Dear Lord Give Me the Strength!

Hope you're all having a Good Friday, I had to take a break from eBay because my stackitus is flaring up real good and I'm not sure I have any restraint against thempowers of sexy vintage silver art bars such as this..


Many of you know I'm an avid collector of these lil silver bars. Addicted even..


The one in the pic is a Hamilton Mint piece and at twice spot price of silver I'm trying my level best to not order that sucker!

I'm an East coast kid and anything to do with the water I'm partial to. Did u see the two old boats, the chain, seagulls water and anchor..omg I want it!

I don't have any Hamilton Mint bars right now because they're an odd shape, slightly different from the majority of my other 1 oz bars but I dont know if I can hold out here?

Here is a pic of the back

s-l400 (1).jpg

It details some shit about whaling but for me it's all about the front of that bar, winner!

So I ordered a rare Canadian bar this morning and then I saw that one, I'm going to post this and then goto work to see if I can keep myself from ordering another high priced bar today?

Wish me luck!

Sucker for silver @goldenarms



Nice bar collection! I got a 1oz Zcash silver round on ebay. Because I can. I need the ltc one tho... I like to be different. I definitely don't have nea the amount of bars as you though.

It's not the size of the stack in the fight, it's the something about a dog?..u know what I mean..😁

Good luck! There are worse addictions you could have...

Go for it! You know you NEED that bar!!!

I looked at those Williams bars and they do go for a premium. In your opinion as a more experienced stacker, why don't people buy more low-priced round or the basic coin in their country? For instance, there are many rounds that go for $25 right now, but an American Eagle is $19ish. Is the extra premium because of speculation based on the uniqueness of the round?

U want cheap silver buy when different major retailers have at spot deals and form a relationship with your local coin shop and buy any bullion they'll sell ya as close to spot as possible. Buy a bit consistently then you'll have a report and can haggel the price after awhile to get better deals

What are some of the "major retailers"?

So you don't just pay the price they sell at? You're able to negotiate it down a bit? Any idea how much you can normally get off?

What grizzman said...

Fight the disease! Most try, but fall when the silver catches their eye. Best of luck!

I got this bar LAST WEEK for only $17.20USD at my LCS.... sorry. 😬

It is a great bar. I picked up 5 different bars from the series. The ebay mark up on them sucks.

Seeing them has definitely made me more interested in older art bars. I hope you find one soon for an excellent price.

Show me a pic, I'll buy it at twice what you paid. I'll pay with Steem too if u want?

So far I am an emotional collector so am not looking to sell. Happy to keep an eye for another though.

I have a post with a pic on my profile. Is it tacky to drop a link here?

The bar had paper stuck to the edges when I took the pics for my post, but I soaked it off in a bit of hot water.

Your doctor diagnosed you wrongly. You have Collector Disease, not Stacktitus. Stacktitus doesn't force you to buy a bar at twice the price of the spot. Collector Disease does and there is no known medicine to cure it, also.

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