#piratesunday Captain K Hi-Brisil Bound Part 2 (@dixiesilverminer entry)

Welcome back to the deck of the Silver Wing my plundering brethren!! Today is #piratesunday and thanks to @stokjockey for setting this wonderful holiday of pirate-dom upon us! Today we jump back into Captain K and his crews journey to find the third relic in the Lost Sea to further their quest for the Silver Skull of Destiny. When we last left our heroes they were being trailed by three ships sailing under the banner of Emperor Ikanus.

precious dixiesilverminer.gif
(Precious thanks to @dixiesilverminer)

Checking the charts and their position Goldie exclaimed "Captain we are entering The Torch now!" The Torch is the region that is know for fire rain; large down pours of flames that erupt from the sky at any time. Smiling down from the stern castle Captain K looked down at the decks covered in sand. Glancing back at the ships trailing the Dragon Fire, he chuckled to himself knowing that they were nowhere near prepared for what was to come. They had closed the gap on the Dragon Fire, but they had as most do underestimated the might of this crew. Yelling down to the crew he ordered "Sir Bentley to be ready at the bellows and First Mate D to ready the crew with the tubes." On the decks barrels of water with tubes in the hands of the crew at one side and attached to bellows at the other stood like statues waiting. Captain K quietly watched the sky and the ships as they entered The Torch. After several hours of sailing the Dragon Fire found itself in a dense fog with flashes of lightning breaking through. The sound of Precious' song could be heard between the claps of thunder. Standing ready the men notice all of a sudden the songs went silent and the sky light up, but this time with a reddish glow. Captain K shouted to his men "The fire rain!" With that flames some as large as a mans arms began falling quickly and with the force of a giant onto and around the ships. Captain K yelled the orders for Sir Bentley to "pump as fast as he could!" Jumping from bellows to bellows the mighty hare forces air from the bellows into the barrels of water sending water shooting out the sides manned by the rest of the crew. Water shot from the tubs extinguishing flames that did not hit the sand on the decks and extinguish. Looking up just in time Sir Bentley leaped out of the way as a large mass of fire crashed into the deck crushing two of the bellows and pulling the barrells down below. Watching First Mate D reached out and grabbed NoName and Goldie yanking them back onto a solid portion of the deck. Seeing the destruction Captain K ordered DOC and Khamen to start pumping the bellows that were left at the rear of the ship in the water from the slamming cliffs days before. The two men quickly began pumping water into the water forcing the ship ahead in the water as flames were drenched on the sails by the other men. Captain K running to their aid started pumping harder on the third bellows.

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(Captain K thanks to @dixiesilverminer)

As they were pumping the men could see two of the three ships that were following them in serious trouble. The sails were completely ablaze and the decks looked as a fireplace does when you stoke the logs. Men were screaming and jumping into the water, while others had a less fortunate fate in the flames. The third ship was fairing much better and seemed to be gaining on the Dragon Fire. After about an hour the fog returned to normal with the yellow glares of lightning and the song of Precious once again could be heard in the distance. Captain K ordered a status report on the ship and First Mate D returned shortly thereafter to give it. "She is holding up well Cap, but the port side of the hull does have some damage and is taking some water. The men are working on her, but it is slowing us down in the water." Captain K took his information and told them to "continue to work on the problem for we are closer now more than ever." The ships damage had been controlled, but one of the Emperors ships was still on their tail and gaining swiftly with their damage. In the early morning hours Captain K was awoke by NoName yelling "Land, Land!" from the crows nest. Rushing out onto the deck Captain K could see Hi-Brisil in the distance surrounded by an odd fog. NoName yelled down to the Captain "Darnest thing sir, she hasn't gotten any closer as we have moved toward her in the water." The Captain yelled back "I don't expect her too either my friend." At the moment Emperor Ikanus' third ship emerged from the port side out of the thick fog firing its cannons at the Dragon Fire. NoName sounded the alert and the crew jumped into position firing off their cannons at the menace that had found them. Two cannon balls slammed into the Dragon Fire opening up and expanding the damage that had been patched earlier. First Mate D ordered the men "full fire" as they sent cannon ball after cannon ball at the ship that was slightly larger. Sir Bentley jumped from the deck to where Captain K stood "Sir the ship seems to be made of iron our projectiles are just bouncing off of it!!" Reaching into his pocket the Captain pulled out the piece of silver he had examine from his bag prior to setting out on their journey." The silver was now pulsating and glowing and Captain K ordered the men to keep firing!!!"

(Photo by @dwingsworld)

Sir Bentley looked at the silver and the Captain laughing pointed to the sky told Sir Bentley "Athena does not show you what is not needed." Looking up the warrior was taken aback at what he saw. A large metallic looking beast with shimmering purple and blues flapping colossal wings flew above the mass of the Dragon Fire. The crew looked up as the shadow from the beast blocked all light. The Captain yelled down to the crew "lets watch the show!" With that they looked at the menacing ship they had battled turning its fire skyward. The large dragon swooped downward at the ship dropping what appeared to be cannon balls to the deck and then barrels of liquid on the next pass. Something else looked odd on the dragon as well, the crew noticed what looked to be a saddle and two figures dwarfed by the large beast on its back. Coming back around for a third and fourth pass the odor of sulfur filled the air and then the dragon cast a steady flame out onto the ships deck. The liquid they had dropped caught instantly and then the large shells exploded sending shrapnel into the body of the ship. The men could see large dents and holes bursting outward in the hull of their enemies vessel. Watching the large beast came to the side of the ship and the two figures leaped to the deck of the Dragon Fire. Captain K grinned and screamed out "Men let me introduce you to my brother at arms Slak-tor the dragon master and". Looking puzzled Captain K gazed at the second man, a broad gentlemen with dark hair and slick grin on his face. Slak-tor said "this my old friend is Cornelious of Doggshire and all the amazing fire power you see is thanks to his mind! Oh, and I believe you already know Tarakona, although he was just an egg when we saved his family." (See Captain K's previous adventure Holding up his hand Slak-tor waved a piece of silver the same as that which Captain K had in his bag and said "so you called?"

(Slak-tor the Dragon Master thanks to @slackerstacker)

Well my faithful crew we must cut our tale there and wait till next #piratesunday to find out where this amazing twist leads. Please make sure to check out @dixiesilverminers post and the post that helped this adventure here
I always appreciate your support and time and please upvote, resteem, and reply!!

(Precious thanks to @silversaver888)


Cornelious of Doggshire I freraking love it LOVE IT I SAY!

@corndogg42 I am very happy that you love it brother! That means so much to me and really makes writing this adventure even better! Thank you for all your support my friend!!

@dwingsworld thank you for always being a part of #PirateSunday

@stokjockey thank you for creating this wonderful pirate holiday!! #piratesunday is a blast and has allowed me to be more creative. Thank you for the support buddy!

What a nice compliment @dwingsworld actually I just wanted to keep it Alive the Community created it. As Long as just ONE Person Participates Every Sunday then Pirates can Never Go Away................Arrrrrgh !

#stokjockey I have to give you the majority of the credit because without you I don't think it would be here at all.
#piratesunday is like clapping to fairies

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Another great instalment D-wings. Enter stage left Corndogg42!!🤣👍

Thank you so much @agscotskiwi and I am happy that you enjoy @Corndogg42 introduction! Thank you for the support my friend!!

Cornelious of Doggshire and the Dragon master saving Captain K!!! this is amazing!!!! we are so loving this story!!! and and the red carpet party will be blast when it is a movie!!!

What amazing feats are in store for our amazing crew? So happy that you guys are enjoying this epic adventure. I agree it will be a blast and just think of all the shiny that will be there! Thank you guys so much for your time and support!!

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