A triple unboxing in the Clarke household, and voting power lease auction info.

Crazy day for deliveries here in Australia, with both of the large Aussie orders arriving safe and sound.

This is a pretty sweet stack, although I have to part with a few, as some other Mallsballers snuck their orders in with mine.

I also found a hero in the bunch.
#1448 decided '1500 mint condition coins' was one too many, and decided to

'Take a walk, I may be a while'.

So he's jumped his protective case, and will live a life of adventure in my pocket.
I imagine he'll enjoy a whole lot of belly rubs at the Adelaide BBQ, so I'm sure you'll see him out and about at some point.

Big shout-out to everyone involved here, you know who you are.

My oldest has joined up and is looking to make friends his own age, to talk about lego and minecraft and dinosaurs.
Too many boring grownups here at the moment. @henryclarke

I've had a few questions about the auction to establish the monthly lease price for my third lot of delegated voting power (10K)

I've decided, to avoid an ebay style race to the finish at midnight, each bid will add another 30 minutes to the duration of the auction.

This will start at 12:00 UTC as the 24th becomes the 25th of October, 36ish hours from now.

@raybrockman is my current bid at 200 steem/month.
If nobody else bids before 12:30 on the 25th, that will be his monthly fee, indefinitely.
If somebody else bids during the 24th (let's go with 5 steem minimum increments), and nobody else responds, then he'll win the auction at 12:30 on the 25th, locking in the 205 steem/month price indefinitely.
If somebody bids in the first half hour of the 25th, the auction will continue for 30 mins after his bid and on and on, until a bid has stood for 30 full minutes.
To keep track of the sequence and timing of bids, please bid only via a memo in my wallet.
Please don't send any substantial amounts of steem until we've finalised the winner.
I'll unavoidably be asleep for this, so won't be able to adjudicate live, but the rules are pretty straightforward.

To be clear; the winner won't just secure the 10,000 SP voting delegation at his bid price, indefinitely, he'll also be first in line to take over either of my other two leases, at 200 steem/month as soon as one falls vacant.

As always, have a fantastic day


That's awesome man, so fun to have the kids there too, they looked pretty excited about it all! Thanks for sharing with us all.

They're pretty keen to place their own orders for the 2018 coin. Pat yourselves on the back, gents.
You did great.

That's one of the biggest steemit silver stacks I've seen!

I don't know what has taken me so long because I've seen you everywhere here on steemit, but I've decided to follow.

My advice to noobs is always that.
Insightful, supportive, timely comments get you followers.

Hey - I saw you posting about AoE - maybe you want to join the first tournament on steemit - check it out: https://steemit.com/gaming/@steemleague/steemleague-the-1st-age-of-empires-ii-hd-tournament-on-steemit-is-coming

Greets :)

Awesome challenge coin. 1484 is my motorcycle number. Out of 2000 minted. Close.

Where's my spy camera?

I told you, you don't get a gun until you tell me your name.

I like the idea about make jewelry about coins as bitcoin or steem. Regards

The excitement of opening parcels in the mail! Especially when it's full of silver coins!!!

Aww thanks mate!! Look at all them coins!! 🙌🙌 Love how the unboxing was a family affair! Beautiful steady camera hand there Amanda ❤

@immarojas he's got #8!!!!

Yeah i saw...maybe mine will be 888???

I hope so!! Crossing fingers!

Very nice investment!

I can't wait for mine tomorrow...

Welcome to the stack squad :)

Hmm... I believe this is the first time I've watched a coin unboxing. Normally I watch women unboxing shoes. Or Jon Olsson (my favourite youtuber) unboxing whatever free stuff he's been sent.


Amanda rolled her eyes when I asked her to be my videographer for an unboxing.
It's what all the kids are doing these days.
I need a haircut :)

Lol. I didn't actually notice that until you pointed it out.

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