How I Got $104 Worth Of Gold For Only $30!

Can you believe I basically got free gold? And it only took me about a week to do it!

I don't even have a huge circle of influence, which means if I can do it... can do it, too!!

For reals though.

Anything I can do you can do better (it's like Mia Hamm but backwards).

Seriously, though. I'm not an expert at getting referral signups or anything. There is no reason I am capable of doing it and you are not capable, so if you have any thoughts like that...

...kick those thoughts to the curb right now, or charge them rent for taking up valuable head space.

So, here's EXACTLY how I got $100 worth of Mene credit and BOUGHT MY MOM A PAIR OF EARRINGS as a gift all within one week!

By bought her a pair of earrings I mean, spent $30 to get $104 worth of gold, which means I actually GAINED $74 (and a freaking sweet gift for my mom) because GOLD IS MONEY.

I know, you're shocked, right?!

You thought this stuff was money:

It's okay, I used to think that, too.

Luckily people were nice enough to come into my life and educate me and tell me the truth.

First thing I did is this ---> It all started when I held a steem monsters contest. All you had to do to enter to win was sign up for an account with Mene, which only takes 40 seconds!

So I didn't know what kind of results to expect.

I've never really tried this whole "promote something you're in love with" before.

But I figured why not give it a go?!

I was certainly happy that I heard about the company! With gold and platinum's low prices right now, I would have been missing out!

The prices of jewelry on the website increase and decrease with the price of precious metals.

That's crazy, right?!?!

But that's not the point.

The point is all about you and how we can get you some free gold!

Now, maybe you don't give an eff about free gold.

Maybe you're like some of these people and you'd rather just have a free Snickers bar:

But let me give you a quick tip in case you ever get asked this on the street: TAKE THE GOLD!!!

If the people in this video took the 1/10 oz. gold coin, they could have bought 140 snickers bars!!

Maybe even more, depending on where you buy the candy at.

Not only is gold just worth more than a candy bar, but it can also help your money retain value!!

You DON'T want to be stuck with your toilet paper money when inflation happens, knowing you could have kept your money from losing its value just by buying gold.

@goldmatters gave a GREAT example of this in his post the other day.

If you don't want to read the whole thing, this one picture from his post says it all:

So hopefully now you understand a LITTLE bit about why gold is so important to protect wealth.

And hey, if you can preserve your wealth while ALSO looking good wearing something nice, or being able to give a gift for someone...

...why not go for it?!

So, I know I wrote about the Mene harvest plan a while back, which basically means you can make payments as low as $16 per month interest-free to help make the jewelry affordable and LOCK IN THOSE LOW PRICES.

Remember I said the prices of the jewelry on the site go up and down?!

So yes, it's important to lock in a good price!

Which is partially why I wanted to earn $100 in credits as FAST as possible!

Now you might be wondering ... "@nomadicsoul, why stop at $100? Why not $130?

And that's a great question.

With Mene's referral program, you're capped off at $100 to spend towards one particular item.

So, I bought the item I wanted and now I've started over working towards the next one. I have $5 credit so far, and I'm excited about it!!!

Anyway, I actually meant to buy my mom earrings then, with the harvest plan, but after making the post...

... I forgot to hit confirm!!

So I missed the boat on the triangle earrings, which is a bummer! :(

This jewelry runs out of stock FAST by the way.
Another reason I like to move quick.

But, it's okay.

With the credits, I officially have bought my mom earrings (and I remembered to hit confirm this time).

So I'm hoping we will have an EPIC mene unboxing from my mom soon!

So all I did was host the contest. And then, I made some reminder posts!!!

Then, I messaged a few people personally who experessed interest and they signed up as well!!

I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who signed up!!!! You made my day with being able to give my mom such an awesome gift!!

So that's really all I did!

Oh, and I gave out my link of course!

I just said "click the green words to sign up!"

Or something like that.

If you sign up, you get $5 credit to get you started! And anytime someone buys under your name, you get $50 credit!!!!

So hey, if you want to get started on this, pretty please click these green words to get started!

Maybe you TOO could have $100 worth of credit within a week!

Remember, you can probably do it better than me... you totally can!


Great work @nomadicsoul!! Anyone who doesnt want free gold is crazy. Yeah, I just said that. Resteemed!

Thank you. Haha I put a word in there just for you!

Lol, its a great word :)

It's such a shame it costs so much to get it shipped to the UK.

oh dang, how much is UK shipping? I'm curious.

This program is so cool, I wonder how long it will last.

I don't know, hopefully forever? I mean they're getting more customers because of it, so even with the credits it should be worth it to them in the end

Hey @nomadicsoul can we make a deal?

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