Canadian Gold Price Reaction. What's happening now?

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

This was my face when I just checked the gold price. I was closing some tabs and I decided to take a peek at the spot price..then I was like..

Photo property of Warner Bros.

So this is the chart, notice the red line goes up


You thought it looked high in USD, you see the dollar value in beaver dollars?!

What's going on? Is this because North Korea shot a missle over Japan? I don't profess to know anything but anytime gold jumps $40 I take notice!

What do you guys think? Is it gonna fall back down to earth tomorrow?


Banner by @bearone


I like that quote!

I love it whenever I see an article that is like "Gold price spikes!" ... Checks price ... 2% increase ... le checks crypto prices ... 10%+ intraday swings

Don't slight the metals tho, timeless classics that won't disappear when the power goes out lol investors have em all. A lil metal could save your ass someday @trogdor. Remember ppl used to value and use seashells as currency lol

Bro, I'll never bash the metals! I just happened to get in around the worst time possible and kept HODLing. I still think long term it's the right play, just my long term timetable keeps getting longer...

I feel ya. Also can't resist the friggin gains cryptos have been enjoying. Feels like the Sky's the limit, it's exciting

Let's just say I learned about Bitcoin when it was about $75-100... but never bought any at the time, I got really interested in Ethereum around $7... but never bought any, and I got really interested in Monero around $2... but never bought any. Of course, I DID buy silver at $30+..... but c'est la vie or something.

Yo troggydog check this out see if you don't get a laugh? 😊

I would assume the price has to consolidate a bit before the launch but I just want to watch it soar!

But then we'll pay more for our metals 😔 I was enjoying these sale prices

If it does get shot down again I'll sure be happy to buy some more but if it keeps climbing the value of my assets will keep me happy

This post has received a 2.99 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @goldenarms.

Markets just opened again and boom up again. real strange in the uk in gbp seems to be getting close to the all time high. silvers lagging abit as it does but seems like it's out the sync with the dollar and usually they in sync. seem very strange to me..could fall though to a low again you just never know. so many paper contracts dumped onto the market. but still is there something i missed.

I was wondering about what caused today's spike myself. I'm more of a silver collector myself and keep hoping that the price of silver will skyrocket do I can make bank.

nope. its off to the moooon!

No not yet! I dont have enough and now it's gonna be harder to buy 😔

Wow. Was just going to buy some the other week actually. Too bad.

So price correction tomorrow? Or this is just the beginning?

yea just read about it .. the North Koreans fired a missile over Japan .... I guess that was why gold and silver are up now .... still not sure about this missile thingy though ... could be another black swan/false flag stuff .... upvoted

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