Historical Tag Analysis for SteemSilverGold : March 2019 Update

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

It’s already been 4 months since I last had a look at STEEM and #SteemSilverGold community activity. It doesn’t seem that long ago but there has been a lot going on both within the platform and with my own Australian Summer of Coddiwompling going on time has moved pretty quickly for me. Despite the fact that this Crypto Winter seems to be dragging on (and dragging us all down) there are some early indications that Crypto might be back on the up, however that’s not what this post is about. I wanted to have a look to see how one of my favourite STEEM communities has been holding up and since I got my SteemSQL access back for the day it’s a good time to dig up some of my old queries and update the old charts.


First up I like to look at the number of Posts made on the STEEM platform that are using #SteemSilverGold as the first tag. You can see this shown by the blue plot below and I’ve put it against the total number of posts on STEEM – which is shown by the green plot.


Since my last update we’ve seen activity continue to drop on STEEM late 2018 and then stabilise a bit so far in 2019 while the post count for #SteemSilverGold is still showing a healthy premium. Posts are holding up well with an average of over 20 posts on the tag every day. I personally find this pretty encouraging as it tells me the content creators in the #SteemSilverGold community are still alive and well despite the Crypto Winter. However….


The same chart for Comments on #SteemSilverGold might be a cause for concern. Our comment count is right down, with the blue even dropping below the green line in a clear downward trend in 2019. This tells me that the engagement levels for SSG are dropping off and there is less “Buzz” going on around the community and less interest/excitement about the content that is being created. This is a bit of a surprise to me considering in 2019 so far Precious Metals have been picking up in the markets. Normally this would be a good catalyst for people to start getting interested in Gold and Silver again, but it doesn’t seem to be happening.


What can we do? Well it’s quite simple really – as a stacking community we need to pick up our engagement with each other. I’m not sure if we need more contests or raffles or some other kind of community event(s) to create some buzz but I do know that there is still a very dedicated core of a great community here on STEEM and it’s one that is worth getting involved with. I know I myself have been a bit absent lately so I don’t want to be a hypocrite – I’ve been reading much more than I’ve been commenting for a while but if we all make an effort to engage a bit more maybe we can get back on the improve and be one of the communities to really lead the next Crypto bull market up.




I would give You and UP Vote if You come over and Comment on my Latest post tonight.............@buggedout

A bribe! If it's got the lady of the bunker in there then its a deal.

Hey, i wanna’ bribe you too 😜

Why does that sound like dirty talk? Is it because I know you too well? :p


No Bunker Lady this Time

It's true that general interest in Cryptos is way down - it has been a long, downward spiral for many crypto investors since the Dec. 2017 highs. I see this as the simple, repeating pattern which all asset classes go through: Boom, Bust, Consolidation, Capitulation, etc.... This has been a long decline and consolidation - for cryptos - and the lack of interest is understandable in view of how our culture is speeding up with the instant gratification of technology/communications/games/apps and all that the modern world now has to offer.

Indeed, it is a good time to be accumulating the precious metals ( I have always felt that way) and now it seems cryptos may have reached their bottom as well. However, the weariness has set in very deeply - with metals remaining price-suppressed and cryptos showing some very obvious signs of being prone to manipulation within the exchanges. Personally, I have backed WAY off of the cryptos and gone long on the physical metals. I'm still long on Lite-Coin, and I'll be posting some new coins from Silver Shield very soon.

Great time to be accumulating both Crypto and PMs in my opinion. We might be on the verge of more widespread Quantitative Easing which could be a boon to both ;)

The Fed is in between a rock and a hard place: either they keep the current course and watch interest rates continue to have to go up, or they do more QE. So, the choice seems to be CRASH, or more QE. I'm expecting more QE - leading to a slightly later crash. Either way, it's going to be ugly. Precious metals will ease the pain for those invested - and cryptos may also. We'll see if a loss of confidence in the dollar finally leads to more widespread adoption of the cryptos, or not...

"...the choice seems to be CRASH, or more QE. I'm expecting more QE - leading to a slightly later crash."

Spot on. I wasn't sure which one it would be until I saw the FED policy reversal in December. I'm not sure how much time QE will buy us but it might well look like a blow off top in the asset markets if they melt up. PMs surely do well in either case.

I saw a VERY interesting opionion on YouTube called, "The Dollar Milkshake Theory." It's a contrarian idea that the dollar will just keep on getting stronger as the rest of the world continues doing QE - and that will cause it's own brand of financial chaos, as every other country's pain becomes too much - due to a crazy strengthening dollar - that there will be no choice but to revise the World Reserve Currency.

Interesting, though I am a bit sceptical. I can't see the US dollar remaining so strong with such growing debt and deficit. But still, the market can be pretty irrational sometimes so if the US dollar is king in a flight to safety scenario it may just defy all logic :)

Good to see a post from you again my friend. No doubt on the comments, if im lucky i get 3 now. Not good

Cheers mate. I'm going to try and get a bit more active again once I've got the family resettled so will have a closer look at things soon.

The comments have dried up, can't deny that, but the discord channel is non-stop. We still interact as a community we've just migrated over there for the chit-chat. SInce HF20 and the introduction of RCs, any noobie would be sill wasting their RCs on comments on the platform.

Yes, the RC thing for newbies is a bit of a problem. It's good that discord is going strong. I hadn't considered that the primary engagement was shifting medium. I hope it's not a sign of the group becoming a bit insular though because we need engagement on here to draw in new members and encourage the content.

☺️ Lovely too see you!

SSG has been a bit like an old couple lately. Just quietly sitting on the porch together admiring the scenery.☺️

Love the analogy. Totally agree.

Hi I am the investment account of @goldrooster and giving away juicy upvotes currently. One for you for all work done. (and still doing I believe)

Thanks. Appreciate the juicy upvote! :)

Great post, we can not be far from the bottom if we have not already hit it and im just happy that Steemit is still alive cause things should only get better i hope. Thanks for dropping the post, i love stats like this

I wonna have to look into this steemSQL thing some time and learn how to use it.


Cheers mate. Getting your head around SteemSQL is probably a good next step for you now that you've got a good handle on the bots. Just hit me up on Discord if you need any pointers.

check roi and max suggested bid before adding bid in the bots.

I did. Is there a problem?

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There is a lot f truth to what you say, I suppose it's good you did that analysis, I am much more a quiet reader than a commenter and I always have been so I'm definitely guilty of this . I will work on that in the future, I like reading but I just don't always know what to say unless something is on my mind, being more the introverted type personality.

I am a bit the same. Sometimes I need to make a conscious effort to throw myself into the discussions :)

lol, I have controversial opinions in nature because of the research I do, i see things differently then many, I do my best to keep those things to myself because I don't want to be controversial but it becomes hard to carry out conversations when I know different facts than some and don't want to appear disrespectful or judging... I have been called many names for sharing truth! Even on my blog I'm afraid of posting about some of the things I post because I don't know how ppl will react to it.

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