Romanian Young generation Exodus - How the Romanian population continues to age while Young People leave

Romania is the second country in the world in terms of people who emigrate annually, the second after Siria


Between 2007 and 2017, so within a time frame of just 10 years, 17% of the population left Romania, almost exclusively young people with great productive potential. Trying to make a comparison with other countries, only Syria has more emigrants than Romania and in Syria the people are facing a generalized humanitarian disaster due to the war that is devastating the country.


The young people emigrate abroad or, at best, they leave for a larger city, study or work and consequently the areas of origin and birth remain with the seniors, which ages most of the Romanian landscape which was enough aged by the departure of so many people in the recent years.

When we take a look at the last 28 years policies of the Romanian Government, mayors, county council heads, party chiefs, they have more policies for those over 60 for retirees. They all seem to give privileges to the old people and encourage young people to leave, as if it would be better to have a future in the UK, Spain, Germania, Bucharest or in the bast case in Cluj.

We remain with a question to the Romanian Authorities. Have you ever wondered: Why Do They Leave?


There should be no higher priority for Romania, than to preserve and even recover the productive young people and use them within the country to develop and have a healthy progress of our beautiful community. There should be a focus on creating reasons for the young Romanians to come home and a good reason could be a political and economic stability. A strong justice that can ensure that their rights are not violated.

There should be a focus on creating reasons for those young fellows who are still in Romania, to remain here and put their shoulder to the development of this country. Those young people who studied here in Romania on a government scholarship

In an different order of ideas, I am one of the young fellows who still has the patience to hold tight and hope for a better future here in Bistrita, Romania, close to my family and close to my birth place.

How long am I going to resist here before I lose my patience, I don't really know at the moment. How long until a change will take place in the mindset of Romanian leaders and the whole population, as well, I don't know. Those will remain questions of which answers only time can give.

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Pentru o țară condusă de al doilea eșalon de trădători era normal ca distrugerile să vină comasate:

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  2. din exterior din Vest, pentru că să nu credem că Vestul nu vrea să ne ia resursa umană, calificată
  3. tot din exterior, dar din Est, pentru că o țară îmbătrânită este ieftin de cumpărat

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