Steemsilvergold Feb Crypto Buy DONE - What we getting next month? #425

It has been 1 week from the last group crypto group buy and i have got payment from everyone expect for one. I know he will see the post so no need to name. We did not have as many people as last month but everything ran very smoothly compared to last month. First off, i had enough in my steemit wallet to cover the buy in 1 go making working out the true cost for everyone very simple. I already have an account with Kucoin so buying was super easy, no needing to sign up and verify doc's and everyone paid back quickly. What more could i ask for, the group buy ran perfectly with no bumps in the road.


So now we have 2 months under our belts and some members are included in both. I welcome as many members to take part in this as possible. The buying post is released on the 13th of every month and the buy is done on the 20th of every month. I understand not everyone wants to own crypto but if you do, its a great way to get some low market cap coins without the stress of signing up with all the different exchanges and downloading a bunch of wallets. I would assume during a bear run, we will have less members taking part and during bull runs, more members. But with that said, i can see 4-5 members that i think will take part every month no matter what and that list might even grow as the months roll by. Below is the updated version of a simple excel sheet i made for to track this. Everyone included in the group buy is free to ask me for for a copy of this for whatever reason.
Just seeing here from last month we still have 900 BTCS to giveaway. I have gave 500 to the silvergoldcomps account to give away and im waiting to hear back who won to allocate them.

What we buying next month?

Any idea's on what to buy for next month's crypto buy? Someone suggested bean tokens which can be staked on a QT wallet i think. I have not looked into it, but it was suggested. Maybe a staking coin could be fun. I know they may sound crazy but BCC is sitting at around $3, haha. There are few other's that look interesting but if you know of any low market cap coin that we could buy, let me know in the comments below.

Food for thought


Final note

I would assume we plan to HODL and build the portfolio up with the default plan in action. Default plan is HODL until we get 20x return then either 1/ Convert that coin into steem and split gains between the buyers are 2/ HODL more are reinvest. Everyone included in the group buy is free to take hold of their coins/tokens at any time. Just contact me in the comments are on Discord to with your wallet info.

Some of my Recent Posts

*** #SteemSilverGold Membership and Voting List UPDATES***
------- Steemit crypto story and building a portfolio ------
** Stax is Exclusively for #steemsilvergold **
------ Rolling an inside out Birthday Spliff ------

Any questions, comment below are ask. If you enjoyed the post, please dont forget to upvote this and follow me @silverstackeruk


I think it’s me... Is it me? Lol

Please comment with amount of sdb, steem whatevs either here or pm. Thanks UK!

16.4 Steem buddy. Thanks 😎

Lol, asap UK.

Also, i would like to nominate @sidewayzs13 for membership and @owenwat has already offered to second.

Thx UK

Just seen that bro, that's the nomination added and i have got that Steem,

Thanks bud

I had to read that for a second time. I thought you said beer run. Lol

lol, a beer run like everyone will be too drunk and not interested in buying crypto's.

I am interested in investing with you, but I have some questions: 1- Where can I read about this club ? 2 -Do we buy with dollars or steem ? 3- Do the cryptos stay in your wallet till someone asks for it ? 4- 5- 6- I will ask after the answers to 1- 2- and 3-.

1- Its for steemsilvergold members
2 - You pay with Steem
3 - The crypto's are keep in a wallet i have. I do screenshots through the whole process every month You would be free to take your coins/tokens back at any time.


I will wait a little till I have some steems.

Thanks for doing all this SSUK. I appreciate it.

I've been looking into ICO's on this site

Seen this site before. An ICO could be the way to go. Im happy to go for that. How the hell do we decide is the next thing. lol

Put them on a sheet of paper, then chuck a dart and see where it sticks. Or use, seems popular these days!

There's a good one owenwat told me about. It's called smartwallet and using a coin called wire. In a nutsheel, it lets people on twitter, facebook and the like tip each other.

I was wondering who won the 500 Silver also?

I don’t know jack shit about crypto but am really trying to learn. Once i get something to play with in my wallet I’m in. Thanks

Great post :) Thanks for sharing... Crypto is going to take over the world :D

Thanks for the comment.

I hope we all own a part of whatever comes out on top

I think over the next week or two it will be a good time to buy some more. Almost the entire market is in the red and we may be able to get a good deal before a rebound occurs.

I bought another Neo yesterday and almost pulled the trigger on 10 EOS this evening. They are really cheap.

I heard Neo, EOS and ETH classic are doing airdrops in march

did you have a look at 'social wallet' and there WIRE tokens yet? they are on steemit and you can buy with steem, it sounds promising but im a novice so i believe everything they say :)

It looks pretty cool. I see the min investment is $100 but i might take a gamble on 1000 of them here. Im gonna check it now now, im excited and then wait until the morning to decide if i should pull the trigger are not.

hello Mr Silverstackeruk I would like to get in #steemsilvergold. I think that damus and owen said they would nominate me. Not sure how this works. but you can check out my post. thanks for your time

You need to get them to nominate you on the group enrollment post. They will both know where to find this post.

I see you have thedamus and owenwat backing you, thats a good start :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 67958.74
ETH 3273.25
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65