Gabi, the Blockchain buddy

Many of you know that I met my wife thanks to the blockchain technology. Some of you know that in 2014 I bought a ticket for a Formula 1 race with Bitcoin.
Oh, yeah, I have also lost ~5000 STEEM as well:)) ( full story here:

But now I realize that this sad/stupid/unfortunate experience on Steemit actually helped me.
So for another 1,000 reasons, why not making a business out of it?

Scroll down for Romanian version:

Personal Branding?

Training, Development, Community, Trading, Arbitrage, Use Case Discovery, Consultancy, I have been tasting all the flavors. But besides financial gain, it's the technology behind the coin.

So far I had 4 projects created on the blockchain. And it was hard to explain (in our country at least), because many did not understand the basic principles.
So I decided that apart from consulting, development, etc. to take care of education in this area, at least for my hometown (Iasi,Romania).

I think that technology can only be successful if it is fully understood. This translates into constant, up-to-date education about the blockchain world/niche.

I have been working for a while on a semi-technical course, intended for those who want to know how blockchain technology works. I felt it was good to focus on simple terms, with examples from the real world, for a better understanding.

That's a short summary:

But if you want more or you are in the business area, no worries, I can adapt everything in customized training sessions (1 to 1) when we will dissect everything together and help you understand everything in detail.

Short teaser:

Oh, one more thing, though I think obvious by now: I'm offering my services and I'm just waiting to talk to you.
Yes, a share, re-steem, Facebook page like helps as well:)

Multi stiu ca eu am mi-am cunoscut sotia datorita tehnologiei blockchain. Unii mai stiti ca prin 2014 mi-am cumparat un bilet pentru o cursa de Formula 1 cu bani din Bitcoin.
Si cum sotia mi-am gasit-o datorita lui(I mean Bitcoin), la Formula 1 am fost tot datorita lui( acelasi Bitcoin), plus alte 1000 de motive, why not making a business out of it?

Personal Branding?

Training, Development, Community, Trading, Arbitrage,Use Case Discovery, Consultancy, I have been tasting all the flavors. Insa pe langa castigul financiar, e tehnologia din spatele monezii.

Pana in prezent am avut 4 proiecte create pe blockchain. Si a fost greu sa le explic( la noi in tara cel putin), pentru ca multi nu intelegeau principiile de baza.
Asa ca am decis ca pe langa partea de consultanta, development, etc. sa ma ocup si de partea de educatie pe zona asta, cel putin pentru Iasi.

Am plecat de la premisa ca o tehnologie poate avea succes, doar daca este inteleasa pe deplin. Asta se traduce printr-o educatie constanta, continua si up-to-date cu privire la lumea blockchain.

Lucrez de ceva vreme la un curs semi-tehnic, destinat celor de doresc sa afle cum functioneaza tehnologia blockchain. Am considerat ca e bine ca focusul sa fie pe termeni simpli, cu exemple din lumea reala, pentru o mai buna intelegere.

Cam asta contine in mare:

Daca insa vrei mai mult sau esti pe zona de business, no worries, pot adapta totul in sesiuni de training personalizat( 1 to 1 ) perioada in care vom diseca totul impreuna si te voi ajuta sa intelegi totul in detaliu.
Short teaser:

Oh, one more thing, desi cred ca te-ai prins pana acum: imi ofer serviciile si abia astept sa ne vedem.
Da, un like paginii, ma ajuta, in egala masura cum si un share simpatic imi coloreaza aura:)


Hi and welcome here! When I started on steemit, my biggest problem was to find interesting people to interact with. So, to help newcomers getting started I created a directory with other interesting and or talented steemians to follow or interact with. Feel free to check it out at I am sure it will help you find like-minded people. Enjoy your stay here and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

Thank you @anonyvoter, will surely join:)

Oh! You got such a high level of good and bad experiences, perfect for coaching. Good luck buddy!

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Welcome to Steem gabi-dumitriu! Partiko is officially the fastest and most popular mobile app for Steem. Unlike other Steem apps, we take 0% cut of your earnings! You can also be rewarded with Partiko Points while using Partiko and exchange Partiko Points for upvotes!

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Thank you so much for your interest!

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Heya and welcome to the STEEM blockchain with everything it has to offer. It can take time to find your way around the place and see what is on offer so I built a handy website to put all of the people, games and applications in the one place. I would recommend going to steem-transfer for a look and you will get a great head start as you join our great community.

If you have any questions about what to do or where to go feel free to send me a message on my steem profile @niallon11 or find me on discord at in the Steemexplorers discord. Other than that just have fun and engage with the other users. That's the no1 tip for growing your account and your enjoyment.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 58051.31
ETH 3136.86
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44