Have you ever heard of Stackitis , this is a disease that effects very few humans. It's a chemical imbalance in the front left portion of the brain. It causes you to make irrational decision, mostly pertaining to gold and silver. If this disease goes untreated it can lead to a life of uncomfort.


I was dignosed with this diease 3 years ago. Since then I have learned multiple ways to cope with this diease. You will always have relapse they are unavoidable.

Here are a few if my latest relapses. Please do not judge me this disaese is real and effects only a very few people in the world.


Yeah that's my power bill, they wanna cut my power off, bastards. See I had a choice, power bill or silver order. It didn't take me long to figure this one out. I said fuck it, ran down to Wal-Mart got me some candles and said to myself go ahead turn it off but that Silver, it's getting delivered.


Then on the way home from Wal-Mart, my damn battery died, thank God it's a manual. What? Hell no I am not buying a battery, I will push start this damn thing. I DONE TOLD YOU ONCE, THAT SILVER IS GETTING DELIVERED!

When you have stackitis you learn how to work around problems that may come up. Like this next situation, I handled this problem like I was freaking MacGyver.


See during the summer my air conditioning went out in my ole truck, found this little cheap unit and MacGyvered the shit out of it. See in Alabama air conditioning is not an option but you don't have to spend a lot of money on it. This works just fine.

Now one thing that you have to prepare your self for if you have stackitis is this, your spouse will probably leave you, but that's not all bad, I mean it would be one less mouth to feed.


After all these 2 items are really the only things that should be in a refrigerator.

Stackitis is tough, god only chose a few people to give this rare disease to, if you have it then embrace it cause stacking ain't for everyone, even tho it should be.


This guy here, hell know he doesn't have stackitis, he has stupiditis. Please don't confuss the Two.

My name is @raybrockman and I have Stackitis

Proud supporter of this badass group right here👇👇


I don't stack to get rich, I stack to prevent becoming poor

follow me @raybrockman

giphy (11).gif



Guess what! I got a fever. And the only prescription is MORE SILVER!

I used to have acute stackitus but it has gotten much worse lately. The last time i went for a check-up on my several growths i was told it had advanced, and was now in the pre-terminal phase of being poor. The good doctor informed me i had only about 11months left and prescribed more stacking to keep the symptoms at bay.

My name is @thedamus and i am a stack-addict.

Oh man, is there anything I can do to help? Oh hold up. I got you addy, got some medicine coming to you, maybe it will comfort your last 11 months.🏥🏥⚡⚡🔥🔥👹👹☠☠

Lol, there’s some canadian vaccine getting organized for you... i think the 4 x 9’s will help with your condition!

I've been afflicted with stackitis for years too Ray.
It's a condition without cure but you can control the symptoms by acquiring gold and silver on every dip.
Who knows one day we may well be as happy as this fella!

But NOT like this one.....

😂😂😂😂 Great post Ray.
Stack on Dude.

Unfortunately there is no cure for stackitis, only symptom management. Healthy doses of silver and gold on a regular basis generally help. What's even more worrisome tho is its ability to infect those around you - it's highly contagious! Often, addiction starts after first exposure.
@raybrockman, the medicine is on its way!

Haha this tickled me, I have been sat here giggling to this as I read it! xD

This is one of the best so far...

You might have stackitis, but there's a new problem plaguing the community called "Jingle-leg"

doctors think it could be the cause of silver-bug fever and carrying shitloads of pocket silvers. Great problem to have - terminal stackitis ✌️😎

Ol’ silverbeard may only have one good leg, but it’s a jingler!

😆 Nothin wrong with a case of jingle-legKeep on stackin' & steemin' @thedamus


the only real symptom i get is a bad back! :)

This guy ended up getting killed by a mob...vanity...karma is a mother...

@raybrockman Now that is GOOD STUFF !!! Thank You Walter White......

The government has a stackitis vaccination they send around every year about this time. Idiots line up to take the jab, not even knowing what's in it. They believe the government has their best interests at heart!!

I never take the stackitis jab, I'm happy to have the disease. In fact I try and spread it around as much as I can and try to educate the masses that you're better off getting the disease than listening to the government.

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