Steemsilvergold Coummunity Poker night hosted on Pokerstars - Who's interested?

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemsilvergold,

I have been thinking the past few days and what i have thinking about is this community poker game idea @tbnfl4sun suggested a few weeks back. He has a server set up on that is ready to roll so this is a post to see how many would be interested. We can also sort out the 2 most important grounds rules as well, see below. Gonna jump right in here but the more input we get in the comments, the better.

First off we a are playing for money so we need to decide if we are playing dollars on pokerstars are we play with STEEM and using play money. Both have goods and bads.

1/ Dollars on pokerstars which would be the standard way. Opening an account and depositing money with a credit/debit card and having to make withdraws the same way. Playing this way would mean that we have the full range of cash and tourney games to pick from.
2/ Playing with STEEM would mean that we use the play chips and arrange our own tourney and cash buy ins and prizes. This would keep everything in the Steemit wallet and payments back and forth are instant. There would be more work involved going this way but so loads.

Second we need to decide when to host this poker game. My weekend is Sat and Sun and if i am hosting then prob best i can play. Im also down for second and third weeks but i am lazy to type them out.

1/ First Saturday of the month
2/ Last Saturday of the month
3/ First Sunday of the month
4/ Last Sunday of the month

I think that these are 2 most important things to start us off. What we playing for and when? Im personally dont care and im happy to play either way STEEM are dollars. If there are enough members interested in this project we can do a proper question round and get the rest sorted. Off the top of my head, we would need to figure buy ins and format for tournaments, decide cash games are tournaments, add in our own twists and rules and get creative with it.

Interested, give a shout out below and we will see what we can do.

Interested Members so far...
@silverstackeruk, @senstless



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I am interested and prefer steem. Online poker for those in the states is a pain to get cash loaded, unless that has changes.

Never even thought about that ban. Good call man and nice to have to on board.

Steem is the only real option in the US. It’s a disater trying to get your money. First or last Saturday is good. Sunday’s don’t work for me.

So we use @myprecious as a holding account for the funds. Its a spare account used for the membership list. tournaments will be more easy to arrange over cash games but i would prefer to play cash games, lol. I will need to download pokerstars again to check out the server.
Thanks for supporting buddy, thats 3 of us now

I am not ssg member but I am also interested! great idea

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

I'm in US, steem option / play money only. Weekends are fine, any weekend is available with advance notice. Just confirmed my old account. woo hoo!

Is this playing some sort of private tournament / private table game?
What range of steem per game/tournament are we thinking here:
a) 20 steem or less
b) 30 steem
c) 40 steem
d) 50 steem
e) over 50 steem

Yep, it would be a private tornament were the password to enter would be posted up on here are discord. Im thinking only around 10 STEEM per entry to get started. Cash games i would guess 0.25/0.50 STEEM blinds for a 10-50 STEEM buy in. We could set up 2-3 tourney's for the night and have a cash game going as well.
Then at xmas and the like, we could have the big buy in games :)

But im up for whatever, i enjoy playing poker and i'll play whatever stakes. I thinking more of getting more members to playing to make it cheaper

Thanks for you questions. What are you thinking?

I like the 10 steem per entry to start.
I'm not sure how the set up goes or how the blinds are set as 'steem'. However, I'm flexible and I'll roll with the punches whatever we do.
(We can get to a point where it's One Troy Ounce Silver Round and we all send to the WINNER.)

for cash blinds i was thinking like $1 in chips equals 1 STEEM. We set the blinds and chip stacks going from there. It gets a little more complex when people are coming and going with different chip stacks meaning its not trackable 100% correctly. Cash games might need to have limited seats to keep it more simple.

After reading the comments, i wanted to respond to a few ideas.

For cash,i think we have two mindsets. Fiat or STEEM


We declare a value of steem for that tourney before we start. For example $0.75. Each steem will get you $0.75 in chips on the table. The value per STEEM should be one for ease of calculating payouts etc.


1 STEEM = $1 in chips, rinse and repeat. Easy to do this with STEEM at or inder $1 usd. If it gets back to 2,3,5 this might be harder.

Set max buying?
Rebuys back to the max?

I like collecting the steem in one account, makes it clean, and if precious isn't working else where i like the idea.

I like gambling with the $10-20 dollar range. Above that I stop having fun. Would rather place twoce for $10 than once for $20 personally.

I think STEEM is the only way to go with US laws and whatnot. Im trying to figure out a way to do a cash game but can only come up with limited seats to make it as simple as possible to track. $10 tournaments look to be the way forward as well. Maybe a special higher buy in for xmas are something :)

Glad to see the interest is here, sorry i haven't been around I just got out of the hospital since wed morning. Yo all jacked up on oxies!

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