The Stackitus Made Me Do It

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Hello Friends,

Last night, and then finishing it this morning, i had a grand old time writing my 2nd to last post (“We Have Several Winners...”) — I had a quick draw giveaway for those who had made a relevant comment In the first few hours of it being published. There were about 12 names and my randomizer picked 8 and then i chose the individual pieces — it was fun!

A lil’ later i got a sweet e=mc2 privy SML in my po box from silverd510 and dragged my wretched carcass around the corner for a dbl toasted big mac, (yes, i said dbl toasted) and then on to sbux for espresso and their juicy free wifi.

@uglyboy showed up for coffee with an Engelhard he had won and a totally killer old art bar by Western Mint #000045 or some shit, and, it was minted by jm&m — like a $250 bar for $23 bux. What a fucker!!! I had intended to go to Van Gold today already, but ol’ Fatbeard beat me to it! Lol

So we schemed... and we plotted... and we conspired!

Shortly thereafter on our way outta’ town I snagged an 1/8th of Barry White and we drove directly to Surrey Gold. Pickin’s were kinda’ slim — it’s hit and miss — but i did manage to get some of the following, which, although it is a Bank’s symbol, seems like a good design to work with for @thedamus. Ooooh, snazzy! Me likey!!!




Here’s the crazy thing: i bought 6 TD bars at Surrey Gold, bars i had never seen before (they’re not JM) and 4 more TD bars at the 3rd shop we went to, and though the two sets have the same face, they have different backs as per pics above. What a crazy coincidence!



I also picked up an ASE and a Brit, as well as a Republic bar i can’t remember seeing in my stacks.


Now bear in mind my stackitus has now entered stage 3. I think it was 510’s slabbed Maple that mighta’ just been the final straw... Pushed me right over the edge, overwhelmed the control of my faculties and seized the reigns of personal governmnet. Do you see how serious this can be?

Try as i might, the only thing that actually soothes these debilitating symptoms is, as we all know, more silver. So i loaded up 10 x 67 Geese that were all looking very shiny, and headed out the door. @uglyboy had jetted out of the shop on a work emergency, so i went for a couple beers and sought to bring my heart rate back down. Look at these chicks! (Unfortunately no dive-bombers!)


After a while @uglyboy came back, my cousin Rich showed up — it was his Birthday! — and my gal had said np, have some fun. We moved the party across the street, drank up a storm in a suburban “Star Wars” bar where, on average, we were youngin’s, and had a blast! I got up twice and slayed at karaoke, and @uglyboy let ‘em have it twice as well. I wound up back at my cousin’s drunk as a skunk and blabbing out songs on the guitar late into the night — I should really start acting my age!

Anyway, there will be no pics of the goonery, but this morning as i was shaking off the night and looking for a sandwich and a decent cup of coffee, i found myself back at the Whiterock lcs... the owner was there and had a fresh BIG BAG of old dollaz. He gave ‘em to me 14 for $14cad or another $196.

Sigh... i think i might’a beat it back this time friends. I’m doing poon-tang-do moves on the stackitus and feel like my symptoms have abated! Sweet! And just look at all these beauties!!! They be going on the ol’ loot pile just as soon as i’m finished playing with them.


And as far as all that other shit goes just count your blessings. If we had all discovered, a year from now, that the entire community had been working together as a giant moneymaking machine for the benefit of just one member’s wallet, then things would surely have been much worse, and we would not be looking forward to 2018 as the year ssg hit the big time.

As it stands. We are witnessing the dawn of a new era for #steemsilvergold while simultaneously exploring and even creating Social Contract Theory live and at first hand. Like the Engelhard Prospector of yore, we are sifting through the muck and coming up with Gold!

Long Live #steamsilvergold

Cheers! from @thedamus



Holy shit, you found a bar with TD on it? That was the score of the day, freakin awesome bar bud. I mean the is so much stackitus meds in this post, you should be fine for at least 12 hours😎👊. Dude you appear to be on a mission, and you are cleaning that shit up. Scooping up every bit of silver you come in contact with. Nice freaking haul dude, viva SSG #ssg-community the real deal.

Yeah, those TD bars are madness! I think i may have to chat up edx and see what he can do.
Thanks for killer comment Ray-Ray!

Buddy...only 12 hours? Wtf!!!? I was hoping that huge haul would fight it back for a day or 3.

Hell i was thinking i was on the road to recovery!!!

Thank you for the great article on your treasure hunt. Your work has been review and curated by the @buildawhale and @upmyvote team.

You can find the curation here:

Well that looks good! Thank you!!!

Hi nicas! Thank you for adding me to the digest, i am thrilled! Please come by any ol’ time: i’m usually stacking precious metals or talking like a Pirate, or both! I also like photography, cheeseburgers, my beautiful family of course, and celebrating the good in the many good people i have met on this platform.

Thanks again!

Cheers! from @thedamus

I see you wanted to enter my raffle and sent me 6 SBD. @thedamus if you will could you please select the six numbers that are still available in the Raffle. That way I could plug them in as Paid. Here is the Link so you can see what numbers you would like.....................

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

So much shiny...brings a tear to my eye.


Man that's a few months worth for me. Nice silver my friend

I got lucky and had a few extra bucks on me this weekend. I am not trying to overshadow anybody’s stacking f-cajun! Hell, i look at the guys slapping down the Au and the super-fancy and think the same thing as you do. Just keep stacking bro! The only competition is to try to beat your own case of stackitus.

Sparing the gory details it looks like you're blowing by stage 3 Stackitis especially characterized by having more phone pictures of silver that those of family.

😳 have you hacked my phone? Lol, when i blast through my pics there is a lot of silver!

I’ve started deleting many pics of the shiny so people, like my wife, don’t think i’m a weirdo.

Lets say it was a woman's intuition. Been there, done that. I can empathize what you're going through. after all I'm a nurse.

Cheers damus those are some awesome bars! I thought you had a logo made up for yourself and got bars made at first! Still to cool though.😁☠️

I may just have to rip off Toronto Dominion’s logo, re-work it and start pounding it into silver 😳😆🤣⚡️😎👍

I see a couple of folks thought the same as me. I thought you'd beaten Mr B and had your own bars made up. 🍆

Heh heh, might have to light a fire under my own ass and get it done!

So much silver in one weekend!
💰 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰

The stackitus is merciless!

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