Calming Music for You Anton Dvorak Goin' Home


The song "Goin' Home", It is often though of as a folk song or traditional spiritual of Anton Dvorak (1841 - 1904). It originally was the Largo movement of his New World Symphony written in 1893. The full symphony was commissioned by the New York Philharmonic and debut December 16, 1893. Dvorak has said that he discovered the music of the Indian and the Negro to be almost the same and quite similar to the music of Scotland.

The New World Symphony was considered his most famous musical work.


It is believe that his music may have been influenced by the open prairies he saw on a Summer trip to Iowa, USA in 1893. Dvorak spent that summer in Spillville, Iowa. The small town of Spillville is also known for their many historical clocks which are a signature trademark of the community and a delight of tourists.


Williams Arms Fisher, a pupil of Dvorak wrote the lyrics in 1922 which established the well known song. Today it is used in the classical word and as an established standard for funerals and memorial services.

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This is beautiful, I am resteeming it!

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