Gold & Silver - Look at 10yr Historical Charts VS CPI

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

Gold and Silver prices are down again today.






Let's look over the past 10 years.

What is the price of Gold and Silver compared to 10 years ago?
What is the price of goods and services compared to 10years ago?

The consumer price index (CPI) shows that over the past ten years prices have gone up about 18%.
I think the prices have gone up over 50%. Let's look...


Let's look at Silver. Over the past 10 years, Silver prices have bounced around $20, plus or minus. There was a spike up from 2010 through 2012, then back down to $20. With the CPI, it should be stable up to $24 at least. with my 50% increase, it should be about $30. It's not and it looks like manipulation.



Let's look at Gold. Over the past 10 years. Gold prices have gone from around $800USD and bounce around $1200, plus or minus. There was also a spike up from 2010 through 2012, then back down to $1200. With the CPI, it should be stable up to only $960. With my 50% increase, it would be about $1200-$1300. WELL, THAT'S WHERE IT IS!!!


The US government consumer price index (CPI) shows that over the past ten years prices have gone up about 18%.

That sounds wrong to me. I personally don't believe it is that low because everything that I buy costs a lot more.

US GOV CPI 18% versus MY CPI 50%

How much does you mechanic charge, compared to 10 years ago?
Mechanics were about $50 or $60 per hour before, now they are $75 to $90 per hour or more
Soda Pop cost about less that $1USD but now they are $1.50 to $1.75.
A bag of chips was $1USD but now they are $1.69.
Everything seems to cost 50% more these days over prices from 10 years ago.
Seems to me the increase over the past 10 years is closer to 50% or more.

I don't believe the CPI is a true representation of prices. It is a manufactured number to manipulate inflation rates and give the perspective of a financial recovery.



I believe GOLD is (less) manipulated and it is the TRUE WEALTH ON THE PLANET.




Great Post! I can't get my hands on enough Silver & Gold at these prices...

Thanks. Silver is undervalued, you can't go wrong getting all that you can get.

I like the way you compared the CPI, it shows how devalued the dollar has become, the PMs are way under valued when looking at all normal calculating methods or comparisons !!!!!!!!

Thanks. The CPI has bugged me for a long time. It just doesn't seem like reality and it certainly doesn't jive with precious metals. Thanks.

Excellant post buddy, buy silver now and when the ratio gets below 40 to 1, sell and move into gold. Thanks for the info.

My plan is to wait until it at least gets up to what I paid for it (If I don't die of old age first!)

I've got a few pieces that I bought when it was higher than today. Several BU Kennedy Half dollars. Spot price was over $40. These Kennedy halves were worth more as silver than as collectible coins. So my local coin shop broke open some mint fresh Kennedy half dollar rolls and sold them based on silver content.

I got mine years ago when the price was between $20- $25... I'm really hoping it will get above that again. The reason I bought them was insurance against the collapse of fiat!

Ah Man... you will make it. Thanks for stopping in

Thanks. We are on the same page about the ratio and the plan. Silver is the plan now, and when the ratio corrects... onward to gold... Thanks for the comment.

Thanks for the info @goldkey

Since the cryptocoins have become popular, most of the investors of opportunity went to invest in cryptocoins instead of the gold or the silver.

It can be said that the market is depending mainly on the global companies that need this kind of products for the production of their own products ...

Thanks @megusta. You bring up two good points.
Investors are putting fiat currency into cryptos and not gold/silver. Companies are putting gold/silver into products, using it solely as a physical resource like wood, oil, coal, or iron.
These two points tell me that investors and companies do not view gold/silver as money.
I think Gold & Silver are money.

Thanks for your comments.

That last line says it all!

A simple risk/reward analysis will work wonders.

Lets take silver. 16.87/oz right now.

If you bought now and silver goes to zero. (won't happen but whatever) You lose your $16.87 and have some paperweights. We know that silver can bounce up to right around $40. So we risk $16.87 for a potential $20+ gain. Just buying and holding would save you more due to inflation than having that same fiat in a savings account.

Great post! Followed and upvoted.

Excellent point that holding gold/silver saves more due to inflation than fiat in a savings account.
We are at a point where we can at least maintain wealth with gold/silver, while all fiat currencies lose value. Thanks for your comment.

Very intellectual thought process, seems to me that silver has been and especially today's smack down is the most undervalued asset one could buy!

That's right. Many many smack downs are keeping silver down. It has been a constant manipulation. Just keep stackin'.

good work thank you for shar

Thank you for your reply

you welcome ^^

wow,its really good to see.thank you for share.

Thanks for your work as well! Followed. Please follow me

Thank You!


You're welcome

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