Official #steemsilvergold Weekly Enrollment and Membership List's #418

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Not many nominations put forward last week. I had to go head hunting over the weekend and used my 2 nominations. @sbsparts jumped in with a nomination that got 4 sponsors last minute.

Just out of interest. Are there any other silver are gold stacking groups/tags out there that anyone has heard about?

And quickly, unless your interweb has been cut are your dead, you will know about the voting going on around the Steemit silver round that being hosted by @philimint. Click Here to get your vote in. 4 days left and this is your last change as far as i am aware

Keeping it short and sweet this week as im sort of half way through the group crypto buy and plan to make a post about that this evening as well. Wanted to get this one done first as it's number 1 thing on Monday's

Last thing. There are still lots of steem silver round fundraising posts about so feel free to upvote those. I am doing a last run at some and doing a 1 week of steemit silver round fundraising. Im on day 3, check it out Check Here to support #steemsilverround

Updated #steemsilvergold Membership List

Members on list - 170
The group has nominated in voted in 3 new members this weeks. Thank you to everyone who put users forward and voting on others based on their account content. It will not be long until we are hitting 200 members.

Membership and Normination Tables explained

In a nutshell. Their will be weekly membership update every Monday evening and there will be 2 tables in each update
1/ The first table is a list of the current #steemsilvergold members. Beside each members name are 2 blank boxes to be used if they wish you nominate/sponsor a user to become a member. Each members gets 2 votes per week
2/ The second table will be used for adding new members. As someone is nominated, there user name will be added to the table along with their group nominator in the next box over. The 3rd and 4th boxes are for a 2nd sponsor from the group and the 3rd sponsor will be a group mod. Thats either me @stackstackeruk, @raybrockman are @philimint

Week 8 - 2018

Member's User NameVote 1Vote 2
@andregilbert (NEW)--
@bowentroyer (NEW)--
@phelimint (Group Mod)--
@raybrockman ( Group Mod)--
@ronaldoavelino (NEW)--
@silverstackeruk (Group Mod)--
@strenue (New)--


Steemsilvergold Enrollment process

(Each member gets 2 votes per week)

Steemsilvergold Enrollment

First, new members must be nominated by a group member
Then they need to find a 2nd member to sponsor them
And finally a group mod will give the final yes are no

My role

Post the updated membership list on Monday evening
Edit in members votes every day by 9pm GMT through the week
Add new members that get 3 votes on a Monday afternoons
Post the new updated Membership list on Monday evening
and over and over and over........till im old and grey

Nominated Users

Please make your Nominations in the comments below

Nominated UserNominator2nd Sponsor3rd Sponsor

Can you think of someone that be a that would make a great member for our group?

Some of my Recent Posts

*** #SteemSilverGold Membership and Voting List UPDATES***
------- Reevaluating your Silver Stack ------
** Silver PORN silver Unboxing Post **
------ #steemsilvergold Feb crypto group buy - Biclave ------

Any questions, comment below and ask. If you enjoyed the post, please dont forget to upvote this and follow me @silverstackeruk


I'd like to nominate @willsparks88 and @silverd510

Thank you very much for the nomination, it would be an honor and privilege. This community is awesome!!

Thanks for all you contribute!

We are on the ball this week. Thanks for putting these guys forward for the group.

Thank you so much for nominating me to be a new member. I am super excited. I love reading all the post about soulvet and stacking. Looking forward to being a member.

Anything special I need to do or read as a new member? Thanks again.


There are not many rules. You just need to be seen every now and then, its recommended to make at least 1-2 silver/gold related posts per week and post them to the tag. You can start to enjoy Stax. @silvergoldbotty, aka.Stax is a group voting bot that will pay out free upvotes for every post you make if you upvote her daily post with 100% every day for a calendar month. You have the option to donate Steem are delgate SP to get bigger upvotes. There is @silvergoldcomps which is still getting going but it does SBD giveaways to members for very simple contests. Theres more but im tired and i dont wonna take away your adventure of checking stuff out yourself.

Stack on my new friend.

I am very humbled by these votes. Thank you

This guy must be hot shit, he has 4 people sponsoring him already

I see you posted first but i seen fat-elvis first. On the plus, you still have your votes :)

Thanks buddy

Great post. Hopefully someday i will be lucky and get a nomination. Best regards

When you have silver on your name it is always good

I second @theb3ar! Make that shit happen @silverstackeruk he has some amazing silver pieces.

Done and done dude :D

Great find SS,

Thanks for using your vote

Hello everybody !! I am a NEW member. What are my obligations ? What may I do ? What may I not do ? As there is not a Code of Ethics (I think) I am asking you, the people...

After I have posted the above, I read a note that @silverstackeruk wrote and I have two more questions : 1 ) How do I get 100% of what , to upvote STAX for a month? 2 ) I have noticed that many people upvote themselves. Should I do it, should I do not it or it doesn't matter ?

Bro, if i were you i would not be worrying about voting. I would be building the SP in my account. I see that you are a great resteemer and interactive but why no posts yourself? I checked through all your history and only resteems. Why not do an intro post? You will gain more followers and rep some rewards.

As for the 100%. That only applies to people with more than 500SP as they can pick what percentage of their vote to give. If you have under 500 SP, it's 100% everytime. As for people upvoting themselves, each to there own. I upvote my own posts, which is 1-2 votes a day and the rest is used for either other people's posts are to people that leave a comment in any of my posts.

It is so good to be part of a community that helps a newbie like me. Thank you very much.

You could always find and enter SBD are steem contest's. There plenty around it could be easy way to get some passive SP. I have never tried but pretty sure this could be a good start to getting some voting power. It depends what you wonna do with your account, if you wonna use it as you are, are make a few $ on side.

You guys are awesome. I don’t even know what say. I love the Silver community.

It's likely the best place on steemit! Cheers!

Thank you so much!! This community has been awesome!! Everyone has been the best! I look forward to helping it grow!

You get it man. Thanks for using your votes :)

Thanks man, that is your nominations locked in.

Thanks for using your votes 😎

I'll second @ajaxalot he has been all over discord.

I thought Logans post was awesome by the way can't wait to see more.

Thanks man. Logan trips out seeing and reading all the comments from the community. I am easing him into it. He doesn't have any other social media at this point. But he is digging it and having fun. Thanks for the support!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 67364.55
ETH 3256.67
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64