EOS (now #7!!) is performing very strong today in an otherwise down market due to S. Korean Tax News

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

The overall market is in the red today and down over 6% from where it was yesterday at this time ($517.9 Billion vs $550.6 Billion). There is a report out today on Zerohedge HERE that Local news agency Yonhap reports that the South Korean government has announced Monday, Jan. 22 that it will be collecting a 22 percent corporate tax and a 2.2 percent local income tax from the country’s cryptocurrency exchanges. I'm not sure why the market is reacting poorly to this news at it makes it less likely that they are going to shutter these exchanges if they start bilking them for tax extortion.


EOS however is up 6.17%. Tomorrow, January 23rd, it is expected that there will be another announcement regarding the platform. It is rumored HERE and HERE and HERE to be related to Eric Schmidt's (former Google Exec) relationship with Block.one. Regardless of what I think of his intentions and character, if this is true, it would move price. I'm not sure however what that would do for the decentralized mission of Crypto, as I'm not sure he has an altruistic cell in his body.

We will all just have to wait and see.

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Think that South Korean government will be just the first of many governments to try and get their share of the crypto gains. Should discourage everyone governments will always try and get your money no matter what form it is in

Once they get a taste of the tax revenue, that will be game set match, they won't be able to turn back...it will also lead to money flowing to decentralized exchanges like BitShares

@matthewwarn Eric Schmidt is a SCUMBAG. There is no doubt in my MIND that he is not who I would want to associate with.

I agree with you on ES...I'll wait to pass judgement until after the news comes out on my "investment/speculation/gamble" on EOS

Anything that Schmidt does is against everything I believe is good and true. Google is EVIL and well we know that he is a Globalist piece of Trash.

Note to self...@stokjockey is not an Eric Schmidt fan lol

But you are right, a lot of the Silicon valley guys all fall into that box

i just took some EOS profits no matter which the announcement is, the lesson i took in past: buy the rumor sell the new is not going to happend to mE again, and if it goes to the moon... excellent! i just sold a"bit" xD

BTW Stellar is holding good as well

I saw Stellar is holding up as well. Any ideas as to why? As for EOS...I'm not much of a trader lately. I'm going to HODL for now.

about stellar there is nothing new, i would say thats the good new, stellar is not a promise.
Stellar post today tho: https://www.stellar.org/blog/Q1-2018-stellar-and-state-of-crypto/

i hodl as well but but but... i got a debil antihodler growing in my right shoulder, Many times I have seen the scenario of "should take some profit" not to do so and see how prices fall for some reason.

gracias por tu aporte, ahora se en cuanto están los precios de las criptomonedas, espero que mañana sea positivo en ves de seguir retrocediendo!

las correcciones son saludables para el mercado

así es,crees que mañana aumenten los precios?

Creo que Bitcoin corregirá a 8000 pronto y que establecerá un mercado más saludable

Hoo, y sobre el Steem?

Creo que las altcoins comenzarán a negociarse independientemente de Bitcoin con el tiempo, pero no sé sobre Steem, si 5.000.000 de personas se unen a Steem, el precio será mucho, mucho mayor

muchas gracias amigo:) me alegraría mucho que diera un vistazo por mi blog.!

Good day for EOS: thank you for sharing.

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