Land Ho! — Silverbeard is Back for a Night on the Town — Y’Arrr!!!

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

March First! — this has been a command for my darling for all the days of her life. Afterall, she was born on this day — a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away 🤣🤣🤣 och aye, this drunk skipper makes himself laugh... the truth is: she is this pirate’s all time delight, and puts my meagre stack to shame.

Avast! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mrs. @thedamus

And she “gets” me. Like through and through. Sometimes she sez i might wanna’ buy some groceries & diapers and stuff, instead of just Silver all the time, but we’re working it out...

Neither does she recoil from the fact that i am drunk, and a pirate, and a non-stop, 24/7, phone-checking, upvote giving, hollering-out-loud, “poured” silver espousing, hilarious-wise-crackin’, bacon mackin’, never fancy Lunch lackin’, fakin’ stackin’ smackin’ & packin’ Leprechaun from the old school...

Okay... Whooosh... i just got way off track!


Y’Arrr! Ol’ Silverbeard went ashore this damn day and pilfered and purloined like a suave politician!
Both dukes were ridin’ high:


If ye be a mate, you will remember what the Captaitain’s favourite Christmas present ever was, and tonight i got to load up the love in a brand new V-day shirt and prance and swagger down the boulevard.

Before my dinner engagement with my lady on the hill, i hit up the ol’ town. First it was the bar...


Thar be no grog i won’t grog, when i needs to be groggin’ — sumpins gotta get yer goose!


So with cutlass slashing, and cufflinks flashing i did just rob the town. First i went by Fatburger and undid them of 7 ounces...




Yar - har! I did just absorb 7 more ounces with no one the wiser. In fact, i do believe the damn fools were happy for my business. Well if ya’ know the Captain, ya know i’m not stopping now...

With the Stackitus flaring, and my one good eye glaring, i got “buzzed” and entered the cage... willing confinement inside the belly of the beast! It is times like these, when the boss is away, that the rapscallions come out to play...

Me ol’ pal “.....” assisted the robbery:



Looky here


After the looting, i met my lady on the Hill at “Savio Volpe” and made a mockery of my lunch (5 Guys) with the best of the fancy pants.

Fyi, i had the clams...

Y’arrr, now we be back aboard The Ingot larding me Treaure Chests with more of the exquisite elixir

Me finest pull from the day was seeing my boy get the treatment Royale from our groovy waitress.



Time for this ol’ Snooze-Boozeler to check out. The lines are fast, the bounty is secured, and me precious lay snorkelling the Zzzz’s!

I’m fozz bozzled, and rolling a schnazzaled...

The guards have secured The Ingot and this drunk sailor is playing DJ and dancing in his leopard skinz!







You have received a @GrumpyCat flag because you or someone else sent money to buy votes from an irresponsible non-GrumpyCompliant service.

@sneaky-ninja, @pushup and @aksdwi are acting irresponsibly by selling votes to people on their post very close to final payout. (~99% abuse rate)

Sending money to these bots is also financially supporting for-profit spammers.

To know what voting bot to use, refer to and use those that have 3.5 day or less in the "Max Age" column.

Learn more ...

Hey grumpycat, I think people mostly have your message, You should use your flagging powers for good, There is an epic quest currently underway to combat some of the much worse reward pool abuse, I'm sure they could use your help.
Plus @thedamus is a really cool dude, you should really just put him on your "cool dude-do not flag list"

@thedamus Has been notified half a dozen of times and still insist on using non-compliant bots.

His only responses are "Go suck a dink" or equivalents.

Go suck my dink!!!

You are a liar and a hypocritical thief. @michaeldavid is implementing positive changes so crap/late posts don’t benefit from sneaky-ninja — a bot that YOU TOO have used.

It is apparent that you are ignorant of logic and clear rational thinking, and are just on some personal whack-off-vendetta.

Why you would downvote me for a sweet post about my Wife’s Birthday followed by some comedy that is enjoyed by many merely proves my point. But oh yeah, you are apparently dim-witted enough to not give af about decent, good-content-providing steemians that actually see a future for steemit for all — and not as just some kind of personal ATM

Go suck a dink @madpuppy — or flip the switch and start being a positive force of good ‘round here. Until then you’re not even worthy of me farting in your general direction.


You tried sending s-ninja money 3 days ago, and it was returned! You fucking ass-hat! And now you’re transferring a bunch of loot to mad-puppy-bang-my-ass!

Liar. Loser. Limp dick lame-man. You are pathetic and will suffer your own company, while i cruise the goodtimes with something of real value — the friends i am meeting here.

Ha ha ha. Eat a turd too 💩, no wait, eat 3 turds 💩💩💩


Gimpy-Cat Litter Box Buffet ;).jpg.jpg)


Thx u-ground! Thaz the way, un-huh, un-huh, I like it!!!

Lmfao! I hate N Cage almost as much as gimp-cat.



Your self upvote is flagged by The-Resistance team using the WE-RESIST bot.
We will be resisting with a team, stronger each day, unless you stop downvoting innocent people.

To your tyranny WE-RESIST

The Resistance

Your self upvote is flagged by The-Resistance

If you are going to phrases such as that above and expect people to take you serious, then perhaps as mentioned above in another comment you should not act in a hypocritical manner, by "self upvoting" yourself.

We are not resisting because @GrumpyCat is self upvoting.

When GC self upvotes downvote with all the people in the bot

They should vote on a 2nd post from the user who got flagged instead of flagging me.

I hope @grumpycat saw and understood the problem with someone copying his post and making it a phishing post. And yeah they could always have voted on another post that did not get flagged and do some good uplifting those they felt were downtrodden, but then where would the drama be in that.



Your self upvote is flagged by The-Resistance team using the WE-RESIST bot.
We will be resisting with a team, stronger each day, unless you stop downvoting innocent people.

To your tyranny WE-RESIST

The Resistance

@bashadow, thank you very much for your comment.
This made me see, how much we have failed to clarify the mission of our resistance.
We are not resisting because @GrumpyCat is self upvoting.
We are resisting to GrumpyCat because :

  • GC has started a fight with the upvote bots
  • In this fight, he is downvoting the innocent minnows that purchased votes from the bots that doesn't agree with his 3,5 days rule
  • Doing this, he also flags the fresh posts even less than 1 day
  • We tried to talk him out many times but he is so arrogant to listen

Therefore, the only choice for us was to resist.
For resisting, we have build a bot.
In this bot, there are minnows that give a part of their voting power and @the-resistance user.
What the bot does is :

  • When GC self upvotes downvote with all the people in the bot
  • When GC downvotes a member, protect with all users upvoting that post
  • When the user in the bot writes a comment or post, upvote him with the @the-resistance user.
  • Write the resistance messages only from @the-resistance user.

I hope I was able to make our mission clear.

Again, thank you for your constructive feed-back.


We are not resisting because @GrumpyCat is self upvoting.

When GC self upvotes downvote with all the people in the bot

Your should vote on a 2nd post from the user who got flagged instead of flagging me.

Our flags neither are mainly aimed nor has the power to strip your reward.

Consider these as the signatures of the people who don't approve the way you choose to send your message and decided to act against you!


You’re a fuckin’ jerk-off that’s gonna’ get hit by a bus!

hi @madpuppy?
you are a sweet cat.
I really like cats.
i have no sbd to buy votes.
I can only hope there are good people
or a good bot that voted for me.
I also just 2 days in steemit.
I just made 2 posts

hehehe, I am very sad.
is it because I did not buy a vote
hence i do not mendapakan upvote?

please answer
I hope I'm not spam.
thank you @madpuppy.
Thank you for all .

Sweet, more rewards pool abuse by a rich faceless person while I happily make 0.08 potatoes! What you're doing is borderline scammy.

Make sure that you self vote like 20 more times this week (I know you will) so that my 0.08 can dwindle down to 0.

I see more and more people standing up to you. Why don't you go fight real abuse?

You aren't fighting abuse anymore. It was seemingly a good incentive at first but it's been what, two months now?

@phelimint, absolutely agree. I will say that @grumpycat has put significant damage on @haejin and is a LV 7 Summoner at the moment so he is doing something to that end.

I was hoping that I could persuade the resistance to delay their war so we may focus our efforts but they are unwavering I am afraid. It's is ill-timed for our campaign.

At least one member in the resistance has informed that their terms for peace are for all SBD bids lost on flagged posts to be returned. At this point, I don't think that is realistic so the back and forth downvotes / self vote cycle is likely to resume.

Grumpy and Mad could possibly make a bigger difference and against our current foe we need EVERYTHING we got.

As a matter of fact @flagawhale needs healing right now after the recent onslaught from btu and done. I think this is the real battle for Steem that needs to be fought before it is too late.

Check the latest hidden post for more details. Would appreciate any help that can be mustered.

Go suck a dink



Your self upvote is flagged by The-Resistance team using the WE-RESIST bot.
We will be resisting with a team, stronger each day, unless you stop downvoting innocent people.

To your tyranny WE-RESIST

The Resistance

Here's @thedamusJR givin' ye the old

"WHAT_FER" gimpy-cunt!

Gimpy-Cat Litter Box Buffet ;).jpg

Fuck the cat! Take my 💯 bro even though it went make up for him being an ass! ☠️

Thanks shippie! I see you on discord too 😜👍
And back atcha’! 💯

You have received an upvote from STAX. Thanks for being a member of the #steemsilvergold community and opting in (if you wish to be removed please follow the link). Please continue to support each other in this great community. To learn more about the #steemsilvergold community and STAX, check this out.

She “gets” me. Like through and through.

That is the best you can hope to find. ☺️
Happy birthday to Mrs. @thedamus. 🎂

Cheers d-fin

Happy birthday to Mrs "thedamus", Make sure you get lots of silver for her too. Wives usually love that as a

She’s coming around... this year it be electronics! ( fit bit )

Hope you had a good time with yer kiddywink 😁

Happy birthday to the misses!

Congratulations on your pilfering!


Thanks Scallywag!!!

Another great amusing post - Happy Birthday to Mrs @thedamus. Cheers!

Cheers buddy! I will pass on wishes to Mrs.-D

You can't go wrong with 5 guys buddy! Hope you and the misses enjoyed the day! Sucks that the stupid cat stopped by, but trust that there are quite a few working to neuter him!

Now I'm hungry because your burger is staring at my as I write this. I have a mission this month to get my hands on some loot. I'll show you a picture if I get it done!

Take care!

Cheers buddy! Thanks for stopping by 😎👍

Stomp the Cat!

Happy Birthday @Mrsthedamus !! I am a little late, but I mean it.

Lmao! 😂 Great post bud! Mmmmmm..... Five guys!!!'

Thx Vessel!

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