Getting High in the Shed #31 - SSG-Node01 active & steem rounds unboxing tomorrow

Things are a little brighter today. Get everything sorted last night so everything is up and running nicely, time to wait for the payments to start rolling in. I got home to a tax invoice for the UK group buy steem rounds. I have since making this video made this payment and can confirm that an UNBOXING video will be coming tomorrow evening. No much else happening. Gonna put out a post later on this evening for anyone involved in the SSG-Node01 that we brought over the past week. It will include a basic game plan that members will either yay are nay and there will be a breakdown of memebers percentages and ownership. This helps me as we move into buying further nodes down the road in the few months if the prices lets it.

Steem On - Stack On - Smoke On - Im Gone


Get to fuck!!!

Is that real? That's unreal. Can i steal that picture and use it? That's amazing. Where do you keep pulling these rabbits from? haha

Too funny! I saw this on Discord and was gonna ask who made it 😁 Now I'm really curious! Cool ass bar 😎

Thats an awesome bar.

I don't know why I like to talk like a sheep!!!! But I like it alloooooooottttt.... 😂

Thanks for brightening up a shit day brother.

Hope that women's alright. Look at you, ya big softy. You do have a heart and care ❤️

Thanks for the offer of the round but THEY WILL TURN UP #havefaith

So glad you got that smartcash running now. 700 already, fuck me!! We will be millionaires by Christmas (two thousand and.......???)

Steem on, stack on, smoke on mother fucker.

Them last minute 1 liners full out at the end for sure reason.

I really do hope you get some good news and things turn for the better as far as your steem rounds go. I feel for you man.

And yeah, smartcash is gonna hit $1 and then we can buy all the steem rounds :)

I have a heart in here somewhere, it reminds it's there after too many ciders, haha

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.11
JST 0.031
BTC 68279.01
ETH 3694.74
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.65