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in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

I see a much brighter future than I don't even know where to begin... The United State will not default on its debt... The Value of the Debt will remain the same... No one is going to lose Buying Power... The Reset of our U.S. Coinage will happen so fast, you won't be able to run to the bank to cash in your paper or digital blips for the same amount of Coinage you're able to pick up today... The Reset will be like Flipping a Switch and will start with an Emergency Executive Order from the POTUS... I agree with you that many terrible things will happen without the Emergency Executive Order taking place... If Gasoline at the Pumps was 3 Dollars per gallon before the Reset, you'll still be able to get it for the same 3 Dollars, using Federal Reserve Notes, or if by chance you have Physical U.S. Coinage, you'll be able to Purchase a gallon of Gasoline for 3 CENTS per gallon... If you have 3,000 Dollars in Federal Reserve Notes Dollars sitting in the Bank, it will become 30 Dollars worth of U.S. Coinage over night... If you were earning 30 dollars per hour before the Reset of our U.S. Coinage, your wage will be reset to 30 CENTS per hour... Everything will reach Fair Market Value using the Reset Value of our U.S. Coinage... If another Country is holding onto Billions of U.S. Treasury's, that will also be Reset, without any loss in Value... I know it all seems impossible at first thought, but we will end up with a New Trade Dollar that will be created to replace the World Reserve Currency as we now know it... It will be a very smooth transition... So, instead of something costing One Hundred Dollars, it will end up costing One Hundred Cents... Prosperity is heading our way, and it will indeed Make America Great Again... U.S. Coinage is our only hope... Thanks for going into detail about what you think is heading our way... Remember this... Gold and Silver will be bought and sold with U.S. Coinage, just like it's now bought and sold with Paper Debt Notes... The dollar bills along with the $20's and $100's will still be Spendable, or Redeemed ... Once spend or redeemed, they will be turned back over to the Federal Reserve as Payment of Debt... In other words, you redeem a paper dollar for a penny... The penny has the same buying power as the dollar you just turned in... Once turned in, a dollars worth of debt will be paid... So, a ONE CENT Coin will pay off a Federal Reserve Dollars worth of debt... That's where I get my "A Penny may cost a Dollar"... And I'm not angry with what you say... Most people right now, would agree with what you just wrote... Most people would laugh at my Theory... I've been at this for a very long time and as far fetched as it may be to others, it is very sound to me... By the way... The Dollar is almost at a Zero Value now... I hear it has lost anywhere from 96% to 98% of its Purchasing Power... I personally think it has already lost 99% of its Buying Power... So there's not much more to lose... We're not going to see a Financial Disaster over the last one or two percent... It's loss in Purchasing Power does give us "Just Cause" to Reset our U.S. Coinage...


So the President will declare this. Even though it contradicts the Constitution that only Congress has this authority? Through an Executive Order.

Why would he do this? What is the benefit to the U.S., its debt, or the average person that has $10 or less in common coins. I understand your dollar to penny ratio theory completely, but why would the President endorse this plan to save the world's economy that is in crisis? What is the benefit, how does it solve the current world banking problem?

Hello China, we owe you trillions, so our plan is to give you 1% of the payment instead in a literal boat full of pennies. You're going to have a hard time spending them anywhere, but they are yours.

And then the obvious hard sell, I know that you used to have $85,000 in your bank account...but you now own $850 in coins. We will ship them to the bank when we have time, there is a slightly long line.

I love your replies... And I have perfectly sensible answers to all your concerns... I'll try to start at the top and work my way down...

When the Federal Reserve Notes, "Crash and Burn," our POTUS will Sign an EMERGENCY Executive Order to RESET our U.S. Coinage, for a very simple reason... We as a People need to be able to Transact and do Business... We can't just sit still and have no BACK UP PLAN... Congress will (at a later date) Pass A Bill making the Reset of our U.S. Coinage Official, which shall be signed into Law by our POTUS...

The Average Person holding Ten Dollars in Physical U.S. Coinage along with its 100 Fold increase in Purchasing Power, will be "like" having a 1,000 dollar BONUS... That will be a pretty nice way to enter the Reset... What that average person has in Cash or Digital Blips in the Banking System will not lose any of it's Purchasing Power... It will just be Reset to our U.S. Coinage... One Hundred in Cash or Digital Dollars will be Reset and Backed by a One Dollar U.S. Coin, with no loss in Purchasing Power... Yes, the Numbers will change, but the Power will remain...

The President (as he tells it) is working for us... I heard him say it... What we as a Nation and other Countries around the World are beginning to find out is that every bit of the World Reserve Currency is on loan... Guess who's paying interest on that loan...??? Why wouldn't the President of the United States, RESET the Worlds Reserve Currency, in order to save our own Monetary System...???

I have a great feeling that our POTUS will save Our Coinage and Redeem the Paper... Once Redeemed, the Paper will be RETURNED to the Federal Reserve, as payment towards our National Debt... Any Extra owed in interest will be paid using either U.S. Coinage or our New Trade Dollar, which will be in both Paper and Digital Form... The Reset will be very Smooth...

Now for solving the World Banking Problem... As we're all beginning to find out, we do have a Private Banking Problem... They sure don't want US looking into their BOOKS... I say... "They made their Bed, now let them Sleep in it"... In my opinion, they've been Robbing us Blind for far too long... If saving Our Monetary System saves the Worlds Monetary System as other Countries follow suit, then so be it... I say, "Let Freedom Reign"... What was the name of that Movie with Mel Gibson...??? People of the World need to be Set Free, once and for all...

As far as China is concerned, I see no problems at all... They will not lose any Value after the Reset... The Value will be Reset, but the Purchasing Power will remain... Think of it as a 100 to 1, Reverse Split... The 1 will have the same value as the 100 once had... There will be no losers as a result of the Reset... Oh, and If China prefers Paper or Digital Trade Dollars, backed by U.S. Coinage, that's no big deal... We won't have to send them a Boat Full of

The 85,000 in the Bank is easily Reset to 850 Dollars in U.S. Coinage "backed" Digital Blips... If you need Physical U.S. Coinage, you can pick that up at the Bank, any time you choose... If you need to write a check to pay a Bill, you can continue doing that as well... Your Bills will also be Reset, so I see no problem there either...

Any Mortgage, Loan or Credit Card Debt will be Reset, so don't think you'll be walking away Scott Free from your Debts... That's why I tell people it would be a good idea to be holding 100 Dollars in Physical U.S. Coinage for every Ten Thousand Dollars they are currently in Debt for... I figure it's a Cheap Debt Insurance Policy...

I see a "WIN WIN" situation here, if my P.C. Theory becomes a Reality... If by chance you feel this message should be Resteemed, I wish you or someone else will do it... I always have this feeling that my P.C. Theory needs to be viewed by more people... I consider it Good News... Thanks again for Commenting...

Thank you for explaining your theory. I can appreciate all of the hard work you've put into your posts and explaining it to others.
As emergency money, the framework is already there and it could be declared to be worth 100x face value, I suppose.
I'm pretty sure that the day will come when the current system will have to be scrapped and some sort of reset done.

I do a little bank roll searching for silver and occasionally pennies. If I need the cash, I take them back to the bank. If I don't I just save them away.
I'm guessing that I probably have around $500 give or take in rolls and copper pennies and a bank bag of the first state quarters. I'll keep these stored away, just in case.
Of course if there was an event such as this, I have my metal detector ATM and know the locations of a whole lot of zinc pennies that I don't bother to dig now lol.
Have a good day @pocketechange. I want to do some coin roll searching now

I'm glad to know you're well fixed in Physical U.S. Coinage...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange ...A penny may cost a dollar...

I hope your theory comes true; it would benefit the people who need it the most: the American middle class!

For the last 10 years I have worried about the "crisis " that jbcoin was describing above. I feared anarchy and the loss of law if we suffered an economic collapse.

I continue to have hope that the current, debt based paradigm can be changed, or "flipped" to create a wealth for everyone.

We do have a sitting President now that is on the side of the people.

I see Prosperity heading our way... Our Country is on the Verge of Re-setting the Value of our U.S. Coinage, along with re-setting our Fundamental Freedoms... We are heading into very Bright and Promising Future...

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