Ponzi Pensions - Get Ready For The Pensionpocalypse!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago

Mountains of DEBT Must Face The Crisis.

Income with-holdings and taxes are not enough to maintain the pension funds in these manipulated markets seeking higher yields.
Taxes Must Rise To Pay For Under-Funded Pensions (actually the funds were mismanaged and defrauded in a Ponzi-scheme, but those are mere details)...

There is no safety and where can your pension fund find yields with 7% or higher returns in these markets?
Ha-ha - yeah I know, the funds should have invested in Bitcoin! But, by law they can't, yet...

While I and many others have been writing about this coming crisis, and watching the looming crisis roll over year by year - getting more massive like the snowball rolling down the snow covered mountain - I saw these recent reports that you should see.

OH, Canada! OH, America! OH, Greece! OH, Italy! OH, Spain! Oh, my...

People “mistakenly believe their pension plans, mutual funds, and other investments are safeguarded.”

“Investors Are Being Swindled”: Canadian Accountants Slammed by Peter Diekmeyer • Jul 3, 2017
Canada’s Finance Minister Bill Morneau was one of the country’s top pension fund management professionals before he went into government. But when he recently addressed Concordia University business students, not one asked about the country’s $4 trillion national debt, much of which is pension-related.

That’s not surprising – because, as the Fraser Institute notes, nearly three quarters of those debts are not included in the federal and provincial governments’ financial statements. So, Canadians have no clue how bad the country’s true financial situation is.

This lax reporting is spread throughout the system, including public companies, says one expert.
Aggressive pension accounting strategies work particularly well because they enable managers and auditors to boost short-term fees and bonuses, and to simultaneously get out of dodge before the pension obligations become due.
Accounting lobby shields profession from litigation

According to Rosen, the 1997 Hercules Supreme Court of Canada decision essentially handed widespread legal immunity to financial statement auditors who approved misleading reports.
Read more wolfstreet.com

Do You See The Scam?

The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender. -Proverbs 22:7

With governments all chained to mountains of debt, they are obligated to Tax Everything, including your unborn children!
The banksters are the masters over governments in a incestuous relationship to deceive the citizens.

“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” -Claude-Frédéric Bastiat

I recall, in November 2014, sharing a post about Another Government Racket Revealed! where a new Police Chief took-over (later in tears he announced publicly) he found the police department rife with corruption!

2017 USA Pension bomb.png

In my last post, America - We Have A Problem! Central Bankers To The Rescue?, I mentioned several American regions facing Budget & Debt Crises, and I made a tongue in cheek joke that we can expect the central banks to come to the rescue.

Everyone Should Know the central banks are the problem rather than the solution.
But that won't stop the bankers from making new "emergency" policies offered as the solution with government arms enforcing policy.
Policy Enforcers are the Police and when that isn't enough they can deploy the military. The banks fund it all.

When All Else Fails, They Take You To War. -Gerald Celente

The image above reveals at least 29 out of 50 States are in trouble with their pension funds.
Below, Lynette Zang explains the pension fund crisis; please watch the video when you have the leisure.

Title: Pension Crisis - State And Local Government Pensions Underfunded
Video posted 05 Jul 2017 by ITM Trading

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Yep, hang on it's going to get ugly when people stop getting their checks!

@everybitmatters I saw Greece (and earlier, Cyprus) as test cases - the governments are still around as puppets to the money masters - no "Off With Their Heads", yet...
We'll see.

South Dakota pension funding ratio at 104.1, wow! What are they doing that's so different? That chart is from 2015, I bet it's much, much worse now.. :/

@famcore I have thought to visit the Lakota nation in that region as they have some interesting alternative and “Public Banking” efforts - so yes some aware individuals are in South Dakota - They are not slaves to Wall Street!

"Everyone Should Know the central banks are the problem rather than the solution." True but there is also the problem of resource depletion witch weakens the system more and more with each year. The central banks avoided necessary steps of adjustment for the system to work in coming years.
Yet everything will come down at the same time, it will be horrible.

@lunix thanks for that truth bit, and here is another:
energy returned on energy invested (EROEI or ERoEI) and when viewing the escalating costs of this current fuel based economy how do the globalists lower the energy costs for the supercomputers' blockchain/FINTECH A.I. bots digital banking economy?
Maybe they will introduce some type of zero-point energy technology to make crude oil obsolete?

I posted about this same subject just the other day. This is important for people to understand. I have friends who are on pensions and I tell them to look into their respective pensions to see the status of their pensions and the states running them. I just keep getting responses like 'oh my pension is fine', 'my pension does not have those issues', etc.
I'm just trying to help them and educate them on this subject matter, but like talking to a brick wall.
I hope it doesn't happen to them, but they will face the music one day and I will say 'I tried to tell you'.
I want a change in our monetary system -- one that is fair. I just know that the transition will be hard on a lot of people and that really sucks.

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