Silk Road ...... Opportunity for gold? And something about the ssg community!

A couple of years ago, China initiated to renew the old “Silk Road” to Western Europe, so goods can be transported more quickly to and from Europe.
They start doing this by means of train transportation, but there are more ways of transportation to come.

My company, located in The Netherlands experienced this already in transporting some large electric drive engines in matter of weeks instead of months compared to transportation by sea.


The reinstatement of this so called “Silk Road” has started vey ambitiously and the new Asian Investment bank is one of the main drivers in this project. They do this by investing in new roads, railroads, bridges, pipelines. I know that the Dutch government is also a participant in this new “Silk Route”.

This new merchant route is not only economically driven, but is basically a political project.

The new cooperation on the Eurasian continent means on. The long term that trade is more likely to settle in Eurasian currencies like the Renminbi, the Rubel and the Euro instead of the US Dollar.
We see this already happening in the trade of Oil and Natural gas.

This is the start of a new trend in which the Dollar will become less important.

Combined with the fact that Russia and China are no longer adding US Dollars to their national reserves, but instead are going back to adding gold to their reserves, is becoming more interesting combined with this “Silk Road”.

The three economical powers, China, Russia and Europe are all having a strategy in favor of gold in seeing gold as a financial asset. This is for instance shown in the way their Central Banks are valuating Gold on their balance sheets. They use market value in stead of the US who still values its gold on historical cost price of around USD 42 an ounce.

By reintegrating gold as financial asset, read currency, into the financial system, the “Silk Road” will lead to an impulse in the demand for gold and a declining role for the US Dollar on the longer term I expect.

The reason why is that the countries, connected to this Silk Road are able to exchange their differences in balances of payments more easily in gold.

We will see how this will play out but my feelings tell me an important role for gold has become more obvious.


The last days we see some turmoil in our Steem silver gold community, specially related to our lovely steemsilvergoldbotty.
From my side I am very happy with the way things were going, but as we grow as a platform, new challenges are facing us. I want to state to all of you that it is important to stay calm and don’t get overheated. We will fix this as a community because we are all committed to the purposes of ssg, which are:

  1. Encourage members to produce quality content.
  2. Ensure members are rewarded for great content.
  3. Ensure Steemit is a go-to place for precious metals news, analysis and more.
  4. Ensure that the community becomes significant here on Steemit.

I copied these 4 rules from one of the very early posts, only 9 months ago from the community by @hgmsilvergold

Please stick to these purposes also at the next level of our platform!



First of all my congrats to your "call to peace" within our community. These four rules must be the basis of steemsilvergold. Second, I agree with you about the soon future demise of the dollar. The best of it is that precious metals will be the base of a new world economy.

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