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RE: Land Ho!

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago

You have been victim of a @GrumpyCat flag because you or someone else sent money to buy votes from an irresponsible non-GrupyCompliant service.

@sneaky-ninja is acting irresponsibly by selling votes to people on their post in the last hours before payout. = 99.99% abuse rate.

To know what voting bot to use, refer to and use those that have 3.5 day or less in the "Max Age" column.

To learn more:


Mr. @grumpycat you are being a complete nuisance at this point, as not everyone may be informed of your new stupid rule. As a new steemian, it isn't very hard for me to find and flag the real abusers, but it seems you've taken the Lazy Whale approach by targetting innocent, hard working posters.

I more or less agreed with your incentive but I was unsure of your approach. At best, it's a complete dick move.


Because like I said, it takes me 3.5 seconds (not 3.5 days) to find the real abusers. go flag @kospi for instance. Who is abusing leased delegated Steem Power ontop of upvote bots to upvote bible scripture with no context and a stolen picture.

I just found @thedamus blog the other day when I noticed he may have been sending SBD to a scammy resteem service, and I reached out to him. We chatted. He saw my concerns, and it was a good time.

You on the other hand, are taking the most unethical approach and are clearly specifically and intentionally targetting innocent users of your Non-"Grupy"Compliant upvote bot services. By the way, you Misspelled your own damn name so ALL of your "You're a winner" posts have a typo in it!

Not only did you wreck this post, but you wrecked all the other ones just because he used sneaky ninja. It'll take me another 3.5 seconds to go look at the transactions on sneaky-ninja's account and find more abusers to flag instead of fucking an innocent posters whole week up.

You need to grow up. I said it once and I'll say it again, this is what happens when you let kids play with money.

GrumpyCat thinks he can do this because he got his 3.5 million worth of STEEM POWER for dirt cheap.

Do you need help? I will help you and I will work day and night to help you find those that NEED to be flagged if you STOP flagging innocent people. This is getting ridiculous and completely out of hand, and you are creating more drama by doing this.


  • You are using your power to hurt innocent people.
  • You are flaging posts that are less than 3,5 days old.
  • You are nothing but a bully.
  • This post is flaged and I will continue to flag your posts unless you stop your bully actions.

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