2018 Steem Silver Rounds Have Arrived!

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago

So I have been anxiously awaiting the minting and mailing of the 2018 Steem Silver Rounds, and am happy to report that they have now arrived!




My lame attempt at making the steem symbol:


As you can see from the pictures, the coins look great. The brains and action behind this project is @sevinwilson who took design submissions before @welshstacker won the design - hats off to Sevin for making this project go so smoothly and giving the Steem community a great keepsake! After the presale, 1,500 1 ounce silver coins were then struck by the mint, and individually numbered on the side of the coins. A certificate of authenticity comes with each silver round, as well as a quality coin capsule to protect the coin and prevent tarnishing.

I purchased a couple dozen silver rounds with Steem profits. I love Steemit as a concept, as rewarding those who create content (and curate it) is a fantastic benefit for participants, as opposed to Facebook/Instagram/Snap etc who have people creating free content for them, only to monetize it for the company and shareholders. I recognize it is hard to gain traction here on Steemit, no matter how great a content creator you are. I have tried to be consistent over the last year, invested some money in SteemPower to get my account going, and have been blessed to have some great supporters along the way, all of which have allowed me to get to the point that I am able to purchase $750 worth of silver coins with a portion of my Steemit profits. With the recent drop in the Steem price, perhaps it is time for many of you reading this to dabble in a little extra SteemPower (never invest more than you can afford to lose though).

In conclusion, I am grateful to be here and appreciate everyones support. I am here to have fun and enjoy the community, and plan to give some of these coins away so stay tuned.

Take care all,

PS: As you can tell from this picture, my wife thinks I should have bought her some jewelry or something nice with the steemit profits instead...


You got me honey, isn’t that all you need?


Thank you for posting @brian.rrr.

These are lovely coins indeed.....Congratulations!

All the best to you and yours.

Thank you my friend... appreciate you stopping by and best to you and your family as well!

Hi @ brian.rrr

It's very nice to hear that you've got your 2018 Steem Silver Rounds

My wife wondered what I got in the mail when I received my 2017 Steem Silver.

Hehe, I said I was waiting for more, but that it was 2018 Steem Silver Rounds.

I'm looking forward to the coins coming and I know they're on their way.

Soon I can pick them up at the post

Hi my friend, I am very glad you got some as well and I hope they arrive soon! My wife was only joking and knows this is an “investment”, but still wanted to give me a hard time about it anyway! Sounds like your wife is supportive as well!

Hehe, yes, my wife also sees the value of investing in that coin

They are so beautiful. I am so glad that i got that i got some of the last ones left.


How is the couch? I think you're going to be spending some time there.

But the coins are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them. I didn't know about them, but will watch for them in future year's mintings. Followed you.

Oh, and you might try flowers for the wife.

Hahaha, that’s a great comment! I have been trying to encourage her to get active and make some $$ here, but she goes on and on about watching my kids, keeping us fed, blah blah 😉 so many people think it’s fake money or something... nope!! You can turn your blogging into anything, including silver coins!

I think you are right about picking up some flowers though 🤔🤔

Wow, congratulations man! I thought that I bought a lot with my measly 8 rounds lol. For the record, you did good with the steem symbol. 👍

Wow, 8 is quite a haul... nicely done!

Congrats. My 4 (yes only 4) will be sent after I come back from holiday. Great service !

4 is the perfect amount... hope you enjoy your trip!

So these are Steemit coins I think they did a great job creating each coin of these the symbol looks very good what I like a lot also is that they are silver good material

This is a nice gift to have a memory about this wonderful world that I am really happy to be here in addition to knowing a good person like you who is helping those who are progressing little by little @brian.rrr

The coins are very nice they have a nice design something I would like to have pity that I am so far away but how I would like to have one of these

I think surely your wife would have preferred the jewels haha but I'm sure the smoendas are guts are silver so they are very nice

The truth STEEMIT is a great help in my case it helps me to change it for a little money in my country and to be able to cover a little things here are very bad with inflation

Hello how are you? jajajajaj your wife deserves a gift but also you deserve those excellent coins are very beautiful you work a lot and you support many people in steemit so that one of your rewards
I love the design of the coins I am very grateful for your support

Nice! Are there any still available for purchase, or pre-order only?

They sold them all during presale but I would check with Sevin Wilson on the Discord app to see if he has any left. If not, I can spare some so you can find me on Discord as well. Good luck!

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