘cause damn!!! Charlie’s mamma Rocks!


But alas... i’m getting way ahead of myself.

So, yadda yadda, a few nights back Mrs. D decided that we really should go and see a music legend and a songwriter we have both adored since the 1970’s. Yep! We went and saw Paul Simon on May 16th and the show was totally fantastic! Here, have a look:




It was so fantastic! The concert started as me an’ Mrs. D canoodled. It didn’t hurt that i had surprised my best girl with some earrings just hours before 😍


These are what were in the bag beside my wallet in my last #pocketdump. She loved them! And i told her she now had “diamonds on the soles of her pearls!” The show started with words sung directly into our hearts ✨😍😍✨

Let us be lovers and marry our fortunes together

(From the song: America) and it was all freakin’ awesome for hours after that. Fyi, the show ended with a second encore and these words

...the sound of silence

We both caroused out of the venue and chatted up the revellers in the plaza. I even employed one of my “superhero powers” (but i’ll share that story another time). It was really fun. And i literally partied out of one of my flip-flops! We hit up a beer & Wine store close by and had a couple swigs on the side of the road before pouring ourselves into a taxi and bee-lining it home to our hood. We ducked into a local beer-swillery and met up with Mrs. D’s mom and auntie who were also at the show. I left the gals there and went home to relieve my Ma and step-pa and check on the boyos. I had about an hour to myself, so by the time Mrs. D got home i had eaten all the leftover lambchops and was perfecting my pirate pirouette! Oh yeah, and looking in 2 directions at one time... 🤪🤪🤪

In the morning we all got up and got ready for another day of hustling and bustling. We zipped up to Charlie’s school for sports-day and let the games begin! Charlie had a freakin’ blast and even Leon got into the groove!


Such a blessed and happy pappy am i!!!


But damn! The assassin is getting big 😁


I pulled the chute at noon and went directly for dim-sum for two — which i handily ate all by myself to the shock, amazement and awe of my waiter. From lunch i put the hammer down and zipped out to the burbs to meet up with @uglyboy for some lootin’ and plunderin’. But first we had to go and snatch some cash from one o my ATMs




Yeah baby!!! Gangnam Style!!!

So with a bag full of loot we headed into Whiterock and hit up the first of our marks. Here’s what was on offer:



Is that really what i think it is!!!?


Yup! Platinum Engelhard!!! Fa-Hock!!!!!!!!

Well no i didn’t buy it — i’m not Ray fucking Brockman — but i did put it on the list. Nah... here i got a Kangaroo, a brit and two generic Republic bars for about $95 cad — my budget for the day.

Next we went to the other shop just to “have a look.” We saw some neat stuff here, some fractional gold some bars, some silver, some other stuff and then BAZOINGA!!!


When i started really collecting SMLs years ago i was determined to get every year. It wasn’t that hard, but finding a couple of the years was tough. Especially the 1997, which has the best version of QE II in my opinion. Here’s why 1997 is the key date:


Check out ebay and you will see this:

F5CF87C6-AF13-49EC-BFF6-ABA005FB8707.png you can understand why i sharted a little bit when i saw a whole fucking sheet of them mixed in with a pile of other coins! I went fishing in my bag and @uglyboy started pulling out twenties from his girdle 😳😜😁🤣😂😂😂 (zing!)
Anyway, we bought all 14 of them 50/50 and slunk out of there with feathers hangin’ out of our chops.
And i gotta’ hand it to u-boy, he said it would be a sin to cut up the sheet — like tearing a pricasso in half — so he took 4 and i got to keep the sheet. Good friends and good times peeps!
(hey mofo, you still owe me $25 after all of that!)
So we went and drank a beer and played with our loot


Thankfully i didn’t need it...but i had it 😜


Then, off like a mofo and back to the city. I stopped at the Ingot to get some “trade action” for later, went by UPS and scored!!! then hit up machine 2 at the beag, zipped past a friends place to help carry down a bench from her patio, booted it downtown to reconcile funds with my partner, grabbed some pinky and the brain, hit up the LQ for later, drained an airplane bottle of bailey’s, parked the car and jumped on the skytrain heading to YVR — Vancouver International Airport — swilled a beer on the way, and walked into the Fairmont Hotel bar at about 8:02 with a ferocious piss about to explode...


@senstless was already there smiling so i said: “hi! I gotta’ take a piss.” He was all dude and just laughed like — ya bro i get it!

I threw down my loot sack and then went and etched my initials into the back of the urinal! Phew!!! Maybe i should hit up @firecajun for a job! 😂😂😂

@senstless is a great fucking guy — even if he didn’t wanna’ smoke a doob — and we had a great time telling stories and trading silver. 2oz and $2 face were the parameters. Here’s what i got (oh yeah, and an ASE and a coil-ass USS Constitution round.



I drank Guinness and Jamos for two and after a couple hours it was time to boogie. @s grabbed a cab and i just missed the train, so i hit up discord and partied blockchain style with the Don!




I also had a chance to check out the lovely note and perfect piece from @eaglespirit

How did she know which piece i was gonna’ need this night? ...Magic baby!


And a very lovely letter and special blessing from her as well. One more girlie that needs a good one-upping!!!


0EEC4000-437C-4965-B315-EBDB829B8304.jpeg now i’m fucking late for my next gig — taking Charlie over to Morris’ house — aka ‘The Pyramid’ for a sleepover with his boy “Leo” and gonna’ grill some steaks “Willie” style...

Gotta’ fly

Cheers! from @thedamus


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amazing whrite @thedamus

Wowow...amazing photography great post great work...i really like this post.. thank you so very much for dear lovely friend @thedamus.. so i just.. U5dsE3q7eHoTdVcweXcVUawvoBB941s.gif

Epic post right there. You sure are living large my friend :)

Cheers buggs! Life is good 😁 and with friends like #ssg even sweeter!

Dam bro you’ve been busy as fuck. Those are some primo scores, i can’t believe you found that many in one place. Major score👍

Killin’ it all over 😜 ...just you wait

Never a doubt.....oh boy

Your blog keep inspiring young steemians like me , indeed the steemslivergold also continues to improve on a daily basis. Great future ahead of you and your projects boss @thedamus I want to be part of your team, am a video Editor and can help the steemslivergold in that capacity!

Sounds interesting double 00! Next week we’ll chat 😜👍

Okay boss, it will be a honor working with you bosss

Looks like you have been having an epic time the last few days 😎☠️

What tha Fakkkk That was one of the longest posts i've read in awhile ... talk about The Life!! LOL "The Assassin" whyyyy ahhahah you do NOT want to name him that, what if he becomes? I love himmmm he's the sweetest piece of lemon pie. :)

I love how you saved the Best for Last and WOW love the photo on that too and my Blessing to you. Awwwwww

May you always have such happiness in your life! Cheers!!


woo hoo!! thank you for stopping by and giving me emotis ahahahah

My friend, I don't know how much stamina you spent to do all the things that you told us in a such small amount of time. I am tired just for thinking about it.
I am also a big fan of Paul Simon and I am a little envious of you and @mrs.thedamus.

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