in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

We have Dollars, we have Cents...

Can we use them as measurements...???

Are the Rules about to change...???

Will we make America Great Again...???

Do we "fix" the Standard of Weights and Measures...???

Or do we Continue to Allow the Daily Manipulations...???

Who shall we blame for being Robbed all these years...???

Were we insane to let it continue...???

Again I ask, who shall we blame...???

Will we be moving Forward or going Back...???

Will we be better off with the Banksters hands off our Stack...???

They say the Debt can not be paid back...

And then, there's the Interest too...???

Some said it's impossible to do...

You look at me, I look at you...

Shall we close our eyes, or see this thru...???

I say up, you say down...

Don't Laugh at my Theory or you'll make me frown...

A smile appears upon my face...

I think I'm back...

Back in the Race...

Have a nice day...



Each day of the manipulation of the market is a day closer to the reset that is coming to the USSA. I for one am happy I am away from the situation, but the effects will be felt worldwide.

I think it will be much smoother than the Financial Guru's are Predicting... I don't see the United States defaulting on any of the Federal Reserve's "Debt Notes"... The reset will bring back all Credibility to We the People and the U.S. Trade Dollar will become the Trade Currency of Choice...

I enjoyed this post!

It was a little different... People get tired of my same old stuff... I can't say I blame them... I'm not even getting my usual up-votes from the Silver Mermaid... I'm starting to wonder what's up with that...

For myself, I learned that to succeed on this site- I must devote a lot of time and interaction- which I do not have at the moment. I occasionally reply, and save postings that I am interested in to read later.

I come and go, throughout the Day and Night... One of the first things I always check are the Replies... No matter how long ago I Posted a Blog, if there's a new Reply on any of them, I try to answer it... They're all out there for anyone interested... If someone had the time to go back to my very first Post, they's discover that what I said then isn't far off from what I'm saying now...

Yes, you have been consistent throughout your posts!

Nice rhymes.

Thanks... I decided to try something new, but I doubt I can keep that up for long...

You've definitely made the case for US coinage as a more valuable asset to hold than precious metals.

I love Precious Metals, but after the Reset, we will still need a Medium of Exchange to buy, sell and trade them with... If I'm right about how the Reset works, I'm thinking there's a good chance to get the PM's. very cheap, as long as you're holding Physical U.S. Coinage...

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