Anyone want to trade your EOS for my Steem Silver Rounds!

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

I've been hearing a lot about EOS and really want to get my hands on some. I was all ready last weekend when I set up my Etherium Wallet and Binance account. Then I had a few problems with my lame bank and it took a few extra days get some deposits cleared. I ended up pulling some Steem out to Bittrex instead. Then I was just too eager, I didn't have the patience to transfer it to binance, trade for ETH and finally get EOS. Instead I just bough some Verge and Ripple on Bittrex (So far so good with those buys as anyways).

Long Story Short I really want some EOS, but I'm tapped out of Fiat

So now I'm going to do the one thing I've been telling everyone not too.

Sell some Silver for crypto.

I'm not liquidating my stack that's for sure. I'm making a selective reinvestment. I bough a lot of the Steem Silver Rounds when they were released, maybe too many. So I'm willing to part with 10 of them. I have some decent COA numbers in the 300 and all ten sequential.

I don't forsee having any extra cash in the next months and my favorite crypto is still steem so I don't want to cash out anymore.


I know the current EOS price is around. $7.45, and it was around $5 this am. I've been hearing about it ever since it was less than a $1 so I'm sure some of you got in back then. I am hoping to trade all 10 of the Steem Silver rounds, shipped worldwide for 100 EOS coins. I know based on today's value I may be overshooting, but I know the price fluctuates a lot so I will keep this deal on the table for until this post pays out. So even if tomorrow EOS is back down to $4 it's still the same deal. Maybe someone is already looking to reinvest some of there EOS profits and this will be a nice quick flip.

Hopefully someone likes this idea and really wants a few Steem Silver Rounds, or someone is just so altruistic they want to help a buddy out

It was suggested I post my EOS address in case anyone out there is feeling generous. So here it is.


Double Plus Thank-You if anyone does wish to help me out or send any gifts


I can send you a bit of EOS right now but I only have a little, maby post your EOS address here too so that people like me can donate you a little, I know I can send you a little for free!! And I will also upvote and follow and resteem!

Good idea man, I forget about all the benevolent people in the crypto world.
Here it is!

That's Awesome! Love the giving spirit of Steem!

Good on you @oldmangainz! I wish I was in a position with my EOS stake to follow suit, but I haven't met my minimum buy and HODL position yet.

Agreed. What is your price?

Hoping to get 100 EOS coins. Hopefully someone who got in early is happy with that margin

I just sent you a little Eos buddy. .I may take you up on this! But it's too late right now and I'm sleepy. Hit me on or discord.

EOS isn't the only thing that's going to appreciate. Those coins are going to be real chick-magnets in a few years.
I wouldn't sell 10 of mine for 100 EOS.
Not now, not a year from now.

You could be right, but I bought quite a few, so I'm willing to part with some.

True. You can only stack so many.
Coins I mean, not women.

You can only stack 1490 of the first EVER steem round, cos I dont think mines going anywhere 😢

Ohh mate. @mattclarke you sound like my hubby when it comes to the steem rounds. He will not part with any. I am still negotiating the release of another round....

If I had EOS I'd swap it fo damn sure.

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This is a good idea Phelimint! Someone unloaded over 1000 EOS on an exchange called on Sunday at $1.33 per, so there are people out there who would see this as a good deal I am sure!

Unfortunately, I have only managed to scrounge together 250 of them myself so far. My goal is a hodl position of at least 2000. Unfortunately, it looks like the days of the token being under $1.00 may be behind us. But I am keeping an eye out for the dip if and when it happens!

Good luck on making that exchange. I think if you do manage to get the 100 EOS out of them, you will be the winner in the long run.

Thanks man, I know the crypto world is full of people saying if only I've known of actually done something. Last weekend was my first official leap into this world and EOS has been on my mind as one of the first to HODL. So here's hoping I'm not too late once again.
I can only hope it dips again in a couple months when I'm planning again to invest a bit more money.

ok i have been wanting to buy eos for moneths but thoes coins! tell me about them, i want one.
give me a price and stuff!

Those are the 2017 Steem Silver Rounds we had minted a few months ago. Mintage of 1500, and sold out within a couple weeks.

pure silver? one oz coins?
how much each? i might freak out andd have to have one.
not showing my cards or nothing.

Yes, yes and he might still have some in his website is your lucky and only want like 1 or 2.

I do depending.
im now looking at silver 10oz bars online.
might need silver insted of gold.

check out his website they take steem directly! I just ordered some more recently!

sweet, ill check it out now.

naw, they are out of stock on the steem coin.
they make a hillery clinton coin and a trump is a fasicst coin.
i will avoid any company with a political agenda tyvm.

Hey man, the rounds sold for around 25 at release but have been selling around $60 each on the secondary market. I'm really just hoping for EOS.
As for a political agenda, we are actually from Canada but we do resell silver from most private mints, we are trying to be that one place we're you can get a huge variety of bullion like this, but yeah Silver Shield pretty much dislikes all government and banks.

ok i looked at the zoomed in pict.
what are you looking to get usd wise for the 10?
im guessing u want it in bitcoin or eth right?
im prity sure i want them.
let me know......

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I know nothing of it. Any reason you like it except the quick rise today?

It is the next project from Dan Larimer, based on the same Proof of Stake concept we have in Steem and in BTS. Dubbed "The Ethereum Killer" for being able to handle the transaction load that bogs down Ethereum, so will be the future home of smart Dapps who don't want to mess with the issues Cryptokitties had with their big uptick in sales with Ethereum network issues and gas fees.

In short, hopefully it's an asset that costs $7 today and will be worth 500+ in a couple years.

Hmm well thank you for the info and I will have to check them out a little further then.

Love the idea!


Working on some things myself:)

Cool we currently accept steem and bitcoin on our site. We do hope to continue to accept more.

The irony in selling silver coins for

Cool which website?

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