Coinstar Silver!!! Cannot beat absolutely FREE silver
Let’s start off with telling what a Coinstar machine is. Around here in Kentucky just about every Kroger or Walmart has a Coinstar machine out front. These are the machines that you can dump all your loose change into and pay a fee and it will give you back cash. I have always heard that the Coinstar machines will spit out any silver coins that are put in them in their return slot. I have never had any luck finding silver though. I have found a lot of Canadian coins and damaged pennies or dimes but never any silver.
My three kids know now to look in the Coinstar every time they see one. And wouldn’t you know it my oldest son struck silver. He found a beautiful 90% silver Mercury Dime just sitting in the return try of the Coinstar at Kroger grocery store. He thought he won the lottery. When he got home he was so excited to show me his new silver coin.
Now he is officially hooked. Let this be a reminder to you whenever you see one of those coin machines whether it be at Walmart or the grocery store take a look in the return slot. You might just strike silver. You cannot beat free silver!
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Nice! I love coinstars machines! I often pick up someone else's change! Never found silver though!
It was a first for us.
No silver in Europe I'm afraid. You can buy them crazy expensive on flea markets but that's about it. Easier to buy silver spoons etc
That is too bad. I am still looking for a bargain on silver spoons and forks. I have not had any luck finding some here in Kentucky.
true but there are better stores of value than silver.
alcohol, lighters, sigarets, antibiotics, first aid kits etc :)
Very true
Reminds me of when I was little, we would clean out under the vending machines with a stick and rake in all kinds of change that had rolled under there. Great story.
That's a good idea. The kids love it they think it is like a treasurehunt
So awesome, I actually wrote a blog on this myself. I found a Rosevelt silver dime myself. Really cool the kid got a merc. I still have a Mercury dime in my collection I found in circulation when I was a kid. He will be hooked for life now. Lol you'll have to get him a metal detector so he can find even more.
He has already asked for one;) thanks for commenting and stopping by
I'm a pretty avid metal detecting fan. If you need any advise don't hesitate to ask. is a good forum with lots of pros on thr site...
Thank you will have to check it out
I Love it Mining Silver without all the added mining equipment.........................
Why do they not take silver coins??
I am not 100 percent sure. I think it has to do with the weight differences.
Thanks for the tip! I did not know that...might have to take a look next time I see one!
this info is awesome ... I never knew ... now I will never walk past another one without checking ... thanks bud :):):)
You are more than welcome. Once you start you won't be able to stop. Got 3 Canadian quarters today
My son always used to check coin returns on anything he passed, from vending machines to telephone booths, when he was younger. I don't he does it as much now, if at all, I'll have to ask him. :D
Your daughter looks a bit shy/nervous, but happy to be with her big brother, in the first picture. :D They are adorable kids. :D
Your son does look pretty happy with his find, as he should be, you can't complain about free silver. :D Just out of curiosity, is that a turtle, a spider, or something else entirely, on his shirt in the last picture? :D
God bless you all. :D Have an awesome day my friend!
Thank you. Our youngest is alittle shy. My sons shirt was a lion. Thank you for stopping by. Have a blessed evening
You're welcome. :D She's a cutie. :D Neat, I thought it was an animal but I couldn't tell what kind. :D Thanks for taking the time to answer. :D
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day! :D
Hey that's awesome! I had no idea!