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RE: Finding a Massive Transformative Purpose

in #steemromania6 years ago

As a "glass half empty" observer of life, I have to tell you that the positivity of the article brightened my day a little :) Unfortunatelly day to day work kills a lot of the creativity that we should be able to express in these times that, as you well say, really give abundance, luxury and peace (in most of the planet).
I will skip the part where I may or may not agree on some of the utopical machinations you think blockchain will bring (on some I totally agree, on some, I am a little more skeptical, hope I'm wrong and on some I really had no idea about). What I will tell you is that also the idealists that fought for "people's power" during the Bolșevic Revolution, were also well intended people that really thought technology and equality are the way the society will progress. Unfortunatelly it was only ideal. Let's hope that this digital revolution will be able to impose a different kind of vision. I personally am a little afraid that utopic descentralisation will mean anarchy. It is not applicable on all segments and aspects of life.
Coming back to the mission and vision of steemromania... I like the idea of activism and reward through blockchain. I really think that people still present here have a certain degree of quality so we can gather and really think of actions that our community needs and start doing something REAL. In this sense I think that we can form groups, help real people with real needs, clean places that need cleaning, plant trees that really need planting now, not later, even go on and do journalism, descentralised way. The applications are infinite. I only hope that steemit will hold and will be able to offer to some of us the financial liberty to go on and make a change, show it to other people and determine them to do the same.
You can always count on me for real actions. Let's just plan them.


To be honest, my ideas regarding blockhain usability are either from others or I pulled them out of my ass, because I don't understand half of the things I'm talking about. But I have faith in creativity and solution driven thinking, I hop we will have a good journey together :)

Well said! What I can say is that we need a little hope. Even if the Italians say "Chi di speranza vive disperato muore." And yes. It is absolutely necessary to have real actions as well. We only need to increase the community enough so that funding for such actions it will never be a problem.

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