Higher Gold and Silver Prices Means More New Stackers To SteemSilverGold | Members Report and Steem Lords

Much higher silver and gold prices are at the door, which means the interest in gold and silver will explode over the coming months, due to the increase in new stackers.

This also means that we will get a great influx of SteemSilverGoldMembers who are new to stacking.

We have to prepare for this by increasing our “new to stacking content”.

A few ideas (feel free to add more):

  1. What silver and gold to buy (junk silver or gold, government bullion coins, bars, etc.)?
  2. Where to buy it (online or local coin shop)? @silverstackeruk already put a great list out: https://steemit.com/steemsilvergold/@silverstackeruk/huge-list-of-50-trusted-bullion-dealers-selling-worldwide-33
  3. Where you buy your gold and silver, and why it works best for you?
  4. How to avoid buying fake gold or silver.

Please share your experiences and advice that would be useful to new stackers.


Have you been following #SteemLords? Thanks to #TeamAustralia and @sirknight for bring us this great series, and the opportunity to show why #SteemSilverGold are indeed the Steem Lords and destined to wield Excalibur.

A shout out to our members participating in Steem Lords (apologies if I missed someone) – please support them:


We currently have 117 members.

New members: @stephen-somers @roky @agcrypt @cash22

Please make all new members feel welcome by visiting their page and leaving them a note & a vote. Please follow all the new members (assuming they have followed you already). Furthermore, ensure that you are following all members on the full membership list below.

Join SteemSilverGold

If you would like to join SteemSilverGold, then please comment (say you want to join) upvote and resteem this post, as well as follow all members on the list, at the end of this post. There is a easier way to follow all the members thanks to @guiltyparties: https://steemit.com/steemsilvergold/@guiltyparties/steemsilvergold-auto-add-members

Again, please upvote and resteem this post, so that we can add more members and achieve our community goals.

Goals of #steemsilvergold:

1.Encourage members to produce quality content.
2.Ensure members are rewarded for great content.
3.Ensure Steemit is a go-to place for precious metals news, analysis and more.
4.Ensure that the community becomes significant here on Steemit.

We will achieve this if members:

  1. Upvote and Resteem quality content produced by other members (check the list) – regularly check #steemsilvergold and support each other
  2. Grow the community - Invite more members: wales, dolphins and minnows. Furthermore, invite from other forums outside of Steemit.
  3. Continue producing good quality content - We need to really cover the range of needed silver and gold related content: Analysis (fundamental and technical), Advice & Intelligence, News, etc.
    Use the #steemsilvergold when posting, and provide a link to this post, possibly stating that you are a member of this community.
  4. Contribute skills and know-how - There are certain administrative/representative positions that need to be filled: Whale Sponsor, Marketing, possibly a Celebrity Figure and any other we can think of.
    Please nominate yourself, or others, for the other representative positions, or any thing you can contribute to make this community succeed. If you nominate someone outside of the community, then take the initiative and invite him or her yourself.

I am @hgmsilvergold Secretary SteemSilverGold

logo by @bearone

Members A-M (Status)Members N-Z (Status)
@agcrypt (active)@nenio (active)
@agscotskiwi (active)@nolnocluap (active)
@ajain (active)@oleg326756 (active)
@anothervoice (active)@ozmaga (active)
@bi5h0p (active)@ozz (active)
@blackrussian (active)@pearlcore (active)
@bluelightbandit (active)@phelimint (active)
@bola (active)@plumey(active)
@brian-debbie96 (active)@randomness (active)
@broncnutz (active)@raybrockman (active)
@buster544 (active)@richard78624 (active)
@calam (active)@roky (active)
@cash22 (active)@rolf.bakker (active)
@ckz (active)@ronnieramli (active)
@coinquest (active)@roop (active)
@coldpie (active)@roxdude(active)
@collector4life (active)@runaway-slave (active)
@coolbowser (active)@sanction (active)
@crowe (active)@sevinwilson (active)
@cve3 (active)@shadowstack
@daadog (active)@shenanigator (active)
@edthecanadian (active)@silverbug (active)
@ereandthere (active)@silverdroneman (active)
@ewspears (active)@silverfortune (active)
@famcore (active)@silverfuture (active)
@finkavenue (active)@silverino (active)
@gemstoned (active)@silvernova (active)
@geordiesilver (active)@silverslayer (active)
@goldenarms (active)@silverstackeruk(active)
@goldgoatsnguns (active)@silverwings(active)
@goldkey (active)@sirknight (active)
@goldmatters (active)@sirstacksalot(active)
@greenstar (active)@sminchow (active)
@gregmurphy (active)@sorghakillstack
@grizzman (active)@speckofdust (active)
@guiltyparties (active)@spicyer (active)
@handofzara (active)@stackin (active)
@harleymechanix (active)@stephen-somers(active)
@hgmsilvergold (active)@stokjockey (active)
@hiphoplifer (active)@tbnfl4sun (active)
@honestvalue (active)@thecoolplayer (active)
@hoss403 (active)@thedamus (active)
@htliao (active)@theswede (active)
@hydroconomist (active)@timitwist (active)
@irfo1 (active)@topslim (active)
@jameswhite (active)@traderyen (active)
@jangaladesigns (active)@tremendospercy (active)
@jdawg (active)@tylersilver (active)
@j0hndayt0n (active)@tzcap (active)
@kabrink (active)@unclehermit (active)
@kingmoise (active)@underground (active)
@lesvizable (active)@walktothewater (active)
@locos (active)@welshstacker (active)
@longshot (active)@wickedlettuce (active)
@lucky.digger (active)
@madein-hisimage (active)
@maneco64 (active)
@marcfrvncis (active)
@melke (active)
@midastouch (active)
@missiontothemoon (active)
@mittenmetals (active)
@motowngold (active)

We at Community News reckon the SteemSilverGold Guild is the second fastest growing community on Steemit.

We also have our gold and silver and we await the big move!

Great post @hgmsilvergold

From @sirknight and the editors of ...

Yeah, could be.
...wonder who is first?

The big move is coming. Most most likely over the remaining period of this year and beyond. Keep stackin.

thanks, let's keep this community going

Just found the link to the community, will be spending time adding/following the members. Great posts and love the photos from around the world !!!

Welcome new members. If any new members or people who haven't seen any of my posts would like a little boost in your Steem Power......comment on one of my posts as a member and I'll give y'all the silver stackin homey hookup with my voting power. Everyone needs help getting started. Just use #30hof at the end of your post and I'll know. Good luck y'all

thanks for the welcome, i just joined steemit recently and requested to join the group today. I made an introducemyself post if you interested in checking it out. #30hof

Good to have you here man.....spread the word to your friends!

Thank you and will do!

followed ya broncnutz gona check out your page :)

Hey thanks! I followed you back. 😎

thanks @broncnutz for the silver stackin homey hookup :)

I would like to join your band of silvery savants. Upvoted and resteemed!

great, welcome. just follow all the members. your membership will be confirmed in the next membership update.

followed :)

I love how so many people get out of bullion at low prices then others wait to buy into bullion til spot is high!
Also, great post! I'll have to write up a response post to throw my two cents into the mix. When I started stacking those were all questions I had that made me a bit apprehensive!

thanks. true, I find many are getting out right now. bring on the post.

Very cool that you got such a community together, im new on steemit and been making a few posts about my coins and generally causing mischief. Ive been a stacker since 2011 and have some nice coins to show. I would very much like to join and play a part in enriching such a great like minded community.

great, welcome. just follow all the members. your membership will be confirmed in the next membership update.

Are you can to count me in?
I hope that.
Thanks to you.

great, just upvote resteem and follow all the members listed - they will follow you back.

Welcome new members!

i am a newbie, please to count me in. thanks

great, welcome. Your membership will be confirmed in the next membership update.

followed you nurse43 :)

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