Shiny Shit Part 1 - Winnings From @underground

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)


Hell Ya!

I've been waiting for a couple packages to arrive and they both came this week! One was from @armshippie (which will have its own post here in a minute) and the other was from @underground. The following pictures are from Tuesday when I got these from Undie. I somehow keep managing to win contests, which adds to the truth in one of my nicknames, 'Lucky'. I won this sweet 1 OZ Buffalo Round from him a while back.

Beautiful, Right?

I swear, joining up with #steemsilvergold and floating around when I can with you all, has been one of the most exciting times for me here on Steemit. Want to know what's really cool about these guys? EVERY contest I've won, I didn't just win a single coin, but fostered friendships on a deeper level. Did I mention EVERY one of them have included bonuses???

A Sweet Display

Front and back shots of the beauty I won. My collection is slowly growing. Think I need to buy some more now!


Each in its Place

Now, I think @undeerground may have remembered when I first came to SSG and the post I made. All those little bonuses now have their own comfortable home. Check it out!

It Grows

On Tuesday, I added another piece to my collection and watched it grow. Like a beautiful tree planted from a single seed many moons ago. Below, you will see my various pieces and I know it's not much, but it's growing and continues to. Pictured is; my first vial I collected in the Black Hills of South Dakota as a youth, the Walking Liberty my uncle gave me, my fabuloso 2017 STEEM Silver Round, the insanely cool Totem Round I won from @goldenarms that came with those mini bars as a gift to my girls, the bar I bought and finally the Buffalo Round I won from @undergound. Small to some, but all meaningful to me.

Stay Tuned For More!!!

I hope you have enjoyed part 1 of my showcase today. Part two will be done within an hour. Hopefully by the time @shadowspub's PYPT starts so I can show them both off! Makes me giddy. Can almost smell the silver...seriously. It does have a smell. Not sure if I like it better than pages in a book or a few other choice things...but it sure is growing on me! Thanks for staying true @underground. STeeM oN my peoples!



@liberty-minded made this badass gif
@enginewitty #thealliance witness.png


Great loot buddy!

Muchos gracias amigo!

The delays on my end were Partly Due To an "unresponsive winner" and just laziness I'm afraid, so I made it up to you, and also the other winners ;) Glad you like them E-Dub!

very cool ...much shine!
Am getting a P.O. Box finally, I've been stuck in a jungle on special ops and just got out, phew! I never new Sloths were so vicious!

I did not know they had a post office above the Arctic Circle


PS: the extras were a Morgan, a 40% Silver Half, and 2 35% Silver War Nickels.
Quite a bit MORE Silver in 2 War Nickels, than one 90% Dime ;)

Unresponsive winner?

that's like my list of exes, lmfao

😀 😁 😂 🤣 😃 😄 😅 😆 😉 😊 😋 😎

I forgot about that, at least we were in contact 😄
BlaineB won 4th place in the "Biggest-Bestest" 2018 GAW
Nada... Hoping he is OK, he was a relatively active Steemer
and just kinda fell out.


Nice glad the stack is growing and glad it finally made it!😁☠️

He he ya me too!

What a lovely collection you have going! Congrats on the contest wins and good values you've purchased! 😊

Thank you Kitty :) about time to enter a few more and buy a few pieces :P

You have been defended with a 100.00% upvote!
I was summoned by @enginewitty.

Wow. This looks really nice. I wonder what the part two showcasing will be like.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

this is so cool!!!! i'm starting to get very excited about silver myself!!! :) I never thought i would - but I started to see some really interesting pieces!

and it got me very intrigued - and you're right - that community is so generous!!!! @silversaver888 has been so generous to me! and @kerrislravenhill - wow - what a creative silver pirate! hehehehe

love it - i think i found a new interest!! :)

I just met SilverSaver, she seems nice and Kerri has some wicked cool posts. Don't get over there much as I would like.

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Hell yeah! So cool!! I've always been really interested in coins, collections, silver, gold whatever. I unfortunately have no collection because of tough situations when I was younger that we repeatedly call for me to sell/trade most of my belongings, haha. BUT! Seeing posts from #steemsilvergold keeps rebooting my interest! Thanks!

Starts with one piece!

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