Captain K and the Silver Skull of Destiny Part 2


Welcome back my pirate friends and now back to the amazing tale of Captain K and the Silver Skull of Destiny!! As you know we left our brave adventurers on the shore of Calypso's Island, where she just told Captain K she could not let them get to the skull.
Thinking quickly Captain K asked Calypso what better way there was to get back at Zeus for forcing her to give up her love Odysseus. Thoughts of her lost love filled Calypsos mind mixed with many thoughts of revenge. There is no stronger motivator than love whether it is for right or wrong and Calypso was now on board.

. Calypso told Captain K he would need help as the pieces were protected and needed one with speed of Hermes to get to them. Calypso chanting moved her hands in front of her making a curious figure appear in front of them; one of a rabbit standing on his hind legs with both shield and sword. The rabbit looked upon Captain K and Calypso yelling “I assume my debt to you is being paid” directing his angst at Calypso. Yes, brave warrior Bentley we shall be even said Calypso. She then said may the Gods have mercy on you good Captain and brave warrior before vanishing as quickly as she came.

Staring at the mystical rabbit in front of him Captain K informed him of the task at hand and found Sir Bentley to actually be excited by the task. Sir Bentley taking point of the group, started to let the group know about him while they walked many miles to the temple. Along the way he told of his previous adventures on the island and how he came to be on our world from his home where all animals were as him (Stay tuned for more Sir Bentley adventures in the future).
Arriving at the temple Sir Bentley asked the Captain to have his crew guard the perimeter, while they entered the maze.
ggantija temple.jpg
The first mate was asked to draw the rope through the tunnels to make sure the way out was clear. After a short period of walking the men and their furry companion arrived at the main altar, there they found the three parts of the Silver Skull each resting on its own shelf.



PHOTO OF THE SKULL OF DESTINY PIECES (From Left to Right: Baby Ripple Dragon by Backyard Bullion, Skull and Crossbones bar by Atlantis Mint, Loaf Bar by the Kernel at K4 Mint)

Sir Bentley sprinted toward the first part of the skull with all his speed. Moving like the wind, he grabbed the jaw and made it back to the doorway. At that moment lightning struck the very spot the piece was. The three heard a loud voice saying “you have succeeded at using Hermes physical speed.” Sir Bentley again ran toward the brow piece on the center altar. There he was frozen in time and the voice asked “What walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?” Quickly, Captain K yelled out a man. A man crawls on all fours when he is young then on two legs during the majority of his life. Finally, he walks with a cane as his time ends. The voice said “you have succeeded at using Hermes speed of thought.” Sir Bentley was then able to grab the brow and return to the door prior to another lightning strike. The silver piece without warning flew from Sir Bentley’s paws to Captain K’s hands. Sir Bentley quickly began to run toward the final part of the skull, but as he left the doorway arrows flew from the wall at the rabbit warrior. Without thought the first mate jumped onto their new companion allowing the arrows to pass and all to go unharmed. As Sir Bentley and the first mate stood up the voice said “you have succeeded at using Hermes speed of heart.” The tooth of the silver skull floated through the air and into the first mates’ hand. Following their guide rope the men made their way out of the temple and back to the shore where they had arrived. After introducing the crew to their new friend Sir Bentley the three men had a meeting in the Captains quarters. They all agreed that the parts of the skull were bounded with the person that had secured them from the altar. They also agreed that they could not fall into the wrong hands because of 8the power they possessed. Each person would guard their piece with their lives and whether they would secure the rest of the skull is a tale for another day.


Well my friends that is the tale of Captain K’s search for the Silver Skull of Destiny. Maybe we will discuss further adventures of the magical crew and its members in the future. Now to sleep with all you lot; we have much searching to do in the morn.

This is Captain D talking to you out there and let me tell you how I know this tale is true. You see the skulls not only have power, but they extend the life of mere mortals far beyond what any mortal should live. I was there the day we got the skulls pieces. I was there to save Sir Bentley from the arrows. I was there to guard and where the tooth of the Silver Skull of Destiny and I will continue to do it for that is what is right! Thanks for joining us on our adventure and make sure to check out Captain K’s post from @dixiesilverminer at this link:


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So are there plans for the widescreen multmillion dollar movie version? 😎

LOL I don't think it was that fleshed out yet lol. However, if you know anyone who knows anyone feel free to send them my way. LOL I would take the profits and this whole community would see a lot of precious metals coming their way!! @kerrislravenhill thank you so much for taking a look at it and I hope you enjoyed it. Sir Bentley was only a rough thought and your great fiction allowed me to build him so I must say thank you!!

You are early for the sunday!

LOL @goldrooster all depends on whos calendar you look lol. Lets face it anytime pirates are involved you really do want it anytime of the week!! Thanks for replying and your support!

WOW, you have an amazing imagination!!!! Very nice story... simple yet engaging. I like it!!! Love the silver too!

@silversaver888 Thank you very much for the high compliments and wonderful reply. On this type of platform it was hard to keep it simple so people would spend time reading it while making it interesting enough to hold the readers attention. I truly appreciate your very kind words and you investing your time in the story!! Thanks again my friend!

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