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RE: Na, dann will ich doch mal den "Steem" repräsentieren... (Bewerbung)

in #steemreps2023last year

I couldn't believe my eyes. Then I looked again and again I couldn't believe it. Application from @chriddi! Ah, no, just sarcasm. No, it's still an application!

I offered to many people to become a Representative, but I bypassed you deliberately, because I was convinced that you would refuse. But luckily I was wrong. Without a doubt, I wholeheartedly support your candidacy and have no doubt that you will be chosen.

I won't even write here why you deserve to be a Representative. Everything is self-explanatory. The question is whether we deserve to be your colleagues :)


Oh, Oleh, you know me... ;-) Or not. Sometimes, of course, I wonder about myself... ;-)
Fact is: If you want to move something, you have to become active yourself. And still is perhaps a little chance to pilot the steamer in a direction that I like a little better again, on which I like to hang around.

Your last sentence drives the blush in my face. What an honor!
But, stop, you got it, right?! We can only manage such a project together. A community must act together - and first and foremost see itself as a community.

How wonderful to communicate with a person who also understands that we are a community. Yes, I am convinced that we can make a lot more together. But at the same time I have a touch of disappointment. I was a representative for six months, I didn't feel that we were a team or jointly resolved any issues. Each representative did a lot, but individually. And I do not blame anyone, I also did nothing to attract other representatives to work together. My project to create a marketing team to promote Steem in social media has failed. Yes, I have two accounts - on Instagram and Twitter, but there are no teams as such. I have no leadership qualities and I am comfortable to help, not to lead the project. In addition, now I cannot be steadily to be online, it takes a lot of time to work offline, circumstances are known.

However, I still applied to become a representative because this status is motivated for useful activity.

The understanding of "we are a community" should be a prerequisite for acting in a community at all! sigh

I didn't feel that we were a team or jointly resolved any issues

However, that should change pretty quickly. In a community, no one can achieve anything alone. Not even the Steemit team... ;-)

it takes a lot of time to work offline, circumstances are known

Of course. And everyone has to respect that. As well as everyone else's circumstances.
I'm not a full-time Steemian either. I have a job, a (animal) family, friends and definitely other hobbies than the Steem. One to two hours a day is the limit (longer when I write myself, proper posts just take some time). That has to be enough, and has always been enough (except when I was working in the cr team (which seems to have changed a lot in the meantime).

I still applied to become a representative

And then we rock the thing - it was always a funny pleasure with us... 😎

The question is whether we deserve to be your colleagues :)

Really? Too much slime!

I'll tell you something, the aunt doesn't like it. Not at all !!! Believe me.


Adulation was not my intention :-) For what? It's just that I respect the views @chriddi. Steemit without bots where higher rewards go to those who wrote the best post - is that bad? A wonderful, albeit impossible, dream.

Steemit without bots where higher rewards go to those who wrote the best post - is that bad? A wonderful, albeit impossible, dream.

Wonderfully !

The question is whether we deserve to be your colleagues :)

It was just the sentence that was too exaggerated for me!

But chriddi enlightened me. Everything OK!

Hihi, in der Regel ist das natürlich korrekt. Aber Oleh und ich wissen, wie wir einander zu nehmen haben. Stell dir dabei einfach zwei lebendige Zwinkersmileys vor dem Bildschirm vor... ;-)
Wir kennen uns übrigens aus dem cr-Team (Remember vor etwa einem Jahr? Mein erster "Versuch", auf anderer Ebene ein wenig "alten Wind" einzugeben...). Dabei haben wir einen sehr ähnlichen Humor festgestellt, sind stets an denselben Stellen "verzweifelt". Alles gut... :-))

At the first moment I really thought that you also wrote to chriddi. But I did not feel like looking. :-)
Now I know that your were not responsible for that :-))


Yes it's not my fault :)

"In for a penny, in for a pound"... ;-D
At least now I know who I can blame in case of doubt. Someone has to take the fault - and that is usually ALWAYS the others... ;-)

Hiermit gestehe ich, dass ich Verantwortung für mich allein übernehmen kann - wie auch immer das ausgehen mag... 😱... 😉

Jetzt kommst du aus der Nummer auch nicht mehr raus ... äh, Moment mal, du musst den "Job" ja erstmal bekommen ;-))

I offered to many people to become a Representative

I thought I was special


I know you are too busy :)

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